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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 50

 Chapter 50: Divine Doctor

Luo Sheng's eyes lit up: "Divine Doctor Li? Are you talking about the one who can bring life back to the dead and flesh to the bones?"

Luo Yue couldn't resist letting out a soft snort: "You don't even know who Divine Doctor Li is, yet you're asking so many questions."

Suddenly, Luo Sheng turned to look at her sternly: "Adults are talking, don't interrupt! "

Unconvinced, Luo Yue muttered: "You're only one year older than me—"

"I have already come of age, but you haven't," Luo Sheng coldly pointed out, hitting the nail on the head.

Luo Yue found herself unable to retort, and a sense of despair clouded her eyes. It wasn't her imagination; Luo Sheng had indeed changed, becoming eloquent, shrewd, and fierce. How could she live in the future?

Ignoring Luo Yue's distress, Luo Sheng turned her attention back to Pingli, who confirmed, "Yes, we are indeed talking about that Divine Doctor Li."

Even Imperial Doctor Wang couldn't help but say: "In this world, there's no one else worthy of the title' Divine Doctor' besides Divine Doctor Li."

A smile slowly appeared on Luo Sheng's face. That's right. Besides Divine Doctor Li, who else could be worthy of the title 'Divine Doctor'? This was held twelve years ago and remains so now, twelve years later.

The astonishing fact was that Divine Doctor Li, who could bring people back from the brink of death, lived just on the outskirts of the Capital. Could this be a rare act of mercy from Heaven, ensuring that she wouldn't have to face such a challenging path in the future?

Luo Sheng smiled and asked Pingli: "If that's the case, why didn't you seek Divine Doctor Li's help to save Father?" 

As soon as these words were uttered, silence enveloped the atmosphere. Luo Sheng's sharp instincts immediately sensed that something was wrong. She had let her excitement about Divine Doctor Li being alive cloud her judgment, causing her to overlook an obvious fact: If they had the option to invite Divine Doctor Li to treat Luo Commander, why did they wait until now?

Though these thoughts raced through Luo Sheng's mind, she managed to maintain her composure, hiding her inner turmoil behind a calm face. She persisted, "Dage, why aren't you answering?"

Pingli pursed his thin lips and remained silent.

Luo Erguniang, Luo Qing's gentle voice, broke the silence, "Sanmei, you were in Jinsha County, so you might not know. This Divine Doctor Li arrived in the Capital at the beginning of the year and is very selective about his patients. e only accepts a maximum of three patients per day and has specific conditions for choosing them. Patients must present to him something that piques his interest. He won't bother treating them if they fail to do so, regardless of their identity."

Luo Sheng listened intently, gaining insight into the relationship between Luo Qing and Pingli. This Luo Erguniang appeared gentle and quiet, but she readily came to Pingli's aid when he felt embarrassed or hesitant. It can be seen that they had a close relationship, or perhaps Luo Qing had a special affection for Pingli that might not have been reciprocated in the same way.

Of course, this has nothing to do with her. As she lacked Miss Luo's memories, she needed to understand the situation better through conversations like these.

"What kind of things interest Divine Doctor Li?" Luo Sheng asked.

Luo Qing smiled wryly, "No one can truly discern what piques Divine Doctor Li's interest. On one occasion, he accepted two red corals from Duke Ning in exchange for treating his mother. Another time, he received a piglet as a gift from a pig butcher. Yet, there were those who offered more valuable items and were still turned away. There seems to be no clear pattern to Divine Doctor Li's preferences."

Luo Sheng frowned: "Is there really nothing in our vast Luo Mansion that might capture Divine Doctor Li's interest? Or perhaps our brothers haven't put forth enough effort to find something suitable?"

Luo Qing clarified, "Sanmei, you misunderstood. It's not that our brothers haven't dedicated enough effort. The thing is, Divine Doctor Li has said he won't help Father, no matter what we offer."

Luo Sheng looked slightly surprised, asking, "But why?"

Luo Qing shook her head: "We don't know." In truth, not only the Luo Family but everyone in the Capital was also left wondering when Commander Luo offended Divine Doctor Li.

After a moment of silence, Luo Sheng returned to Pingli, saying, "Father holds a first-rank commander, serves as the Crown Prince's mentor, and commands the Jinlin Guards. Shouldn't Divine Doctor Li be afraid to turn down our request?"

This statement elicited some awkward expressions from those present. Luo Sheng had not changed a bit; her approach to any situation was to use power and influence to suppress others.

Pingli and the others remained silent, but Imperial Doctor Wang became agitated as if he had personally been insulted. He cupped his hands and said, "Divine Doctor Li possesses a gold tally[1] from the previous Emperor, and even the current Emperor treats him with great respect, never attempting to force him in any way. There's no reason for Divine Doctor Li to fear anyone."

The old doctor glared at Luo Sheng angrily, looking at her as if she were a stupid rock. To want to threaten Divine Doctor Li with power, this Miss Luo is shallow, ignorant, and ridiculous!

Luo Sheng understood the old doctor's outrage. Twelve years ago, Divine Doctor Li was already revered as a celestial-like figure in the medical community, and his reputation had only grown stronger over time. He was considered the patriarch by doctors all over the world, and his influence and prestige were unparalleled.

"So, you mean that if Divine Doctor Li is unwilling, there's nothing we can do?" Luo Sheng asked.

Pingli smiled wryly, "Yes, that's right. I and your other brothers have all visited Divine Doctor Li, but we were turned away."

Unfazed, Luo Sheng calmly asserted, "I'll give it a try," eliciting a range of expressions from the others in the room.

"Sanmei—" Pingli quickly corrected himself after meeting the young girl's dark eyes, "I mean Sanguniang, it's better if you stay and accompany Godfather. We'll come up with another solution."

Luo Sheng's expression remained serious as she questioned, "Dage, do you have any other solutions?"

Pingli's lips moved, but he found it difficult to come up with a satisfactory answer. Dealing with this foster sister was proving to be quite challenging. If he claimed there were other solutions, she might accuse him of not being dedicated to Godfather, an accusation he couldn't afford to bear.

Besides, there was no other way.

"You have no other solution, yet you're holding me back?" The young girl's frown deepened, and her obsidian eyes sharpened. "Does it mean that Dage looks down on me and thinks I am incapable of inviting Divide Doctor Li?"

Pingli felt helpless and quickly clarified, "Sanguniang, I didn't mean it that way."

Luo Qing tried to persuade, "Sanmei, Dage has your best interests at heart—"

"Erjie, you believe that Pingli's intentions are truly in my favor by stopping me from rescuing Father?" Luo Sheng calmly questioned Luo Qing back.

Some people inside Jinlin Guards might be responsible for the incident where she was nearly killed. She wouldn't be so naive as to consider anyone who spoke kindly a good person. Among the five foster brothers, Pingli and Yundong, who were currently present, and the remaining three who were absent, she couldn't trust any of them.

To her, Luo Qing's actions seemed to be nothing but a hindrance.

"Sanjie, you're trying to twist things!" Seeing Luo Qing's frustration, Luo Yue couldn't help but chime in.

Luo Sheng's sharp gaze fell on the three sisters, and she questioned them directly, "And what about all of you? Have you tried to invite Divine Doctor Li?"

Luo Qing looked astonished, "Our foster brothers have tried— —"

Luo Sheng interrupted Luo Qing unceremoniously, "Foster brothers are foster brothers, and we are we. Don't forget that it is us who are Father's biological daughter."

That was a very harsh statement, and it shows clearly that this domineering Miss Luo remained as fierce as ever, even after her return from Jinsha County. Luo Sheng didn't care what others thought. She was glad that Miss Luo lived so freely and boldly, allowing her to act without being overly cautious. If she were to suddenly start behaving rationally, diverging from Miss Luo's usual demeanor, then it would be a foolish move.

"Tomorrow, I will ask Divine Doctor Li to treat Father. Whether you three want to go with me, think carefully today." After Luo Sheng finished speaking, she walked towards the door.

She passed by her dumbfounded sisters, foster brothers, and even the bewildered Imperial Doctor Wang. She then extended her hand to Sheng Sanlang, who was equally taken aback.

Only now did she show a rare gentleness, saying, "Biaoge, let's go."

[1] While the author didn't directly specify the purpose of the gold tally, it typically granted the holder immunity and protection from jurisdiction and authority of even the next emperor. 

T/N: I started this translation on a whim, and it's amazing that I've completed 50 chapters already! Here's to another 489 chapters ahead 🤞! Hope you've been enjoying my translation and will keep following along. If you're enjoying it, you can also consider supporting me by visiting my Ko-Fi page (look for the "buy me a bubble tea" button).  Your support will greatly contribute to the development of my blog. Thanks a lot!


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