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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 49-1

 Chapter 49-1: I Am Different

Upon hearing Luo Sheng's acquiescent response, Luo Yue's delicate eyebrows arched in surprise. "You really came back on your own accord?!" Luo Sheng raised her eyebrows: "So what if I did? Are you going to beat me on Father's behalf?"

That sharp retort left Luo Yue momentarily stunned. Of course, she didn't have the guts to do such a thing. Being the sole legitimate daughter of the Luo Family and Father's most beloved daughter, Luo Sheng's authority in the Luo Mansion was unshakable. Her return meant that her word now held sway over the entire household.

Thinking of this, Luo Yue felt extremely aggrieved. She managed to stammer, "If Father wakes up—"

Luo Sheng looked at Luo Yue with a smile that was not quite a smile, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if Father wakes up?"

"You—" Luo Yue was left speechless once again, her lips trembling in frustration. Luo Sheng had changed!

In the past, Luo Sheng was known for her unreasonable behavior. Whenever someone provoked her, she would resort to whipping and beating them, making her a feared figure in the mansion, except among her servants.

Surprisingly, now she has developed a newfound skill for eloquence. However, her eloquence is unlike typical noble girls who speak kindly but hide sharp intentions behind their words. Instead, Luo Sheng's eloquence is fierce and direct, making it even more challenging to handle than deceptive sweetness.

Luo Yue found herself in distress. She would feel deeply aggrieved when she couldn't win the verbal battle. However, even if she managed to win the argument, Luo Sheng might resort to physical violence instead.

Seeing that Luo Yue was speechless, Luo Sheng asked calmly: "Who taught you to point at my nose and speak like this? Was it your birth mother?"

Her face drained of color, and Luo Yue's eyes betrayed her panic as she hurriedly replied, "It has nothing to do with my mother. Please, don't take your anger out on others!"

The mention of Luo Yue's birth mother by Luo Sheng sent a shiver of fear down the young girl's spine. With their Father currently in a coma, Luo Yue knew that if Luo Sheng decided to target her birth mother, Dajie and Erjie would be unable to intervene. As for her several foster brothers - thinking of them, Luo Yue smiles wryly in her heart.

Though she was young, Luo Yue understood that her brothers would unquestionably side with Luo Sheng, given her favored position in their Father's heart. Until one of the foster brothers seized control of their Father's power, they would continue to treat Luo Sheng respectfully.

Looking at her Father, Commander Luo, lying helpless on the bed, Luo Yue's eyes filled with pain and helplessness. It would be great if Father woke up. Father would undoubtedly be furious to learn that Luo Sheng had returned to the Capital without his consent. By then, Luo Sheng would be humiliated!

Seeing that the young girl was more or less frightened, Luo Sheng spoke indifferently, "Just remember, Simei, that any improper words or actions on your part may implicate your birth mother, considering she raised you."

Suppressing her urge to challenge Luo Sheng's accusation, Luo Yue clenched her lips tightly. How could Luo Sheng dare to criticize her etiquette when her own behavior involved keeping male companions and flirting with men? Was that considered the proper etiquette?

Even Sheng Sanlang, who was observing from the sidelines, couldn't help but think: Biaomei seems to have a double standard. This is not good; her actions might make it difficult for the public to take her words seriously."

Luo Sheng seemed to sense the unspoken thoughts of the onlookers and smirked slightly. "What's the matter? Are you not convinced? Do you think I'm the one lacking etiquette?"

The crowd expressed their agreement through silence. They don't dare to say anything. Luo Sheng's newfound eloquence was both impressive and fierce.

Amidst the silence, Luo Sheng's gaze swept across Luo Qing and her sisters' faces as she nonchalantly remarked, "I am unlike all of you. After all, I don't have a mother."

The silence persisted as Luo Sheng's reasoning was too sound, leaving everyone at a loss for words.

Sheng Sanlang gazed at Luo Sheng with a mix of sympathy and apology. He realized he had judged her too harshly earlier and was biased. Biaomei was pitiful enough to have lost her mother at a young age. Considering all she had been through, it was remarkable that she had grown up to be so beautiful and skilled in cooking. How could he ask for more from her?


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