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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 42-2

 Chapter 42-2: Fight Tooth and Nail

As everyone turned their heads upon hearing her voice, they saw Luo Sheng walking over. Anxiously, Sheng Sanlang pressed against the wooden door, urging, "Biaomei, why are you here? Quickly hide inside!"

Luo Sheng calmly observed the violently shaking door and replied, "This place is too small to hide anywhere, Biaoge."

Growing even more anxious, Sheng Sanlang insisted, "Still, don't stand near the door! When the door's plank can no longer withstand it, and the assailants break-in, it will be very dangerous! Be obedient and go inside!"

Despite Sheng Sanlang's anxiety, Luo Sheng remained composed. "Biaoge, don't you understand? The assailants came prepared. Today, it's either they die, or we live. If we can't win, no one will escape."

"What should we do then?" Sheng Sanlang's face grew increasingly grim as he heard the menacing sound of the door being pounded. If Biaomei wasn't here, they could go out and fight for our lives, but that's not an option now.

"Biaoge, besides Xiaochuan's body, did you see anything else?" Luo Sheng inquired. "No, as soon as I saw Xiaochuan lying on the ground, I was attacked," Sheng Sanlang replied.

"I see," Luo Sheng replied, then turned around and walked back. "Hongdou, come with me. Biaoge, please hold on for a while."

Luo Sheng hurried towards the bonfire, where she pulled out a burning wooden stick and motioned for Hongdou to do the same. The two returned with sticks in their hands. Sheng Sanlang's eyes lit up. A stick with fire can be quite deadly, perhaps even more useful than a sword.

Luo Sheng spoke in a low voice, "When I count to three, Biaoge, you and the guards move to the side immediately. As soon as they break inside, we'll launch a direct attack." The sounds of wind, thunder, rain, and knocking on the door drowned out their voices, ensuring that anyone outside would not hear their conversations.

Sheng Sanlang seemed hesitant, expressing his concern, "Biaomei, this kind of surprise attack can only deal with one person at most. In case there are many people on the other side—"

Luo Sheng interrupted him, resolute in her decision, "There won't be many people on the other side. If we can kill one, then one it is. One, two, three—"

With the door plank about to collapse, they couldn't afford to delay any longer. Luo Sheng quickly counted to three. Sheng Sanlang and the guards hid to the side as the door plank gave way, and at the same time, two black shadows rushed in.

Several long swords struck simultaneously, and the two intruders did their best to evade, managing to avoid most of the sword attacks. Throughout the intense encounter, Luo Sheng didn't even blink, let alone move a step. She swung the fire stick at precisely the right moment.

There was a scream accompanied by the smell of burnt flesh. The black-clad intruder struck by the fire stick fell to the ground, rolling in agony before meeting his inevitable demise under the relentless swords strikes.

The other intruder took advantage of the chaos to escape, but not before slashing the neck of one of the guards, who fell lifeless. He then made a beeline towards Luo Sheng.

Hongdou held up a sparking wooden stick and started beating the coming person, cursing him as she did so: "Where are you going?!"

However, the man deftly dodged her attacks and kicked her away. He then turned his attention to Luo Sheng, intent on striking her down with his sword. Seeing Luo Sheng in danger, Sheng Sanlang rushed to intervene, attempting to hug the man's legs.

But in a swift motion, the intruder slashed at Sheng Sanlang's neck. A guard rushed forward to shield Sheng Sanlang from the attack, taking the lethal strike to his heart.

Sheng Sanlang cried out in despair, "Lao Yu!" As the man withdrew his sword, Lao Yu's blood sprayed onto Sheng Sanlang's head and face.

In that critical moment, Luo Sheng acted decisively. She waved her sleeves, scattering chili powder into the air. The assassin, who had been easily slashing guards like slashing watermelon, now groaned in pain. Capitalizing on this opportunity, Sheng Sanlang launched a fierce counterattack, his eyes burning with fury.

During an intense battle, the tide can swiftly turn in a matter of a split second, determining the outcome between victory and defeat. The assassin, now blinded by the chili powder, exposed an opening, and he was quickly overwhelmed by the chaotic slashes of the swords. In a matter of seconds, he met his end.

The rain continued to fall, and the stench of blood in the temple overpowered the previous aroma of ginger tea, causing a feeling of nausea.

Sheng Sanlang looked at the scattered corpses around him in a daze and subconsciously called out, "Biaomei!"


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