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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 45-2

 Chapter 45-2: Arrived at the Capital

"Buy it?" Hongdou scoffed, pointing to the large bowl in her hand, "Look at these noodles! They are white, thin, glossy, and incredibly flavorful with the perfect balance of oiliness, spiciness, and sourness. Can money buy such a delicious delicacy?"

Shiyan couldn't help glancing at the noodles again, his mouth watering again. With a flattering smile, he replied, "We'll offer you more money."

Hongdou took another mouthful of noodles, and seeing that her Miss showed no objection, she swallowed and pouted, "Then how much are you willing to pay for a bowl?"

Shiyan quickly did some calculations. Generally speaking, a bowl of saozi noodles would cost around fifteen cents. However, given that Miss Luo's saozi noodles were much better, paying one tael of silver seemed like a fair deal. Shiyan confidently stretched out a finger.

"One hundred taels?" Hongdou frowned, seeking Luo Sheng's instruction. "Miss, what do you think—"

Luo Sheng smiled and replied, "That's acceptable. Xiugu, please cook two more bowls of noodles."

Shiyan's heart trembled. One hundred taels of silver for a single bowl of saozi noodles? It felt like he was eating silver coins! Would his Master be furious and punish him?

Shiyan looked at Wei Han with tears in his eyes. Though his heart ached, Wei Han maintained his indifferent expression. He couldn't let his emotions show.

While he had two hundred taels of silver, spending them on just two bowls of noodles seemed foolish. What would distinguish him from a fool in that case? He had learned how shrewd and unscrupulous Miss Luo could be, so he would just eat some rations in the future.

Shiyan roughly understood what his Master meant and reluctantly handed out two silver notes.

Hongdou took the money with one hand and reluctantly handed over the bowl of noodles with the other. She muttered, "It's only because it's Wangye that we're selling a bowl for a hundred taels of silver. Otherwise, it wouldn't be worth this much. After all, my Miss is not short of money."

Shiyan's wrists shook, and he took a deep, calming breath. If it weren't for the fact that the bowl of noodles cost a hundred taels of silver and he was still hungry, he might have smashed the bowl on the maid's head. She was so annoying!

Feeling anger pulsing in his lungs, the guard clutched his bowl and began gulping down the noodles. They tasted incredibly good!

Wei Han, ever elegant and swift in his actions, finished a bowl of saozi noodles in no time and glanced sideways at Shiyan. Shiyan was left licking an empty bowl, feeling disappointed. Sob sob. Is this really saozi noodles? It was so delicious! He thought such a large bowl of noodles would fill him up, but it barely satisfied his appetite.

Breaking the silence, Wei Han coughed lightly. "Master?" Shiyan inquired. Wei Han's tone remained indifferent as he said, "Go and buy another bowl."

In the end, Sheng Sanlang ate six bowls, Wei Han ate five, and Shiyan managed to finish three.

Wei Han elegantly wiped the corner of his mouth with a snow-white handkerchief, feeling a bit regretful. He could have eaten two more bowls, but he was already in debt... It's all because Shiyan had eaten three bowls! The aloof Kaiyang Wang shot a glance at his guard.

Shiyan was filled with grievances. He could easily eat five more bowls, but when he wanted to go for the fourth bowl, his Master's face turned as cold as ice beads, forcing him to remain hungry.

Hongdou, who had also eaten three large bowls of noodles, looked at the three of them with disdain. She coldly grunted in her heart, "What a trio of gluttons! Fortunately, when we get to the Capital, Miss won't have to provide food for them anymore."

Perhaps the group of assailants chasing Miss Luo had not realized that their two hired assassins had failed, or more likely, the presence of Kaiyang Wang in the party had deterred the lurking villains. Consequently, the following days were calm and peaceful, and the party smoothly reached the Capital.

With the city gates coming into view, Wei Han pulled on the reins and directed his gaze toward the green-curtained carriage. "Miss Luo, we've arrived at the Capital. Let's part ways here. "

The carriage curtains shook slightly, revealing a young girl with a calm expression.

"Okay," Luo Sheng responded simply and concisely, uttering only a word.

Hongdou squeezed her head out of the window, holding a ledger in her hand: "Wangye, you owe my Miss a total of 3,500 taels for food the past few days. Please send the money to our residence as soon as possible."


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