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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 10-1

 Chapter 10-1: A Variable

People in Sheng Mansion noticed a change in Miss Luo's behavior. Previously, she would sleep till noon and then stroll the streets with her maid Hongdou. But now, she regularly came to Funing Hall to pay her respects to Sheng Laotaitai, both in the morning and evening, without fail.

Luo Sheng's transformation led to another change. Sheng Laotaitai hadn't seen her grandsons during the paying respects sessions these days. Sheng Dataitai and Ertaitai explained to Sheng Laotaitai with a dry smile in private: "The children are busy with their studies lately..."

Sheng Laotaitai didn't believe a single word of their explanations. They are making an excuse. Since she announced her intention to betroth Miss Luo to one of her four grandsons, her two daughters-in-law were frightened. Cowards!

Sheng Laotaitai disdained her daughters-in-law in her heart and found her granddaughter, Luo Sheng, who faithfully paid her respects every day, much more pleasing. Rather than strolling the street and snatching back a grandson-in-law for her, it was better for Luo Sheng to come here and pay her respects. To be happy, one should be satisfied with what they have.

The contented Sheng Laotaitai was overjoyed and ordered her maid to fetch a pair of bracelets for Luo Sheng. Luo Sheng put the bracelet away and saluted Sheng Laotaitai: "Thank you, waizumu, for the gift."

Sheng Laotaitai breathed a sigh of relief and was glad that her gift was well received, as her granddaughter had grown up in luxury. Even if her granddaughter didn't particularly like it, she didn't voice her dissatisfaction openly. Otherwise, it would have been quite embarrassing for this old lady.

Sheng Laotaitai's tone became softer unconsciously: "You can go back and rest."

After that, she glanced at her other two granddaughters casually: "You guys can leave too." There is no need to be lenient to the ones raised at home; she can just directly beat anyone who dares to cause trouble.

As soon as Sheng Jia Yu stepped out of Funing Hall, she stomped angrily and expressed her frustration: "Zumu is truly biased. We have been paying our respects for years, and she never praises us. But the moment Luo Sheng starts behaving differently and stops idling around, Zumu sees it as something rare."

Sheng Jia Lan gently tugged on Sheng Jia Yu's sleeve and tried to calm her down, speaking softly, "Dajie, please don't be angry. Zumu is happy to see that biaojie has made some improvements." "Improvements?" Sheng Jia Yu sneered, "Ermei, have you forgotten what we overheard at the lake that day? Luo Sheng's true nature can't change so easily[1]. Just wait and see. Perhaps one of these days, she will make a move on Su Er Gongzi."

Sheng Jia Lan's eyes filled with gloom, and she clenched her hands tightly within the wide sleeves of her robe. "Dajie, let's not talk about it again. Zumu wouldn't be pleased if she found out. Let's just go back," she urged, her voice filled with concern. Sheng Jia Yu nodded, her expression dark.

As the two sisters walked past the lake, their eyes subconsciously turned toward it and caught sight of a delicate figure. Sheng Jia Yu curled her lips in disdain and sneered, "She is really good at pretending to be refined and poised while secretly scheming something bad."

"Dajie, let's go." Sheng Jia Lan pulled on Sheng Jia Yu's arm, but she stole a quiet glance before leaving. The young girl sat alone by the lake, her chin resting on her palm as she stared blankly into the water. There was no sign of her maid, Hongdou, nearby, only two white geese leisurely swimming.

A flicker of determination appeared in Sheng Jia Lan's eyes. The moment she had been waiting for—the opportunity she had been anticipating—might have finally arrived.

"What are your plans for today, Ermei?" Sheng Jia Yu suddenly asked. Sheng Jia Lan changed her expression in a flash, smiled softly and replied, "I caught a cold yesterday and still have a headache, so I want to return to my room and rest."

"That's too bad. I originally wanted you to accompany me to Yurongtang[2]." Sheng Jia Yu was slightly disappointed but quickly smiled, "Then let's go tomorrow when you are better." "Okay." The two sisters split way beside a bush of azaleas and went back to their own room, respectively.

However, shortly after, Sheng Jia Lan, who had claimed she wanted to rest, quietly descended by using another staircase[3] and disappeared among the lush plantations in the garden, making her way back to the lake.

Hidden behind the foliage, Sheng Jia Lan observed the young girl who was still alone and couldn't help but feel relieved. Luo Sheng was still by herself!

[1]The idiom used here is 狗改不了吃屎 (gǒu gǎi bùliǎo chī shǐ)

    lit. a dog can't stop himself from eating sh*t

[2] Should be a rouge and gouache shop

[3] It seems that she and Sheng Jia Yu's rooms are located in the same two-story building. The author didn't write enough explanations.


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