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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 23

 Chapter 23: Return a Favor

Luo Sheng returned to the room as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, Sheng Jiayu knelt in front of Sheng Dataitai and wept bitterly.

"Mother, it's my fault for not stopping Biaojie...—" As she looked at her daughter, whose eyes were red from crying, Sheng Dataitai felt a mix of distress and frustration. She thought Sheng Jialan's scandal had been suppressed, but now everyone knew about it. Why were these girls so difficult to handle?

Feeling a heavy weight in her chest, Sheng Dataitai rose from her seat. "This matter concerns the reputation of the Sheng family. Come with me to your Zumu's place." Sheng Jiayu followed Sheng Dataitai to Funing Hall mindlessly.

Sheng Laotaitai, who had grown accustomed to the meals delivered by Luo Sheng over the past two days, was dissatisfied as today's meal had not arrived. Just then, she heard her maid, Caixia, announce the arrival of Sheng Dataitai. Sheng Laotaitai raised her eyelids and responded, "Let them in."

The bead curtain gently swayed a moment later, and Sheng Dataitai entered with Sheng Jiayu. Sheng Laotaitai glanced at Sheng Jiayu's red eyes and couldn't help but furrow her brow. "What's the matter?" she asked. "Apologize to your grandmother immediately," Sheng Dataitai reprimanded Sheng Jiayu before recounting the incident to Sheng Laotaitai.

As she listened, Sheng Laotaitai's face grew increasingly somber. It had only been a few days since the last incident, and now there was another trouble!

Since Luo Sheng's arrival, the Sheng family had become the subject of ridicule among outsiders. Most of the time, they laughed at the misfortune of having ignorant Miss Luo as their relative. But this time, the joke was of their own making.

Sheng Laotaitai was frustrated and cast a reproachful look at Sheng Dataitai. "You bear most of the responsibility for this matter," she stated. Sheng Dataitai nodded, feeling ashamed. "It is indeed my fault for being lax in managing the household and allowing the servants to spread rumors, which ultimately led to today's events."

If it weren't for those servants spreading the rumor that Luo Sheng had pushed Sheng Jialan into the lake and couldn't tolerate her, today's incident, where Su Erguniang defended Sheng Jialan, would never have occurred.

After that day, the servants who knew the true events were sternly warned to keep silent. Still, those who had witnessed Luo Sheng and Sheng Jialan falling into the lake together without knowing the whole story began gossiping among themselves, unaware that their words would eventually reach the ears of outsiders.

Inevitably, rumors spread beyond the mansion's walls, and by the time Sheng Dataitai became aware of it, it was already too late to stop the growing speculation. Faced with the preservation of the Sheng family's reputation, she couldn't step forward and reveal the truth. After disciplining a few gossiping servants, Sheng Dataitai could only hope the storm would pass quickly.

Little did she know that Luo Sheng was not one to bear any injustice quietly. Instead, she stood in the public and brought the truth to light.

Sheng Laotaitai Sheng seemed to guess what Sheng Dataitai was thinking. She glanced at her and said: "You brought this upon yourselves. Sheng'er cannot be blamed for what transpired today." "This daughter-in-law understood." Sheng Dataitai nodded in acknowledgment, understanding the weight of her responsibility.

Sheng Jiayu, however, couldn't help but feel unconvinced. "Zumu, Biaojie never considers our family's reputation—" Sheng Laotaitai's face darkened: "Jiayu, are you thinking that because your Biaojie has a bad reputation, it doesn't matter if there is another scandal?"

Sheng Jiayu froze, her gaze falling to the ground. She had to admit that such thoughts had crossed her mind. After all, Luo Sheng's reputation is already bad, so bearing another notoriety wouldn't make much difference to her. It's better than getting the Sheng family involved.

Sheng Laotaitai shook her head: "It's our fault that you've become this spoiled." "Zumu?" Sheng Jiayu looked up in astonishment. Sheng Laotaitai's expression became more serious, and she could not hide her disappointment when she looked at her granddaughter: "Zumu thought that telling right from wrong is a principle you should have learned since childhood. Your Biaojie's poor reputation in Jinsha County results from her inappropriate words and actions, and she must bear the consequences. But what happened with Jialan's case is like pouring dirty water on her. How can you hold a washbasin and pour even more dirty water on her without allowing her a chance to defend herself?"

"I—" Sheng Jiayu tried to speak, but her words caught in her throat. Sheng Laotaitai's tone remained stern as she continued, "Jiayu, remember this: it's not the end of the world to have a bad reputation in the eyes of outsiders. What's more terrible is to bend your own principles!"

Sheng Jiayu felt overwhelming shame as her grandmother scolded her. She couldn't bear to meet her gaze and stared at the ground, desperately wanting to find a way to hide. Was she really as awful as her Zumu had described? Tears of grievance rolled down from the corners of Sheng Jiayu's eyes.

Sheng Dataitai sighed and said, "Don't worry, Laotaitai, I will certainly discipline this girl properly in the future." Sheng Laotaitai nodded slightly in agreement and replied, "Sell and punish those responsible servants. I don't want to see such things happen again in the future. I entrusted this household to you to eat two more bowls of rice, not to bring myself more problems."

After dismissing Sheng Dataitai and Sheng Jiayu, Sheng Laotaitai instructed Caixia to invite Luo Sheng over. "Sheng'er, do you know why I called you here?" Luo Sheng replied without hesitation, "Is it because of my dispute with the two Misses from the Su family?"

Sheng Laotaitai shook her head and said, "No." Luo Sheng was taken aback. What else could it be? Sheng Laotaitai cleared her throat and asked casually, "I just wanted to ask, will you deliver lunch for me?"

Luo Sheng was dumbfounded. Sheng Laotaitai explained seriously: "Diligent and thrifty housekeeping has always been the family tradition of the Sheng family. It will be a waste if the main kitchen and you both prepare my lunch."

Luo Sheng's lips twitched slightly, almost giving in to Sheng Laotaitai's serious expression. "I'm sorry, but I won't be able to deliver lunch. Sheng'er has other tasks to attend to." Sheng Laotaitai placed a hand over her chest upon hearing this.

"Is Waizumu feeling unwell?" Luo Sheng asked. Sheng Laotaitai let out a sigh and replied, "The incident involving Jialan has become widely known, bringing shame upon the Sheng family. When I think about it, I lose my appetite and feel ashamed to face our ancestors in the future..."

Seeing that Sheng Laotaitai showed no signs of stopping, Luo Sheng conceded defeat and said, "I will deliver the lunch." Sheng Laotaitai ceased sighing, coughed lightly, and said, "Braised pork is suitable for elderly people with weak teeth." Luo Sheng lowered her gaze and responded, "Then I will prepare braised pork for your lunch."

Only then did Sheng Laotaitai feel satisfied and allow her granddaughter to leave. After all, life would be too difficult if something bad happened and there wasn't something delicious to eat.

Returning to her room, Luo Sheng sat in a daze for a while. She had expected Sheng Laotaitai to blame her, but the outcome turned out differently. Since Sheng Laotaitai treated her kindly, she decided to prepare a delicious pot of braised pork for her.

Luo Sheng entered the small kitchen and began making the braised pork. While it wasn't a complicated dish to make, there were several tricks to ensure it turned out well. The first step was to select the proper cut of meat. Only pork belly with seven layers of fat and thin skin would do, as any less would compromise the taste.

Luo Sheng cut the pork belly into uniform cubes and soaked them in cold water to remove blood. She then placed the cubes in a hot pan and began stir-frying them. Hongdou, observing curiously, couldn't help but ask, "Miss, why aren't you using oil to stir-fry the meat?"

Luo Sheng replied casually, "No need for oil or water. That's how the braised meat will taste delicious." As the meat's skin turned brown, she poured in hot water and seasonings such as green onion, ginger, and vinegar. Once the water boiled, she instructed Qinghong to skim off any froth using a ladle.

This process continued for about half an hour until no more froth floated on the surface. Luo Sheng then added bamboo shoots and covered the pot with a lid, allowing it to simmer on low heat. She checked for tenderness by poking the meat with chopsticks, and once the skin could easily be pierced, she added rock sugar. After the juice thickened, a pot of braised pork with a crystal-clear, amber-like appearance was ready.

Luo Sheng placed the cooked braised pork into a shallow black clay pot and sprinkled finely chopped green onions. With a smile, she said, "Take it to Funing Hall."


TN: The title of this chapter is an idiom

投桃報李 (tóutáo-bàolǐ)

1. Lit. toss a peach, get back a plum

2. Fig. to return a favor


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