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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 62-1

 Chapter 62-1: A-Li

Luo Sheng thought of Wei Han. If it weren't for the few days they had spent together, during which she had noticed he had a rather hearty appetite, cold, sharp-witted, and dangerous, would have summed up her entire impression of him.

It now made sense why the renowned Kaiyang Wang had appeared in the abandoned Zhennan Wang Palace. The Emperor had tasked him to eliminate the remnants of Zhennan Wang Palace. The realization sent a shiver down Luo Sheng's spine.

And as she thought of Yundong's earlier remark that there were people that managed to escape from Zhennan Wang Palace, a glimmer of hope flickered within her. Did this mean that, besides Xiuyue and her younger brother, there were others who had escaped Zhennan Wang Palace on that fateful day?

Luo Sheng composed herself and asked calmly, "Since Father was in charge of leading the siege on Zhennan Wang Palace, how was it possible for some to slip through and escape?"

"Each Palace has its private troops, and Zhennan Wang Palace's troops were particularly skilled and formidable. During the siege, with so many people in Zhennan Wang Palace, it's inevitable that some would manage to escape by chance. Godfather accomplished his mission by capturing Zhennan Wang, Wangfei, and their son. As for those insignificant individuals who escaped, well, they escaped..."

Son? Upon hearing that word, Luo Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and her mind momentarily went blank. Didn't Xiuyue say that Bao'er had managed to escape? So why was Yundong now saying that Bao'er had been captured?

"Were all the masters of Zhennan Wang Palace captured?" she asked cautiously.

Yundong nodded.

"Zhennan Wang's son must have been quite young at the time. Could it be that... he was also killed?"

Luo Sheng's hesitant tone and the sorrowful expression on her face couldn't help but amuse Yundong. For a  brief moment, Third Miss appeared more like a girl her age, catching him off guard.

Yundong answered Luo Sheng's question calmly. "How could they have allowed him to escape? At that time, one of Zhennan Wang's subordinates attempted to smuggle Zhennan Wang's son out of the Palace. Fortunately, Godfather intercepted them in time. During the ensuing struggle between Godfather's men and Zhennan Wang's subordinate, Zhennan Wang's son was dropped to death..."

Upon hearing this, Luo Sheng felt the hot blood in her veins turn instantly to ice, and even her fingertips grew cold. After despair, nothing could be crueler than giving hope and then abruptly snatching it away. No matter how strong her self-control was, she couldn't conceal her emotions at that moment, and her eyes welled up slightly.

"Third Miss?" Yundong noticed something unusual about Luo Sheng. Third Miss was——crying?

Luo Sheng blinked, holding back her tears, and spoke softly, "It sounds incredibly pitiful."

Yundong found this sudden shift in Luo Sheng's demeanor perplexing. Since when had Third Miss become so sentimental? Was this an act? If so, her motive was - Yundong immediately became vigilant.

A woman's motive for pretending to be gentle and vulnerable in front of a man was very obvious. Yundong subtly distanced himself a bit from Luo Sheng.

Luo Sheng concealed her aching heart and reverted to her usual expressionless face. "If Fifth Brother learns more about the situation in the future, remember to share it with me. I experienced an assassination attempt on my way back to the Capital, and I could use more stories to help me cope with the shock."

Yundong couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. He had been overthinking things!

The prison was damp and dark. Once they entered, the bright sunlight was abruptly extinguished, leaving them enveloped in a chilling atmosphere. From the depths of the darkness, occasional miserable shrieks pierced the air.

"Third Miss, this way," Yundong directed.

Luo Sheng followed Yundong and, through the fence, saw a man whose wrists were shackled with iron rings. Although his long, disheveled hair covered most of his face, one could still tell that the man was young and handsome.

Among the men Luo Sheng had encountered since waking up in Miss Luo's body, only Su Yao and Kaiyang Wang could compare with the man before her.

Su Yao was a gentleman with a promising future, while Kaiyang Wang possessed an aura like the snow-capped mountain or the moon veiled by clouds, which made people shy away. However, the man before her exuded a different kind of charm.

His eyes were narrow and slightly slanted; at the slightest sound, he cast a vigilant glance around. Even in his current disheveled state, his captivating allure couldn't be concealed.

Luo Sheng had to admit that it was understandable why Miss Luo had chosen to snatch this man from the streets.

And this child, she knew him.


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