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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 17-2

Chapter 17-2: Medicine

Sheng Jiayu returned to the Sheng Mansion and went straight to Sheng Dataitai's residence. Sheng Dataitai had just finished attending to the household affairs of the mansion. When the maid informed her that Sheng Jiayu was coming, she quickly welcomed her daughter inside.

"Why are you sweating so much?" Sheng Dataitai scolded upon seeing Sheng Jiayu panting. Although Sheng Jiayu had a lively personality and used to conduct herself with the grace expected of someone from a prestigious family, she had become more hot-tempered ever since Luo Sheng arrived.

Sheng Jiayu didn't take a moment to drink water to moisten her parched throat and quickly exclaimed, "Mother, Luo Sheng is causing trouble again!" Sheng Dataitai gently tapped Sheng Jiayu's forehead, admonishing her, "How many times have I told you not to address your Biaojie by her name?"

Sheng Jiayu pursed her lips in disapproval. "But I just can't bring myself to respect someone like her," she retorted. Sheng Dataitai's face darkened slightly as she responded, "Jiayu, just because the other person is behaving rudely, does that mean you could respond in the same manner?"

Having witnessed what happened to Sheng Jialan, Sheng Dataitai felt she could no longer indulge her daughter's behavior. Sheng Jiayu was at a loss for words, feeling the weight of her mother's words.

Sheng Dataitai gently stroked her daughter's hair and said earnestly, "Don't let yourself become troublesome too." Sheng Jiayu's cheeks flushed, and she lowered her head, responding quietly, "Mother, I understand."

She harbored a deep disdain for Luo Sheng, despising the trouble she brought to the Sheng family and the gossip and ridicule they endured from their neighbors. In retaliation against Luo Sheng, she failed to realize she was becoming just like Luo Sheng.

Sheng Jiayu secretly warned herself, and when she mentioned Luo Sheng, she was willing to address her with biaojie: "I followed Biaojie and discovered that she went into Jishitang to buy herbs. Mother, you have no idea what she intends to use those herbs for."

Sheng Dataitai looked at her daughter with a questioning gaze, urging her to explain further. Anger flickered in Sheng Jiayu's eyes as she continued, "She buys the herbs randomly, intending to make medicine for Biaodi!"

"What?" Sheng Dataitai was startled. "Jiayu, are you sure you're not mistaken?"

"I heard it with my own ears, so I can't be wrong. She might have already given the random medicine to Biaodi by now," Sheng Jiayu responded firmly.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Sheng Dataitai swiftly instructed her maid, Shuangye, to go to Luo Chen's residence and assess the situation. Both mother and daughter anxiously awaited Shuangye's return. After a brief while, Shuangye came back and delivered her report: "I inquired with Fusong, but he mentioned that Miss Luo did not visit their residence."

Sheng Dataitai breathed a sigh of relief, and Shuangye continued her report: "But Hongdou invited Wang dafu[1], who was instructing Fusong to boil the medicine, to leave with her."

"Mother, she must be asking Wang dafu to make medicine from the herbs she bought and give it to Biaodi. You can't let her meddle with his health. Biaodi is weak, and he can't afford to be subjected to her whims," Sheng Jiayu exclaimed urgently.

Sheng Dataitai nodded in agreement. Even a healthy person shouldn't take medicine indiscriminately, let alone someone with a weak body like Luo Chen. "It's inappropriate to stop her now," Sheng Dataitai replied. "She could easily evade by claiming she intends to use the medicine herself." Sheng Jiayu's face showed worry as she asked, "Then what should we do, Mother?"

Sheng Dataitai contemplated for a moment and instructed Shuangye, saying, "Inform Fusong that if Luo Sheng brings any unusual items for Luo Chen, he should stop her and discreetly report it to me."

Throughout the night, Luo Chen's fever showed no signs of subsiding, causing restlessness within the entire Sheng Mansion. The following day, Sheng Laotaitai personally stood watch over Luo Chen and even sought the assistance of several renowned doctors from Jinsha County.

The doctors were not optimistic about Luo Chen's condition. They warned that Luo Chen would be in dangerous condition if his fever did not break by tonight.

When the sun was setting, Luo Sheng took Hongdou and stepped into the gate of Luo Chen's courtyard.

[1] dafu = doctor


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