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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 16-1

 Chapter 16-1: Strolling the Streets

Luo Sheng's brow furrowed with concern. She had anticipated that the cold lake water in early spring could pose a risk to Luo Chen's weak body. Now, her worries were confirmed as Luo Chen developed a fever.

Closing her eyes, memories of numerous doctors attending to her ill mother flashed through her mind. She was well aware of the severe consequences a cold could have. If not treated properly, it could even be life-threatening.

Luo Sheng's heart ached as she thought about the young boy who often spoke harshly, even though he didn't mean it. This matter happened because of her, and she couldn't just sit idly by. "We'll go and have a look." Luo Sheng got up and walked outside. Hongdou hurriedly gulped her tea and followed closely behind.

As they arrived at Luo Chen's residence, they found a crowd had already gathered. Sheng Dataitai was inquiring about the situation from the doctor. Upon seeing Luo Sheng, she smiled and greeted her, "You're here." Luo Sheng wasted no time and asked, "Dajiumu, how is my brother?"

Trying to alleviate Luo Sheng's worries, Sheng Dataitai reassured her, "It's just a cold. As long as Luo Chen gets enough rest, everything will be fine." She didn't want Luo Sheng to be burdened with unnecessary concerns. It was enough if Luo Sheng didn't cause any more trouble in this matter.

"Is he truly okay?" Luo Sheng didn't direct her question toward Sheng Dataitai. Instead, she fixed her gaze on the elderly doctor with a white beard. The old doctor had long heard of Miss Luo's formidable reputation, causing him to shrink back involuntarily. He cautiously echoed Sheng Dataitai's earlier statement, attempting to reassure Luo Sheng.

However, Luo Sheng frowned, and her voice turned cold as she responded, "If the doctor says he's fine, then I'll believe it." Her words carried a distinct chill, making the old doctor's scalp tingle with unease. Sensing the need to clarify further, he hesitated before speaking, "The condition can vary from person to person—"

Luo Sheng said lightly: "Then please explain the real condition of my younger brother." The old doctor inwardly sighed, finding the girl quite difficult to handle. After careful consideration, he spoke, "Young master is weak, and even if the fever subsides, there is a risk of developing lung disease. However, for now, the priority is to dispel the cold and carefully nourish the body..."

Luo Sheng grew increasingly concerned as she listened. It was not uncommon for wealthy families or high-ranking officials to succumb to a cold. Was it because the doctors they hired were mediocre? Certainly not. While there were well-established methods for treating a cold, what often posed challenges for doctors were the complications that arose due to the unique nature of each patient's body.

Despite her limited medical knowledge, Luo Sheng knew the underlying problem with Luo Chen's health - his frail constitution. His body lacked the necessary defenses to combat the cold.

"Thank you, doctor, for telling me. Dajiumu, I want to go in and see my brother." Sheng Dataitai nodded after a slight hesitation and reminded her: "Chen'er is still asleep." Luo Sheng nodded slightly, left Hongdou outside, and quietly entered the room.

The medicinal aroma in the room seemed stronger than before. Sitting on a small stool by the bed, Luo Chen's attendant, Fusong, watched over the sleeping young boy, his eyes welling up with tears. Startled by the sound of someone entering, Fusong quickly turned his head, almost losing his balance on the small stool. He blurted out, "Miss, you're here!" Remembering his young master's instructions from yesterday to chase Miss Luo away with a broom if she showed up, he was torn between following them and welcoming Luo Sheng inside.

Amidst his hesitation, Luo Sheng stepped forward and placed her hand on Luo Chen's forehead. The scorching heat burned her fingertips. "Bring a basin of cold water," she commanded, her tone cold yet authoritative, leaving Fusong with no room for refusal. Fusong complied, returning with the basin of water. He observed intently as Luo Sheng dipped her handkerchief into the water, wringing it gently before placing it on Luo Chen's forehead. Seeing this, he let go of his inner conflict. He had already carried out Miss Luo's instructions, and it would be inappropriate to drive her away now.

Luo Chen's senses slowly awakened as he felt the coolness on his forehead and the touch of a slightly cold hand holding his own. A gentle yet resolute voice whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, with me here, I will make sure to get you better."

The voice was both unfamiliar and familiar, and it took a while for the drowsy Luo Chen to realize it belonged to Luo Sheng. The young boy, who had been sleeping peacefully, suddenly grew anxious. Was Luo Sheng about to cause trouble again? No, he had to wake up quickly! As he fought against his drowsiness, Luo Sheng left quietly.

"Hongdou, bring a thousand taels of silver with you. We're going out," Luo Sheng commanded upon entering her room. Hongdou's eyes sparkled with excitement as she quickly acknowledged the order and went to retrieve the money. Miss is still the same Miss! The familiar feeling rushed back to her. The young maid tucked the silver notes into her sleeves, puffed out her chest, and followed Luo Sheng as they left the Sheng Mansion. Passing by the older maid guarding the second gate, she didn't forget to spit at her.


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