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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 53-2

 Chapter 53-2: Settle the Debt

Hongdou planted her hands on her hips, a fierce expression on her face: "You gatekeeper, don't get all high and mighty—"

A mocking voice interrupted, "I'm not sure who's the haughty one."

Luo Ying and her other sisters felt a pang of embarrassment as if they had been slapped in public.

"Sister, your maid is truly disgraceful!" Luo Yue stamped her foot in frustration.

Luo Sheng said that she was going to invite Divine Doctor Li, and they had all come with her for the sake of their father. However, they hadn't expected Luo Sheng to allow her maid to make a spectacle of herself, achieving nothing.

"Simei, don't say that," Luo Ying lightly patted Luo Yue. She, too, felt embarrassed, but even if she had grievances against Luo Sheng, it remained a private matter within the family. In the eyes of outsiders, they were one family; if one suffered, they all suffered, and if one thrived, they all thrived.

After confirming that the gatekeeper boy was deliberately making things difficult, Luo Sheng gestured for Hongdou to step back and calmly looked at the person who had just sneered.

Zhu Hanshuang gazed at Luo Sheng without displaying any vulnerability, her eyes filled with disdain. She had overestimated Luo Sheng, believing that she might have improved after being driven out of the Capital and returning.

As it turns out, she still can't do anything and only brings shame to her family.

Facing Luo Sheng's calm gaze, Zhu Hanshuang felt no fear whatsoever. In the past, she had to restrain her temper due to Commander Luo's power, but now, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Commander Luo was already on the brink of death and might not even survive the day. Once he was gone, considering how he had offended numerous people as the Commander of Jinlin Guards[1], it would be surprising if the entire Luo Family could escape unscathed.

At that time, she might even be able to purchase Luo Sheng as her maid. Let's name her Lüdou (mung bean) by then to pair with her maid, Hongdou (red bean). With this thought, Zhu Hanshuang's smile deepened.

Luo Sheng coldly shifted her gaze and turned to Hongdou, "Who is she?" Although the question was asked openly, it sounded like a profound humiliation to Zhu Hanshuang's ears. After all, she and Luo Sheng had a rivalry. In front of so many people, especially Kaiyang Wang, was Luo Sheng pretending not to recognize her?

It wasn't a matter of not recognizing her; it was a clear message to everyone that Miss Luo didn't even deem Duke An Family's Second Miss worthy of acknowledgment!

"Miss, have you forgotten? She's the Second Miss of the Duke An Family, surnamed Zhu," Hongdou replied crisply.

"Pfft." Laughter erupted from the crowd.

Indeed, the kind of master determines the kind of servant. The young maid's subtle insult by mentioning "Second Miss of the Duke An Family" was one thing. Yet, she took a step further by emphasizing the surname, which clearly shows her Miss's complete lack of regard for anyone else.

"Uh, so it’s Zhu Erguniang.” Luo Sheng seemed taken aback, her lacquer-black eyes showing a trace of doubt. "Have I done something to offend you, Miss Zhu?"

Zhu Hanshuang quickly swept a glance at the expressionless man in scarlet, suppressing her irritation and putting on a smile. "Of course not. Miss Luo is candid and straightforward. No one will hold it against you even if you offend someone."

It wasn't that they didn't hold it against her; it was that they didn't dare. Everyone was well aware of this.

"Then, have I somehow offended you, Miss Zhu?" Luo Sheng persistently inquired.

Zhu Hanshuang's smile faltered. "No, not at all—" Why was Luo Sheng still pressing this issue? Back in the day, this foolish girl would lash out her whip at the slightest provocation, and even then, she wasn't as exasperating to deal with as she was now.

Luo Sheng's expression turned cold. "If that's the case, why did you utter those words earlier? Did you enjoy seeing me and my sisters get turned away?"

When these words were uttered, Zhu Hanshuang's pretty face reddened, and she instinctively glanced toward Wei Han. That impudent Luo Sheng had just questioned her character, causing her to be humiliated in front of Kaiyang Wang!

Luo Sheng followed Zhu Hanshuang's gaze, and her eyebrow raised slightly.

Just remember, as she had been riding in her carriage en route, she had heard the sound of horseshoes. She spotted Kaiyang Wang passing by on horseback.

Luo Sheng decisively left the speechless Zhu Hanshuang behind, smiled as she lifted her skirt, and walked towards Wei Han.

[1] The Jinlin Guards were the Emperor's trusted guards, loyal only to him. Their primary role involved eliminating individuals (and their family) who threatened the Emperor's authority. As a result, many individuals held grudges against them. (CMIIW)


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