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THOJ Chapter 8-1

 Chapter 8.1: Lure the Snake out of Its Den

Sheng Jia Yu and Sheng Jia Lan walked along the paved path toward Luo Sheng. The two young girls were of similar age, adorned in exquisite spring attire that added a touch of beauty to the garden scenery. As soon as they saw Luo Sheng, they both halted right away. Sheng Jia Yu furrowed her brows, warily eyeing Luo Sheng, while Sheng Jia Lan saluted Luo Sheng. "Good morning, Biaojie."

Luo Sheng returned the salute and resumed her walk. Sheng Jia Yu couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "Where are you heading?" Luo Sheng glanced back and replied casually, "At this time, it's only natural for me to visit Waizumu and pay my respects." "Paying respect to Zumu?" Sheng Jia Yu's eyes widened with suspicion, and she lowered her voice, "Luo Sheng, what are you up to?"

Sheng Jia Lan tugged at Sheng Jia Yu's sleeve lightly: "Dajie[1], please talk nicely to Biaojie." Luo Sheng glanced at both sisters and suddenly smiled, "Biaomei knows me so well." With those words, she swiftly moved past them, with Hongdou trot behind her. Irritated by Sheng Jia Yu's comments, Hongdou turned back and made a face at her.

Fuming with anger, Sheng Jia Yu clenched her handkerchief and seethed, "What does she mean by that?" Sheng Jia Lan tried to soothe Sheng Jia Yu while thinking of what Luo Sheng had just said, and her eyes flickered with anxiety.

"Er mei[2], you heard her, right? She emphasized how I know her well. Does this means she will stir trouble again?" Sheng Jia Lan frowned lightly: "Biaojie is probably just speaking out of anger."

"I don't think so. She simply can't go a day without stirring up trouble. I have to make sure that Zumu doesn't fall for her act." Sheng Jia Yu grabbed Sheng Jia Lan's hand and hurriedly followed after Luo Sheng.

Sheng Laotaitai was undoubtedly surprised by Luo Sheng's arrival. "Sheng'er, you are not well yet, why did you come here?" Sheng Laotaitai discreetly glanced out of the corner of her eye. The sun was shining outside the window, and a gentle breeze wafted in. She's sure that the sun is not rising from the west today.

Sheng Laotaitai was growing increasingly perplexed, but she maintained a composed expression. After all, Luo Sheng was her granddaughter, and no matter how troublesome she was, she couldn't simply cast her aside.

Luo Sheng smiled faintly. "I'm much better now, and it's my duty to pay respects to Waizumu."

Sheng Laotaitai's lips twitched, and she almost wanted to say, "I'd feel more at ease if you didn't come," but instead, her words took a different turn. "Sheng'er, you're so considerate." Sheng Jia Yu, who had already entered Funing Hall, couldn't help but snicker. Sheng Laotaitai gave her a stern look, and Sheng Jia Yu swiftly shut her mouth. 

When Luo Sheng had left, Sheng Laotaitai's face darkened: "Jia Yu, where are your manners? You can't be rude to your biaojie." While her eldest granddaughter had always been lively, she had never lacked proper etiquette. However, since Luo Sheng's arrival, she repeatedly lost her composure. Is she being affected by Luo Sheng?

Sheng Jia Yu bit her lips aggrievedly: "Zumu, I'm not being rude. I simply can't bring myself to respect someone like Luo Sheng. Should I flatter someone unscrupulous because of her father's position and authority?"

Sheng Laotaitai was baffled by this question. Like the Su family, Sheng family prided themselves on their long-standing tradition of cultivating scholars through hard work and dedication. While the elders may tolerate an ignorant young girl, they couldn't bear to see their children bowing down to Luo Sheng solely because of her father's power.

"Zumu, we bumped into Luo Sheng on the way to Funing Hall. Do you know what she said?" Sheng Jia Yu recounted the incident and shook Sheng Laotaitai's arm: "Zumu, she is obviously planning something bad. You're mistaken if you think she has learned her lesson from the hanging incident."

Sheng Laotaitai's eyelids twitched, and she asked dryly, "Is this true?" She was too old to endure that girl's torment. Sheng Jia Yu nodded vigorously and nudged Sheng Jia Lan: "Er mei, you heard her too." Seeing Sheng Laotaitai looking at her, Sheng Jia Lan nodded slightly.

Sheng Laotaitai sighed, looked at the two delicate-like flower granddaughters, and said helplessly: "Regardless of how your biaojie behaves, the two of you still need to adhere to proper etiquette. You both may go back now." 

Sheng Jia Yu and Sheng Jia Lan then left Funing Hall and headed to their residence.

[1] Big sister

[2] Second sister


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