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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 43-1

 Chapter 43-1: A Suspicion

The young man, appearing to be around seventeen or eighteen years old, had blood smeared all over his head and face, presenting a pitiful and embarrassed sight.

"Biaoge, are you injured?" Luo Sheng asked.

Sheng Sanlang shook his head and replied, "I'm fine. Biaomei, how did you know the people who attacked us weren't a large group? Is it possible that someone is still hiding outside?"

Luo Sheng glanced towards the wide-open temple door, where an endless curtain of rain poured outside, shrouding the surroundings in darkness despite it being only noon. "If there were many attackers, they wouldn't have needed to conceal themselves in the dark to strike."

Sheng Sanlang breathed a sigh of relief, but his relief was short-lived as he heard Luo Sheng change her tone. "However, we can't be certain that no one else will come to pursue and finish what these two people failed to do."

Furious, Sheng Sanlang exclaimed, "I never expected the world to descend into such chaos, with bandits coming one after another!" Just a few days ago, they had encountered bandits attempting to rob them of their pork knuckles. Now they found themselves facing an even more ruthless group. Back home, he used to envy those who traveled freely, but he never imagined that his own journey would become so perilous.

Luo Sheng stared down at the corpse lying not far away. It was one of the two assailants, a young man with an ordinary face. She suddenly bowed apologetically to Sheng Sanlang, saying, "I'm sorry to have brought you harm, Biaoge."

Sheng Sanlang hurriedly stepped aside to avoid her curtsy, saying, "Biaomei, what are you talking about? This incident has nothing to do with you. It's because my family didn't consider the dangers properly. If we had known how lawless the outside world could be, we would have hired a team of escorts. You are not to blame, Biaomei."

Luo Sheng shook her head: "This incident is likely connected to me." Startled, Sheng Sanlang asked, "Biaomei, what do you mean?"

In a low voice, Luo Sheng explained, "The attackers we encountered were most likely targeting me specifically."

Sheng Sanlang was shocked. "Why would they do that?" Luo Sheng gazed at the lifeless body on the ground, her expression complicated. "

She had long felt that something was amiss.

Though Jinsha County was just an ordinary county, it fell under the jurisdiction of Jinling Prefecture, where Commander Luo's subordinates should have been stationed. Even if these people didn't pay attention to Commander Luo's two children in Jinsha County daily, they should have watched them to some extent.

When she left the Sheng Family and journeyed back to the Capital, if these people received the news, even if they didn't appear because they were unaware that she had forged Commander Luo's letter, they should have secretly sent someone to protect her.

Alternatively, even if they didn't send anyone to protect Miss Luo, why would someone want to kill Miss Luo? Luo Sheng couldn't figure it out for the time being, but she knew it might be difficult to reach the Capital smoothly.

There were only two assassins this time, but what if there would be more next time? She still had a lot of things to do and was very afraid of death.

Despite the fear of what might come next, Luo Sheng, who cherished her life dearly, managed to maintain her composure. "Biaoge, let's bury our guards together," she suggested calmly.

Sheng Sanlang agreed solemnly. Only one of the four guards in their party had survived, while the other three had become cold corpses. The rain had softened the soil, making it easier for them to dig three graves. Together, they laid the three guards to rest.

Standing before the slightly raised burial mounds, Luo Sheng spoke softly, "Once I return to the Capital, I'll arrange for your remains to be sent back to Jinsha County so that you can rest in your homeland."

Upon hearing this, Sheng Sanlang's heart grew heavier, and he reached out to pat Luo Sheng's shoulder but hesitated, eventually putting his hand down quietly. "Biaomei, your clothes are all soaked. Let's go inside the temple."

They returned to the temple, where the bonfire still blazed, and the smell of blood lingered. Glancing at the two assailants' corpses that remained in their original place, Sheng Sanlang hesitantly asked, "Should we bury them as well?"

Sitting by the fire to warm herself, Luo Sheng responded with a cold tone, "No need to bury them. Let them remain unburied in the wilderness."


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