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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 40-1

 Chapter 40-1: Confrontation

She had heard Hongdou speak highly of Kaiyang Wang on numerous occasions. Hongdou claimed that Kaiyang Wang alone could be the equivalent of a thousand soldiers. She heard Hongdou mention that Kaiyang Wang held immense favor with the Emperor, to the extent that even the Crown Prince had to bow down in his presence. Hongdou also described him as cold and aloof, preferring not to engage with people.

But never had Hongdou mentioned just how shamelessly thick-skinned Kaiyang Wang could be!

However, when it comes to brazenness, Miss Luo does not lose out to anyone, and the same goes for Princess Qingyang. After a brief silence, Luo Sheng smiled and asked, "They say Wangye[1] is very skilled in martial arts, and finding someone who can match your martial prowess is hard. I wonder if it's true?"

Wei Han frowned, momentarily puzzled by Luo Sheng's question. The guard on the side couldn't help but interject, "Of course!" Who in Great Zhou Dynasty isn't aware of the formidable reputation of his Master?

Luo Sheng smiled: "Then why did Wangye let me, a girl who only practiced flashy techniques, take off your belt? Could it be that Wangye secretly admires me?" As soon as these words were spoken, an awkward silence fell over the scene as everyone intently observed Wei Han's reaction.

This time, Wei Han remained silent even longer, feeling a twinge of annoyance in his heart. He shouldn't be arguing with a girl, but it's rare to find a girl as eloquent and thick-skinned as Miss Luo.

Seeing the irritation in Wei Han's eyes, Luo Sheng's tone turned colder as she continued, "Or perhaps Wangye is angered from embarrassment because my words have hit home?"

Wei Han smiled. His crimson attire accentuated his darker brows and fair complexion, making his cold, shallow smile captivating. While captivating is typically reserved for describing women, at this time, it seems appropriate to use it for Wei Han's smile, as anyone observing him would find it fitting.

"Just so you know, if I were to admire someone, I would not become angry from embarrassment." Wei Han firmly denied Luo Sheng's speculation.

Such a direct rejection might have caused another woman to feel embarrassed and withdraw, but Luo Sheng's expression remained unchanged. She smirks: "Then I don't understand. If Wangye has no interest in me, why do you persist in approaching me? You know, girls tend to let their imaginations run wild. If Wangye doesn't want me to have such a misunderstanding in the future, please behave accordingly!"

Luo Sheng emphasized the last three words. The appearance of Kaiyang Wang at the abandoned Zhennan Wang Palace was not a simple matter. She knew she had to investigate it, but not in a reckless manner. Her top priority now was to return to the Capital safely.

"It was indeed my negligence that led to Miss Luo's misunderstanding," Wei Han said calmly, without a hint of fluctuation in his tone. However, his gaze on Luo Sheng darkened as he continued, "I must admit, I've taken an interest in Miss Luo's dagger. I wonder if Miss Luo would be willing to part with it?"

The word "dagger" made Luo Sheng's heart skip a beat. She didn't believe a word of this man's nonsense. How could she believe someone as distinguished as Kaiyang Wang would be fond of such a flashy dagger?

He is testing her!

A sense of unease washed over her as Luo Sheng looked at the man in scarlet clothes before her. That night when she struck Kaiyang Wang's head with a stone, she believed she had knocked him unconscious. However, to her surprise, he had opened his eyes.

Even when she swiftly used chili powder to confound him, he not only grew suspicious of her, even while she was veiled, but he also remembered the dagger she had held during their encounter. He might have recognized her when they met at the tea stall, and just now, when she wielded the dagger against the young bandit, he recognized the dagger.

Is this man really human?

Her fear of Wei Han intensified, cementing her determination to keep her distance from him for the time being. 

Luo Sheng reached into her bosom, took out the dagger that had just made a great achievement, and generously presented it to Wei Han: "It's just a dagger, and if Wangye likes it, you may have it. But I wonder what Wangye will offer in exchange for it?"

[1] "Wangye" (王爷) was used as a respectful way to address someone with the title "wang" (); equivalent to Your Highness


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