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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 27-2

Chapter 27-2: Gathering

Upon hearing Luo Chen's request, Luo Sheng didn't hesitate to agree. She would leave Jinsha the next day, so fulfilling her brother's small request seemed fitting. After pondering for a while, Luo Sheng decided on the dishes she would prepare and instructed Hongdou to gather the necessary ingredients.

As the sun set, the Sheng brothers received Luo Chen's invitation to join him for a meal and drinks. The four brothers arrived together at Luo Chen's residence, where Luo Chen himself greeted them.

Sheng Erlang smiled and asked, "Why such hospitality, Biaodi? What made you think of treating us to dinner?"

Luo Chen gestured for them to enter and replied with a faint smile, "Tomorrow, my sister will be embarking on a long journey, and I will rely on San Biaoge to take care of her along the way. Today, I invited Biaoge here to share a drink and chat as a token of my gratitude."

Sheng Erlang subtly suppressed his smile and exchanged knowing glances with Sheng Dalang. When did Biaodi become so concerned about Luo Biaomei?

On the other hand, Sheng Sanlang didn't overthink it. He simply wrapped his arm around Luo Chen's shoulder and spoke with a smile, "Then I shall indulge in the food and drink today. Tomorrow, I will embark on the journey and won't have such comforts for a long time."

Inside the dining room, the table had been set, and the aroma of the dishes filled the air as soon as they entered.

"What kind of dish smells so divine?" Sheng Sanlang sniffed

"Please take a seat," Luo Chen said.

Sheng Dalang and the others settled themselves, accepting towels from the servants to clean their hands. However, their eyes couldn't help but sneak glances at the dining table. It wasn't their fault for being unable to resist—they simply couldn't wait, enticed by the alluring aroma of the food.

The tantalizing aroma of fried chili and Sichuan pepper filled the air, stimulating their senses and causing their mouths to water involuntarily.

Luo Chen smiled and personally lifted the lid of one of the shallow porcelain pots. Inside, a whole fish soaked in vibrant red oil was adorned with bright red chili and emerald green scallions.

After seeing the dish, Sheng Dalang and the others couldn't help but feel a slight disappointment. Jinsha is located in the south, and fish dishes were common. Making a fish dish stand out was no easy task, especially when using a whole fish, which could be challenging to cook to perfection.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Luo Chen's mouth as he said, "Biaoge, let's try the fish." Upon hearing his words, they all took a piece of fish. They ate it, only to be momentarily frozen in astonishment.

The fish was incredibly tender, its freshness causing their taste buds to quiver. Yet, every fiber of the fish seemed to have absorbed the essence of the chili and pepper-infused oil. The dish flawlessly balanced the contrasting qualities of freshness and flavor, showcasing a harmonious fusion.

Sheng Erlang couldn't help muttering: "This braised fish dish is perfect..."

Luo Chen glanced at him with a smile and corrected: "This is not braised fish, but fried fish cooked in sauce." However, Luo Chen corrected his statement, "This is not braised fish, but fried fish cooked in sauce." Sheng Erlang intended to discuss the dish with Luo Chen further, but his expression suddenly changed.

Looking down, he couldn't help but feel furious. "Sanlang, you don't spit bone when eating fish?" In just a few words, Sanlang had already devoured half of the fish!

After they had devoured all the dishes, the table was left in a state of disarray with scattered bowls and plates. However, the pot of wine remained untouched. Sheng Sanlang rubbed his unsatisfied stomach and asked: " Biaodi, where did you order this meal from? Was it Wuxianzhai or Yipinju[1]? No, it can't be. They couldn't recreate this taste unless they've recently changed their chef."

The young boy glanced at his cousins and smiled, saying, "My sister prepared them."

Hmph, he is the only one who can dislike Luo Sheng, and no one else has the right to do so.

[1] Restaurants

TN: Extra chapter coming tomorrow!


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