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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 29-1

 Chapter 29-1: Returned Home

How could she possibly be in a good mood? As she drew closer to home, a mix of fear, restlessness, anxiety, and a glimmer of hope overwhelmed her, leaving no room for any semblance of happiness.

Sheng Sanlang was taken aback, his smile turning dry as he said, "Biaomei, you certainly have a way with jokes." However, his smile faded when he saw the depth of sadness in her eyes. Luo Biaomei looked... as if she was really unhappy. But why? Shouldn't she be delighted to be returning to the Capital?

"Then... why are you in a bad mood?"

Luo Sheng couldn't find an answer, so she evaded his question by glancing into the distance ahead. "I want to spend a few days in Nanyang City," she finally spoke.

Nanyang City? Sheng Sanlang furrowed his brow. Although Nanyang City was their next planned stop for rest, it didn't seem necessary to stay there for several days.

"Aren't you in a hurry to get back to the Capital? Why do you want to spend more time in Nanyang City?" Sheng Sanlang asked, voicing his doubts directly.

"I'm a little tired of constant traveling," Luo Sheng replied.

Sheng Sanlang blinked: "If you rest in Nanyang City for a few days, will it improve your mood?" Suppose it weren't for the lingering memories of that mouthwatering stir-fried fish. Would a man like him care about Biaomei's mood? Certainly not! Sheng Sanlang felt distressed for himself.

Luo Sheng noticed Sheng Sanlang's obsession with her emotions and understood his thoughts after a moment of consideration. She then spoke, "I'll spend a few days in Nanyang City to relax. Whether it improves my mood or not, I'll cook a dish for you, Biaoge."

Unable to contain his joy, Sheng Sanlang eagerly extended his hand. "Then it's a deal. You can't go back on your words—"

Luo Sheng, seeing his enthusiasm, couldn't help but smile. She reached out and shook his hand. "I won't break my promise, don't worry." As her soft fingertips touched his hand, which felt slightly cool yet fiery to Sheng Sanlang, he quickly withdrew his hand. Blushing, he looked up at the sky, trying to conceal his embarrassment.

For a brief moment, he forgot that Biaomei was a girl. Would Biaomei think he was trying to take advantage of her? Seeing Luo Sheng calmly sipping the coarse tea and appearing indifferent, Sheng Sanlang had another strange thought: Ahem, maybe he was the one who had been taken advantage of...

However, he didn't mind. The more he thought about it, the redder his ears became.

Hongdou rolled her eyes at him. This silly blushing guy, did he think Miss would be charmed by his looks?

"Let's go," Luo Sheng said, rising from her seat and making her way toward the carriage. Hongdou followed suit, sitting beside Luo Sheng and noticing her growing silence.

"What's troubling you, Miss?" Hongdou asked with concern. "I'm feeling homesick," Luo Sheng replied, closing her eyes. "Wake me up when we reach Nanyang City." Rather than staying awake, wrapped in her thoughts to the point of suffocation, she would undoubtedly have an answer for all her anxieties after a good sleep.

Once again, silence enveloped the carriage, accompanied by the monotonous creaking of the wheels and the faint scent of incense, lulling one into drowsiness. After an unknown amount of time, the carriage finally began to slow down. Hongdou peered outside and exclaimed happily, "Miss, we have arrived in Nanyang City!"

Luo Sheng abruptly opened her eyes and looked out. Before she stood a majestic yet simple city with weathered walls, and the city gate loomed high and wide. The three big characters, "Nanyang City," broke into her sight. At that moment, Luo Sheng burst into tears. Nanyang City, Zhennan Wang Palace—she had finally returned home.

Seeing Luo Sheng crying, Hongdou panicked: "Miss, why are you crying?" Luo Sheng forced back her tears and replied lightly: "I'm fine. The breeze is stinging my eyes. Biaoge, let's enter the city."

The entourage entered Nanyang City without any difficulties. Luo Sheng stepped out of the carriage and began to walk silently along the streets. Sheng Sanlang walked alongside her, his gaze darting curiously around the surroundings. "The city is not small, but it lacks liveliness," he commented, a tinge of disappointment in his voice. For a young man who had never traveled far, this somewhat desolate city undoubtedly disappointed him.


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