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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 16-2

Chapter 16-2: Strolling the Streets

Upon receiving the news, Sheng Dataitai's eyes darkened, and her mind spun with anxious thoughts: Luo Sheng had gone out for another stroll! Lingering fears from the aftermath of Luo Sheng's previous trips weighed heavily on Sheng Dataitai's mind.

Sheng Jiayu hurriedly supported her mother, who was about to faint: "Mother, don't worry, I'll follow her and see what's going on!" Sheng Jiayu ran out in a flash before Sheng Dataitai could stop her.

Luo Sheng and Hongdou strolled leisurely ahead while Sheng Jiayu followed closely behind, her lips pursed. When Hongdou absentmindedly turned her head, Sheng Jiayu quickly hid behind a tree, her heart racing.

After calming her pounding heart, Sheng Jiayu continued to trail them. To her surprise, Luo Sheng didn't stop in the bustling street but instead entered a pharmacy. Sheng Jiayu found a secluded corner to hide and waited patiently. After a while, she saw Luo Sheng emerge from the pharmacy.

What was Luo Sheng doing in the pharmacy? Sheng Jiayu carefully examined the signboard with the words "Jishitang"[1] on it, wondering if she had misread it. Hongdou shared the same confusion and doubts.

The little maid clutched her empty purse and expressed her concern, "Miss, we're nearly out of money!" She couldn't comprehend the exorbitant prices of the herbs they had purchased. Expensive herbs are not an issue, but how can they have fun without money in hand?

Luo Sheng nodded lightly: "Let's return." She was relieved to have obtained the necessary herbs in such a small town. Although she lacked medical skills, she had memorized a few prescriptions firmly in her mind.

The pills had been specifically prepared for her mother by Li Fanghai, the divine doctor, who had been invited at great expense by her father. One of the pills was Yangyuan Pill[2], known for its body-nourishing properties, while the other was named Tuihan Pill[3], renowned for its miraculous effects in treating colds.

Both Yangyuan Pill and Tuihan Pill had remarkable medicinal properties. However, there was one drawback: the expensive cost of their ingredients. The 1,000 taels that Luo Sheng had brought with her were only enough to purchase the herbs required for the Tuihan Pill. Unfortunately, the necessary herbs for the Yangyuan Pill are unavailable at the pharmacy now. They had to be sourced from another place, and Luo Sheng had only paid a deposit for them.

When Luo Sheng inquired about the prices of medicinal herbs, she was struck by the stark changes that twelve years had brought. Back then, 1,000 taels of silver would have been sufficient to purchase all the required herbs for both pills.

"Why did you buy these herbs, Miss?" Hongdou asked, gently patting the small bag containing the precious herbs. "To prepare medicine," Luo Sheng replied. Hongdou's eyes widened in surprise. "You can prepare medicine?"

Luo Sheng shook her head with confidence. "Of course not. We have that white-bearded doctor in the mansion, remember?"

"Oh, yes, Miss. You're so clever," Hongdou responded, flattering her without any doubt. However, just as Luo Sheng was about to continue walking, she paused and turned her head. She asked, "How long will biaomei follow me?" A girl dressed in yellow clothing slowly emerged from behind the maple tree. It was Sheng Jiayu, looking somewhat embarrassed.

Hongdou couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise. "Sheng Daguniang is following us?" Sheng Jiayu blushed, attempting to conceal her actions. "It was just a coincidence that I ran into you when I went out."

Hongdou smirked and curled her lips. "Don't make excuses. It's quite obvious that you've been following us. Tsk tsk, if you want to accompany my Miss, just say so. Maybe she'll agree if she's in a good mood." With fewer people serving Miss now, Miss doesn't have as much liveliness during her outings. Sheng Daguniang's company might be bearable.

The young maid scrutinized Sheng Jiayu, assessing whether she has the qualities to be Miss's companion.

[1] The pharmacy's name

[2] Nourishing Element Pill

[3] Cold Retreating Pill


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