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THOJ Chapter 7-2

 Chapter 7.2: Apricot Blossoms

"Tomorrow, you two will go out to—"

One of the little maids swayed and kowtowed: "Miss, this maid can't do something like kidnapping man!" Luo Sheng fell silent. Hongdou, who was nearby, immediately jumped up and scolded, "Hey, what nonsense are you saying? When will it ever be your turn to abduct a handsome man?" With her, Hongdou, by Miss' side, how could Miss entrust such important errand to others? This is an insult to her as Miss's number one maid and loyal enforcer!

The two maids' eyes widened in astonishment. Is it because they are less educated and knowledgeable? Since when did kidnapping a handsome man becomes an honorable task?

Luo Sheng's remained calm, unfazed by the reactions of the three maids, and continued to explain: "Tomorrow, I want you to go out and inquire if there was a girl surnamed Qian who committed suicide. The more detailed information you can gather, the better. If you think it's inconvenient to inquire on your own, you can ask your parents or brothers to do it for you. The two taels are for running this errand, and whoever inquires more information will receive an additional two taels as a reward tomorrow."

The two maids were greatly relieved to learn that their task was simply to gather information, and they reassured Luo Sheng: "Don't worry, Miss, we will take care of it first thing tomorrow morning." As they finished speaking, the two maids exchanged a quick glance, eyeing each other with a hint of vigilance.

Knowing that the one who gathered the most information would receive additional two taels as a reward, they were determined not to let the other person have that award. With enthusiasm, the two maids left the room. Hongdou then hurriedly asked: "Miss, why did you instruct them to inquire about that?"

"Curious." Luo Sheng replied shortly. She lay on her bed and pulled the brocade quilt over her body. The bedding exudes familiar yet unfamiliar incense, and it is a new day in the blink of an eye.

Luo Sheng woke up early, opening her eyes to embrace the morning. Trees swayed outside the green screen window, and the sweet chirping of birds filled the air. Hongdou was still sleeping soundly on the babu bed's[1] floor.

Luo Sheng cleared her throat and called out, "Hongdou." Though her voice was soft, Hongdou quickly woke up, rubbed her eyes, and asked in confusion, "Miss, why did you wake up so early?" Luo Sheng's lips were slightly crooked: "It's not early anymore. I should pay my respects to my grandmother."

Hongdou suddenly lost sleepiness and said in disbelief, "You never went to pay respects before." Even in the capital, Miss would sleep until noon, eat to her fill, and then take a leisurely stroll through the streets with a few maids. What is paying respects anyway?

Luo Sheng glanced at Hongdou and said calmly, "I haven't been closed to dying before, but it's different now." This glance filled Hongdou's heart with awe, but she couldn't explain why. She quickly waited on Luo Sheng to freshen up and dress.

The master and servant duo stepped out of the courtyard and leisurely made their way toward Funing Hall. Sheng Mansion offered a picturesque Jiang Nan scenery[2], with its graceful elegance and blooming flowers adorning every corner. Hongdou took a breath of fresh morning air and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that although Sheng Mansion is small, the garden looks beautiful in the morning."

Luo Sheng walked forward slowly without commenting. Hongdou stopped suddenly: "Miss, please wait a moment." Luo Sheng halted and watched as the young maid lifted her skirt, dashed to an apricot tree, and delicately plucked a bouquet of apricot blossoms before returning.

"Miss, the apricot blossoms are blooming beautifully. May I adorn your hair with these blossoms?" Luo Sheng's gaze shifted from the little maid's flushed face to the blossoms in her hand, and she nodded slightly: "Alright." Hongdou pinned a bunch of apricot blossoms on Luo Sheng's hair bun and suddenly whispered, "Miss, the two biaoguniang are here."

[1] Illustration of babu bed

[2]  Illustration of mansion with Jiang Nan scenery (probably without the large lake)


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