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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 38-1

Chapter 38-1: Robbery

Luo Sheng estimated that the timing was just right and began using a small shovel to carefully unearth the pork knuckles buried in the fire, one after another.

As Sheng Sanlang gazed at the four black, unattractive knuckles, he leaned in and asked, "Biaomei, are they ready?"

"They're ready," replied Luo Sheng nonchalantly. She casually picked up a stone and struck it against the mud shell covering the pork knuckles.

Sheng Sanlang quickly snatched the stone from her. "Biaomei, let me handle this rough task."

"In that case, I'll trouble you, Biaoge."

Sheng Sanlang forcefully struck the stone against the mud shell, causing it to crack open within a few strokes, revealing the knuckles neatly wrapped in lotus leaves. "It's scorching hot!" Sheng Sanlang gasped, grimacing from the heat, but he still insisted on peeling back a corner of the lotus leaf.

The exposed knuckle had become dark red, glistening with oil. Its skin was wrinkled, and the meat appeared tender and sticky. Every inch of the meat seemed to proclaim a single word: delicious!

Sheng Sanlang's mouth immediately watered. Biaomei was right. These beggar pork knuckles seemed even more delicious than the dry beggar chicken!

Meanwhile, the bandits lurking behind the bushes also caught wind of the enticing fragrance. The bearded man slapped the black-faced boy and commanded, "The pork knuckles are ready! Let's make our move. Seventh, it's your turn to do the battle cry today. Show them the Black Wind Bandits' prestige!"

"Dage, don't worry!" the black-faced boy exclaimed, brandishing a machete as he rushed forward. He pointed it at Sheng Sanlang and the others, demanding, "Hand over your knuckles!"

Sheng Sanlang stood dumbfounded. A pork knuckle robber, really?

The bearded man kicked the black-faced boy in the buttocks, not bothering to scold him for being a hindrance. He spoke fiercely, "Surrender your gold, silver, and other valuable possessions, and I might spare your lives!"

The guards, their mouths still coated with meat and oil, swiftly grasped their weapons.

Sheng Sanlang furrowed his brow and locked his gaze on the bandits. "What exactly do you want?" Did he mishear the bandit's earlier mention of surrendering the pork knuckles?

Before the bearded man could respond, the dark-faced boy bellowed, "We want both the pork knuckles and your valuable belongings! Hand them over now!"

Sheng Sanlang's expression darkened. So, he had heard correctly. "In your dreams!"

"Then there's nothing more to talk about," the bearded man declared, waving his hand. "Brothers, attack!" The bandits charged forward with swords in hand, swiftly engaging in a fierce clash with the guards. With their superior numbers, the bandits gained the upper hand.

"Gongzi, why are you standing here watching the scene? Are you not skilled enough?" Hongdou asked Sheng Sanlang. Sheng Sanlang suddenly felt insulted by the young maid and frowned. "I need to protect Biaomei!"

Hongdou turned to Luo Sheng, a hint of eagerness in her eyes. "Miss, may I go and assist the guards?" Luo Sheng nodded in approval. "Go ahead." Hongdou cheered and hurriedly joined the fray, armed with only her bare hands.

"Be careful!" Sheng Sanlang couldn't help but shout. How could she rush into battle unarmed? Wasn't she putting herself in great danger? Just then, he witnessed Hongdou swiftly kicking a bandit in the crotch. As the bandit doubled in pain, she skillfully seized his large machete and slashed him across the buttocks.

Sheng Sanlang's mouth gaped open in astonishment, and he slowly turned to look at Luo Sheng. She remained composed. "Biaoge, you should also lend a hand. The enemy forces are numerous, and it won't bode well for us if the fight drags on."

"I have to stay and protect you," Sheng Sanlang persisted, refusing to leave her side.

"There's no need. I am more skilled than Hongdou," Luo Sheng reassured him.

Sheng Sanlang silently charged into the chaotic fight, brandishing his sword.


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