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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 21-2

 Chapter 21-2: I Do Mind

"Young master, it's time to eat." Fusong laid out the meals brought from the mansion's kitchen one by one. The meal consists of a bowl of porridge, chicken soup, and two refreshing side dishes suitable for sick patients.

Luo Chen frowned: "I'm not hungry yet." He unconsciously glanced towards the door, feeling a little angry. Didn't she say she would send another bowl of porridge? Sure enough, he shouldn't have expected too much from Luo Sheng.

Lost in his sulking, Luo Chen was caught off guard by Hongdou's arrival. She greeted him with a smile, "This time, it's fish fillet porridge, and Miss cooked it herself."

"I don't like fish," was what Luo Chen said. However, after a while, Fusong fixated his gaze on the shiny bowl and couldn't help but silently grumble to himself. "You said you don't like fish? I was hoping that young master would stop eating so I could have the leftovers!"

Meanwhile, at Funing Hall, the lunch spread was much more abundant than what Luo Chen had received. However, Sheng Laotaitai didn't spare it a glance, her attention fixed on the bowl of fish porridge in front of her. The rice and water blended perfectly, creating a soft and creamy texture that was a testament to its well-controlled cooking process.

Sheng Laotaitai took a sip, unable to contain her relief, and indulged in the fish fillets once more. The delicate fish melted in her mouth, accompanied by a subtle spiciness that tempted her to take another bite. After finishing a bowl of porridge, Sheng Laotaitai had no desire to eat anything else, sighing contentedly with satisfaction.

It is amazing to make a simple bowl of porridge taste this delicious. Did Sheng'er really make this? Sheng Laotaitai found it hard to believe, but she also couldn't imagine Hongdou making it. Moreover, aside from Hongdou and the guards who had escorted Luo Sheng here, her granddaughter hadn't brought anyone else into the Sheng family. Sheng Laotaitai couldn't figure it out and arrived at a conclusion: Everyone possesses their own strengths, and naturally, her granddaughter also had her own talents.

"Inform Luo Sheng to send a portion of Chen'er's food to Funing Hall as well in the future."

In the evening, as Luo Chen ate a bowl of vegetable porridge, he couldn't help but complain, "So she can only cook porridge!"

Fusong: "..." He had nothing to say and simply waited to put away the bowl.

The following morning, Luo Chen was served a bowl of shredded eel soup. The thin strands of eel were simmered with daylilies, winter melon, and long green onions, creating a delightful combination when paired with soft and sweet white steamed buns. The taste was undeniably delicious.

But as soon as Luo Chen finished one steamed bun, he found himself longing for more. Luo Sheng seemed to seek revenge, deliberately giving him just one steamed bun to tease his appetite.

It continued until the third day, and Luo Chen eagerly awaited his meals even before mealtime arrived. Finally, at breakfast time, Qinghong arrived. "Today, Miss took Hongdou to the street, so she sent me to inform you." Luo Chen's face darkened as he asked, "No breakfast today?" Qinghong nodded, "Miss said she's busy today and won't send you breakfast and lunch." Luo Chen's anger flared. He was certain that Luo Sheng was indeed seeking revenge!

Luo Sheng, who was deeply resented by the young boy, managed to acquire the necessary medicinal materials for making the Yangyuan Pill from Jishitang. However, at the gate of Sheng's mansion, she encountered a few individuals she preferred not to see: Su Daguniang, Su Erguniang[1], and Sheng Jiayu, who were seeing them off.

Not wanting to waste time with the three of them, Luo Sheng offered a slight nod as a greeting and swiftly made her way past them and into the mansion. A cold snort could be heard from behind her, "Living under someone else's roof and causing harm, yet acting as if nothing has happened. Truly, I am quite impressed by your audacity."

Luo Sheng paused, thought for a while, turned around and walked up to Su Erguniang, and asked calmly, "Are you talking about me?" Su Erguniang averted her gaze and replied in a subdued tone," "Who else could I be talking about? You should know it well."

"Ermei, don't be nosy." Su Daguniang gently tugged at the sleeve of Su Erguniang and greeted Luo Sheng, "My sister is not sensible. I hope Miss Luo wouldn't mind her." From Su Daguniang's perspective, as long as Luo Sheng doesn't pester her elder brother, she would be grateful. It would be unwise to provoke her any further.

Luo Sheng quietly glanced at Su Daguniang and said, "I do mind."

[1] Su Yao’s sisters


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