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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 32

 Chapter 32: The Third Person

Luo Sheng fixed her gaze on the approaching figure and deduced from its silhouette that it belonged to a woman. Who could possibly be present in this long-abandoned mansion in the dead of night? Luo Sheng gripped the dagger even tighter.

To her alarm, the woman proceeded directly toward her.

One step, two steps, three steps...

The figure drew closer, forcing Luo Sheng to raise her hand and tightly clutch the sharp dagger. She poised herself, prepared to strike at a moment's notice. In her days as Princess Qingyang, her father had told her to learn horseback riding, archery, and martial arts.

Her father had always emphasized the value of martial arts, asserting that it was advantageous for her to possess such skills. Learning them would ensure she could rely on herself when needed, sparing the servants any unnecessary trouble when she wanted to beat her husband. She had dutifully heeded her father's advice, honing her horseback riding and archery abilities.

Moreover, it was evident that Miss Luo had also received martial arts training. Even without considering her skill level, Miss Luo's physical prowess alone surpassed hers. This was not surprising, given the girl who can lead a group of servants to stir up trouble in the streets should possess some proficiency with a whip or similar weapons.

Sensing that relying solely on her dagger might not ensure her safety and regretting not having brought Miss Luo's whip, Luo Sheng swiftly bent down to retrieve a stone.

The figure halted just a foot from Luo Sheng, dropping to its knees abruptly.

Luo Sheng narrowed her eyes. If she's not mistaken, the person was facing... her boudoir.

To her surprise, the individual began kowtowing several times in the direction of her boudoir. A distinct rustling sound broke the silence of the empty, dilapidated mansion. Straining her eyes in the moonlight, Luo Sheng managed to catch a glimpse of the person untying a bundle. Yet, she was unable to discern its contents.

Until a familiar scent wafted.

It was the scent of burned joss paper that she had smelled not long ago, a scent that carried sorrow and melancholy. Just as Luo Sheng realized the person's action, a suppressed cry suddenly sounded.

Luo Sheng held her breath at once.

Today marks the anniversary of the tragic demise of hundreds of lives in the Zhennan Wang Palace. At this time, that person had come here to burn joss paper. She was sure the person before her had a close connection with Zhennan Wang Palace, perhaps even a survivor of that fateful night's tragedy!

As this possibility unfolded in her mind, an overwhelming sense of excitement coursed through Luo Sheng's veins.

Whimpering sounds, carried by the wind, reached Luo Sheng's ears, accompanied by swirling ashes from the burning joss papers. Gray remnants of butterfly-like ash lightly settled on Luo Sheng's dark attire, but she remained oblivious to their presence. Her undivided attention was fixed on the weeping woman standing before her.

"Princess, this maid has come to see you..." the woman's trembled voice could be heard, and Luo Sheng stood frozen in place as if struck by lightning.

That voice... it belonged to Xiuyue!

Among her maids, Luo Sheng had taken Shufeng, adept in managing household affairs, and Chaohua, skilled in dressing, with her when she married. She had entrusted Jiangxue, who possessed exceptional martial arts skills, and Xiuyue, a talented cook, to serve her mother in her absence.

Tonight, twelve years ago, after Wei Qiang lifted her bridal veil, he proceeded to the front courtyard to offer toasts to the guests. Meanwhile, she patiently waited for his return beside the wedding bed. The dragon and phoenix wedding candles, robust as a child's arm, burned with fervor, intermittently erupting into joyous flames, casting a vibrant ambiance upon the scene.

However, it was not Wei Qiang who returned first; it was Jiangxue, drenched in blood.

Jiangxue, who had been her companion since childhood, and whose exceptional talents were praised by the same master who taught her martial arts, burst into the bridal chamber, collapsing before her. With her last breath, Jiangxue delivered the devastating news from the Zhennan Wang Palace.

After waking up in Jinsha, Luo Sheng replayed that fateful day countless times in her mind. Amidst the heartache, there was also a tinge of gratitude.

She was grateful to Jiangxue. If it weren't for the news that Jiangxue had bravely risked her life to bring, Luo Sheng would have been like countless other newlywed brides— consummate her marriage with the groom. She couldn't forgive herself even after death if that had happened.

Jiangxue, who brought the news, was dead. And it was highly unlikely that Shufeng and Chaohua, who had accompanied her to the Pingnan Wang Palace, had managed to survive. Unexpectedly, Xiuyue, who had remained in the Zhennan Wang Palace, managed to survive!

Luo Sheng's fingertips trembled slightly, and she had to summon all her strength to resist the overwhelming urge to step forward and reveal to Xiuyue that she was still alive. It had been a mere blink of an eye for her, but for Xiuyue, twelve long years had passed. Furthermore, she had become Miss Luo.

At least now she can't use her identity as Princess Qingyang to approach Xiuyue.

The wails carried by the wind grew increasingly mournful, their sorrowful echoes reaching Luo Sheng's ears, capturing each word uttered.

"Jiangxue, you fool! Why did you have to bring the news to the Princess? She didn't have to die... sob, sob... I can't blame you. I know the Princess would rather die than stay in Pingnan Wang Palace..."

Luo Sheng silently absorbed Xiuyue's inconsolable cries, and the corners of her eyes gradually became wet.

The four maids who have served her since childhood understood her deeply. Despite knowing that delivering the news would be akin to sealing her fate, Jiangxue had rushed to report it. Xiuyue, in her heart, could not blame Jiangxue, even if she had countless grievances.

They both knew death was better to her than to live in that situation. She had taught them not to impose their self-righteous judgments on others, and they had abided by her teachings.

A gust of wind swept through, intensifying the flames that consumed the joss papers, causing them to burn rapidly. Xiuyue carefully placed a piece of joss paper into the fire.

"Jiangxue, Shufeng, Chaohua, take good care of the Princess in the underworld. Carry out my duties of serving the Princess for now. When I receive news about the little prince, I will join you all... Woooooo, the Princess is enduring such immense suffering. I must bring her good news before I can see her..."

Luo Sheng, hidden behind the tree, found herself unable to breathe.

What did she just hear? The little prince——she had heard correctly. Xiuyue was talking about the little prince! Could it be that her younger brother was still alive?

Impossible! Her younger brother was her father's sole heir. With the annihilation of Zhennan Wang Palace, it was inconceivable that they would have allowed him to escape. Countless thoughts swirled within Luo Sheng's mind, converging into one resolute determination: She needed to establish a connection with Xiuyue.

Only through Xiuyue could she unravel these lingering doubts about her brother's fate.

The mere possibility of her younger brother still alive filled Luo Sheng with overwhelming excitement. Her younger brother was the cherished child born during the later years of her father and mother's marriage. Tragically, just a few days after his birth, he was met with such a tragic disaster.

The moon above retreated behind veiling clouds, and Xiuyue collapsed to the ground, weeping. The wind tousled Luo Sheng's hair, but she remained rooted in place behind the tree.

Shedding tears often provides a sense of solace in times of immense bitterness. Luo Sheng resolved to wait until Xiuyue had cried to her heart's content before approaching her. As for herself, she felt undeserving of shedding tears or seeking solace.

As the wind carried away the scattered ashes of the joss paper, the weeping gradually subsided. Just as Luo Sheng prepared to step forward, her entire body tensed. Besides herself and Xiuyue, there was another person. A man with a tall figure dressed in black, his back turned towards her, concealing his face. However, it was evident that this man possessed formidable martial arts skills.

Who could this person be? Was he following Xiuyue?

Luo Sheng's thoughts raced, and she witnessed the black-clad man silently approach Xiuyue, his hand form a into a flat shape[1], ready to strike at the back of her neck. Luo Sheng seized a stone without hesitation and swiftly hurled it at the back of the man's head.

In an instant, the man, struck by the stone, collapsed to the ground. Startled by the commotion, Xiuyue turned around, her hand covering her mouth as she instinctively retreated.

Luo Sheng blinked, feeling lucky. She felt that had she not chosen the precise moment to intervene when the man attacked Xiuyue, the outcome would have been uncertain.

Bending down to help Xiuyue, Luo Sheng took a fleeting glance at the man's face.

[1] knifehand strike


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