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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 36-2

 Chapter 36-2: Cross Paths

"Puh——" Sheng Sanlang spurted a mouthful of cold tea all over the table.

Even Xiuyue, who had been quietly sipping her tea, nearly dropped her cup in astonishment. She looked deeply at Luo Sheng, her eyes filled with hesitation. Had she made a hasty decision in choosing to follow this girl?

"Biaomei, you, you really took off Kaiyang Wang's belt in public?" Sheng Sanlang asked, his face filled with shock, disregarding the tea stains on his lapel.

Luo Sheng remained silent. She was too careless.

She didn't have Miss Luo's memory at all, and she needed to gather a lot of information. After hearing Hongdou's mention of how she had coveted Kaiyang Wang's beauty and was sent to the Sheng Mansion by Commander Luo to avoid trouble, she didn't inquire further about the specifics of her interactions with him. In her view, there was no need to delve into how Miss Luo flirted with a man.

Luo Sheng stood up and said, "Biaoge, please sit for a moment. I need to have a word with Hongdou."

"Uh." Sheng Sanlang, still dazed, took a sip of cold tea.

Luo Sheng stood beneath a tree by the roadside, lowering her voice: "I used taking off men's belts?" She had assumed that even if Miss Luo teased men, she would have some basic moral standards as a girl from a noble family.

"That's not the case. You have only taken off Kaiyang Wang's belt." Hongdou clarified.

Luo Sheng furrowed her brow as she thought about Kaiyang Wang's appearance. "Was it because he was the most handsome?" However, Hongdou continued to shake her head. "No, that wasn't the reason. Actually, your hand slipped accidentally during that incident..."

Luo Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the mess left by Miss Luo was not as terrible as she had imagined. But soon, her relaxed heart tensed again. This situation was bad!

Since Miss Luo didn't have a habit of taking off other men's belts and considering Kaiyang Wang was the only man whose belt she had taken off, she had no reason to forget him. Moreover, being banished from the Capital was a punishment that would leave a lasting impression on any young girl.

In other words, it was highly likely that Kaiyang Wang would become suspicious of her.

Luo Sheng couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as she thought about the pair of black eyes that had suddenly opened that night. Why did Kaiyang Wang appear in Zhennang Wang Palace?

As she returned to the tea stall, Sheng Sanlang immediately said, "What's the matter, Biaomei?"

Luo Sheng raised her eyebrows: "Biaoge seems a little nervous."

"No, I'm not nervous at all! Why would I be nervous? Not nervous at all..."

As if oblivious to Sheng Sanlang's trembling calves, Luo Sheng calmly turned around and approached the green-curtained carriage parked by the roadside. "If Biaoge has finished his tea, let us continue our journey," she stated.

As the entourage continued on the road, the number of passers-by gradually diminished, leaving behind the serene beauty of rolling green hills and lush trees. Sitting inside the carriage, Luo Sheng raised the curtains and silently observed the changing scenery outside.

"Biaomei, why don't we stop here and have some rations before we continue," Sheng Sanlang suggested. Long-distance travel can be demanding, and regardless of one's status and financial means, it is not uncommon to miss a post or town and be forced to spend the night in the wilderness.

Luo Sheng nodded in agreement and was about to step out of the carriage when suddenly, a dark figure darted toward them.

With his sword drawn from his waist, Sheng Sanlang swiftly rushed forward, calling out, "Robber!" Seven or eight guards quickly joined him, brandishing their swords. After a flurry of slashes, the guards scattered, revealing a pitiful sight—a wild boar lying on the ground, its body pierced by dozens of wounds.

Feeling a sense of embarrassment upon meeting Luo Sheng's composed gaze, Sheng Sanlang spoke sheepishly, "I thought it was a robber, but I didn't expect it to be a wild boar."

Speaking of this, the young man felt embarrassed by his earlier exclamation. He quickly added, "A rampaging wild boar is actually more harmful than a few bad guys."

Luo Sheng nodded understandingly. "You're right, Biaoge. In that case... let's prepare beggar pork knuckle from it."

Sheng Sanlang: ??


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