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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 10-2

Chapter 10-2: A Variable

Sheng Jia Lan had noticed that recently Luo Sheng would often spend time by the lake after the respect-paying session ended. The duration varied, sometimes long, sometimes short. The master-servant duo would sometimes chat casually, while other times, Luo Sheng would have Hongdou bring candied fruit and snacks, leaving a trail of melon seed shells by the lake before departing.

On one occasion, Sheng Jia Lan even witnessed Luo Sheng waiting alone, and the little maid named Hongdou happily brought a smoked chicken for them to enjoy. The smoked chicken wasn't part of the kitchen menu that day, so it is evident that they bought it from outside. Today, Hongdou probably slipped out to buy something again.

Sheng Jia Lan stared at Luo Sheng's back, her expression filled with gloom and uncertainty. She was hesitant to make a move again.

Suddenly, Sheng Jia Lan seemed to notice something and couldn't resist stepping forward, her eyes widening as she tried to get a closer look.

Sitting by the lake, the young girl rested her chin on her hand, her head nodding gently like a chicken pecking at rice. The spring sunlight bathed her, accentuating the contours of her hair and skirt, creating a serene and delicate image. Luo Sheng was dozing off!

Sheng Jia Lan's heart raced, and she bit her lip hard, determined to make a decision. She couldn't afford to hesitate any longer. If she missed this opportunity today, she might not get another one.

The girl hidden among the flowers and trees possessed a delicate figure, but her vicious expression contradicted it. With a gloomy light in Sheng Jia Lan's eyes, she lifted the corner of her skirt and approached the lake.

Step by step, she drew nearer while Luo Sheng remained unaware of her presence. Sheng Jia Lan's footsteps were so light that she almost made no sound. Standing behind Luo Sheng, she curled her lips, and her thundering heartbeat calmed down. That foolish Luo Sheng, she doesn't have to hesitate anymore!

Sheng Jia Lan stretched out her hand. The hands of a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl should be fair and delicate, but at this moment, they resembled venomous snakes slithering toward Luo Sheng.

Suddenly, the pair of white geese on the lake let out a squawk. Startled, Sheng Jia Lan pushed hard against Luo Sheng's back. With a loud splash, the defenseless Luo Sheng was pushed into the lake. The corners of Sheng Jia Lan's lips curled up, and a smile spread on her face.

Sure enough, it was as simple as that time to succeed. It was a shame that last time Luo Sheng had a stroke of good luck—

All of sudden, a scream pierced the air, and Sheng Jia Lan's smile froze.

"What are you doing?! Help! Sheng Erguniang pushed our Miss into the lake!" The high-pitched scream shattered the tranquility, startling two white geese into flying ashore. The person who had screamed dropped the food container in her hand and hastily rushed over.

Sheng Jia Lan's body froze as she turned around, her expression akin to someone encountering a ghost. Her gaze locked onto the source of the scream—Hongdou. Without any hesitation, Hongdou, who had now reached the edge of the lake, swiftly delivered a kick that sent Sheng Jia Lan plunging into the water.

Simultaneously, another figure jumped into the lake, struggling to swim toward the sinking Luo Sheng. Hongdou, just about to rescue her Miss, blinked in surprise. Oh, it's our young master, Luo Chen.

This is bad. Should she save her Miss or young master? The little maid hesitated momentarily, then raised her voice and shouted, "Help, help!" People who heard the commotion hurriedly gathered, turning the serene garden into chaos.

In the lake, Luo Chen grasped Luo Sheng's wrist and whispered in a low voice, "Don't struggle." Luo Sheng opened her eyes, gazing at the pale boy, and a hint of surprise finally appeared in her eyes.

Luo Chen was unexpectedly willing to jump into the water to save his sister. This was the only unforeseen variable in her plan.

Luo Sheng softly sighed in her heart. With his frail body, diving into the water to rescue her would take a toll on him. Just as this thought flashed through her mind, she saw the boy's face paled, and he started to sink. Nevertheless, his hands continued to push her upwards with all his strength.

With a quiet, inaudible sigh, Luo Sheng wrapped one arm around Luo Chen and pushed him towards Hongdou.


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