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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 48-2

 Chapter 48-2: Trivial Matter

Throughout history, there have been numerous courtiers who were deeply favored by the Emperor but faced overwhelming impeachment and were charged with countless crimes as soon as they passed away.

Such instances were not uncommon, and the fate of their family members was often grim. The best outcome for these family members was to return to their hometowns and attempt to live a stable life. However, more often than not, they encountered the disaster of having their homes ransacked and were reduced to becoming slaves or prostitutes.

Luo Sheng looked at the middle-aged man lying quietly on the bed, a subtle mockery hanging from the corner of her mouth. It's really ironic. She now had to find a way to wake up and preserve the life of the person whose hands were stained with her family's blood.

Hurried footsteps could be heard, and a man rushed into the room.

"Sanmei, it's really you!" The man walked up to Luo Sheng quickly, still wearing an expression of disbelief.

Luo Sheng looked at him and said lightly, "Call me Luo Sheng or Sanguniang."

She had heard from Hongdou that Commander Luo had five adopted sons, but she wasn't sure which one this man was. Regardless, she found the address "Sanmei" unbearable.

The man froze and awkwardly changed his words, "San... guniang, weren't you in Jinsha? Why are you here?"

At that moment, Luo Yue chimed in, "Wuge[1], aren't you in charge of Jinsha County? How come you didn't know that Sanjie is back?"

Luo Sheng's eyebrows slightly raised upon hearing this. So, the man before her was Yundong, the fifth adopted son of Commander Luo.

Upon being questioned by Luo Yue, Yundong's face contorted with anger, and he cursed under his breath, "Those bastards!"

After venting his frustration, Yundong asked, "Why did Sanguniang return to the Capital?" Taking into account the time it would take for ordinary carriages and horses to travel to the Capital, Yundong realized that by the time Luo Sheng left Jinsha County, Godfather had already been in a coma for many days.

At this moment, Sheng Sanlang also contemplated the situation. Something didn't add up – hadn't Biaomei received a letter from Gufu before returning to the Capital? But Gufu was in a coma then, so how could he have written a letter?

Observing the young girl's composed expression, Sheng Sanlang made a bold guess: Could the letter have been forged by Biaomei? Impossible. How could she remain so calm with a fabricated letter? Besides, Zumu (grandmother) had seen Gufu's handwriting, so she wouldn't have made a mistake in recognizing it.

This matter is bizarre—Sheng Sanlang scratched his head, slightly perplexed.

"Isn't Wuge here too?" Luo Sheng asked in return.

Yundong frowned slightly.

He had thick, sword-like eyebrows and a chiseled face that gave off an unsmiling and cold impression. However, his tone towards Luo Sheng was surprisingly gentle as he replied, "When I received the news of Godfather's assassination and his coma, I rushed back home from Jinling Prefecture."

After hearing Yundong's words, Luo Sheng's mind raced with thoughts.

As she had speculated before, there must be Jinlin Guards in Jinling Prefecture keeping an eye on Miss Luo and Luo Chen. Even if they weren't monitoring her constantly, she had been away for a considerable time, so the news about her departure should have reached the leader of the Jinlin Guards stationed in Jinling Prefecture - who happened to be the man standing before her.

But Yundong acted as if he didn't know about her return. If he was telling the truth, then there might be something wrong with the transmission of information within the Jinlin Guards. This must be related to her being chased to be killed.

Of course, she couldn't rule out the possibility that Yundong was pretending to be ignorant. If that were the case, then he could be a problem himself.

"I got it!" Luo Yue exclaimed, realizing the truth. "Sanjie, you came back secretly!"

Everyone, including Sheng Sanlang, turned their attention to Luo Sheng.

Could it be that Biaomei forged Gufu's letter and returned to the Capital on her own accord?

Under the scrutiny of everyone's gaze, Luo Sheng lifted her chin slightly and replied coldly, "I only need to report my return to Father. I don't owe explanations to anyone else, do I?"

It's merely fabricating a letter to return to the Capital. It is a trivial matter, yet each of them looks like they have discovered her grave mistake.

[1] Wuge: Fifth brother


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