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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 15-1

 Chapter 15-1: Fell Ill

Luo Sheng walked away gracefully, leaving the four men looking at each other in dismay, feeling embarrassed. Sheng Erlang unhappily commented, "Did you hear what she said? Thank you, Biaoge, Biaodi, for bringing my brother back. Hah, it is clear that we have a closer relationship with Biaodi, why do her words sound so unpleasant to my ear?"

Sheng Dalang disagreed and glanced at Sheng Erlang: "There's nothing wrong with Biaomei's words, Erdi. You're just being picky." Sheng Erlang raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled meaningfully, "Dage, you used to refer Luo Biaomei with her surname. Why do you sound so familiar now, calling her with biaomei only?"

Sheng Dalang's expression darkened: "Erdi, don't talk nonsense. And shouldn't you apologize to Biaomei?"

"What do I need to apologize for?" Sheng Erlang flicked the folding fan to divert his uneasiness. Sheng Sanlang kindly reminded: "Erge, you used to misunderstand that Luo biaomei had harmed Ermei."

When Sheng Jialan was mentioned, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn. Sheng Silang asked in a low voice: "Dage, how do you think Zumu will punish Erjie?" The Sheng family is simple and harmonious. Although the four brothers have not spent much time with Sheng Jialan, they still share a good relationship.

Sheng Dalang remained silent for a long time, then patted his younger brother's head: "We shouldn't pry too much into the elders' affairs" As he spoke, his gaze then shifted to the other brothers, and he said seriously: "Let this serve as a warning to us so that we don't make the same mistakes as Ermei in the future."

"Yes." The three said in unison. Sheng Dalang noticed that Luo Chen's servants in the courtyard were already looking out curiously, he put his fist to his lips and cleared his throat: "Let's go." If they stayed here any longer, people might misunderstand and think they were reluctant to leave after seeing Luo Biaomei. For Sheng Dalang, Luo Sheng's behavior today had changed his impression of her, and he was somewhat impressed. However, he had no intention of becoming Zumu's grandson-in-law. 

The four brothers walked away instantly, and the servant guarding the courtyard turned his eyes and pondered: The four young masters seemed different today. Could it be because they met Miss Luo? Speaking of Miss Luo, although she was notorious for her fierceness, she was undeniably beautiful. The servant's gaze drifted toward the room's entrance as he silently contemplated.

The room was filled with a faint medicinal smell, a smell familiar to Luo Chen. "Young master, Miss Luo is here." Upon hearing this, Luo Chen frowned. He had already told her that she didn't need to see him off, so why was she here?

Observing Luo Chen's silence, the servant quickly asked, "Shall I ask her to leave?" Luo Chen looked displeased at the servant and replied, "Who gave you the authority to make your own decisions? Invite her in."

The servant, failing to flatter his master, responded bitterly with a "yes" and quickly invited Luo Sheng inside. The bamboo curtain rustled, and Luo Sheng entered, accompanied by Hongdou.

"What are you doing here?" Luo Chen asked, his expression serious. Luo Sheng's lips curved slightly as she replied, "I came to see if you're feeling better." Luo Chen turned his face away: "You're not a doctor, so what's the point of visiting me?"

Seeing that Luo Chen's spirit was still high, Luo Sheng didn't plan to stay long. "Then rest well. I'll come to see you again tomorrow," she said, preparing to take her leave. The corner of Luo Chen's mouth trembled. Is this the attitude of visiting sick people? There is no sincerity at all. 

As he saw Luo Sheng turning to leave,  Luo Chen shouted: "Wait." Luo Sheng halted: "Is there something else, Xiaodi[1]?" The word "xiaodi" made Luo Chen quite uncomfortable, he frowned before saying to Hongdou and the servant in the room: "Both of you, leave the room." 

Hongdou glanced at Luo Sheng, saw her nodding slightly, turned around, and went out, not forgetting to drag the servant out, too: "Can't you follow your master's orders? How tactless." This kind of slow-witted servant is not even worthy of carrying Miss' shoes, let alone competing for a spot to stroll the streets with Miss, that is to say, there is no competitiveness here in Jinsha. 

The little maid standing under the veranda thought melancholy and missed the prosperity and wantonness of the capital.

[1] Little brother


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