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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 61-2

 Chapter 61-2: I See

"Why did Si Nan assassinate my father?" Luo Sheng repeated her question.

Yundong remained silent for a while and then asked, "Why makes you so certain that Eldest Brother is trying to coax you, Third Miss?"

Luo Sheng glanced at him, exuding confidence as she responded, "Intuition. Don't you know that women mostly rely on their intuition?" Her claim that Pingli was trying to coax her was nothing more than speculation, but she didn't mind to stretch the truth a bit. Since she was lying, she naturally had to appear confident in her words.

Yundong smiled, "Intuition is not evidence and is often inaccurate." Upon his arrival in the Capital, Si Nan's interrogation had been ongoing for some time, and he had acquired some information. However, these details were hardly suitable for a young girl to hear.

"It seems that Fifth Brother is also planning to coax me?" Luo Sheng asked calmly.

Yundong replied quickly, "No, not at all. It's just that interrogating Si Nan falls under Eldest Brother's responsibilities. If you suspect he's trying to coax you, perhaps you should question him again."

Luo Sheng turned her gaze away and continued walking, speaking calmly, "I was nearly assassinated on my way back to the Capital."

Yundong abruptly stopped and looked at Luo Sheng in dismay. She spoke of it so casually that he almost thought he had misheard, as if she were talking about a drizzle or a chance encounter with a stranger.

"Fifth Brother is stationed in Jinling Prefecture, correct?" Luo Sheng asked.

Yundong remained silent.

Luo Sheng nonchalantly continued, "Fifth Brother wasn't aware I had left Jinsha. Would that be considered a dereliction of duty?"

Yundong's eyebrows twitched slightly.

Luo Sheng's tone remained casual as she mused, "I wonder how Father would react if he knew  about the assassination attempt?"

"Third Miss!" Yundong exclaimed.

Luo Sheng's expression turned serious as she stated, "I won't mention the assassination attempt to Father. So, Fifth Brother, are you willing to answer my questions?"

Yundong remained silent for a long time. He felt cornered.

In the past, before Godfather had stationed him at Jinling Prefecture, he had endured his fair share of scolding from Third Miss. Even though he had to swallow his pride, he didn't mind the young girl's unreasonable attitude.

However, at this moment, he keenly felt the powerlessness of being threatened. At most, Godfather would be furious at him for not discovering Third Miss's departure for the Capital in time. However, if he were to learn that Third Miss had encountered an assassination attempt on her way back to the Capital - Yundong couldn't even begin to fathom the consequences.

Yundong began, "Si Nan's attempt on Godfather's life is connected to a treason case from many years ago."

"Treason?" Luo Sheng's eyelids twitched, and she slowed her pace.

"Based on the gathered evidence, it seems Si Nan's true identity is the grandson of a steward from Zhennan Wang Palace, which was exterminated twelve years ago -" Yundong explained, but he stopped short as he observed a change in Luo Sheng's expression. He asked, "What's wrong, Third Miss?"

Luo Sheng slowly raised her hand and rubbed the corners of her eyes, wearing a faint smile. "Hearing about extermination makes me a bit uneasy. Please, continue, Fifth Brother."

"That steward, because he was highly valued by his masters, managed to have one of his sons freed from slave status, allowing him to leave Zhennan Wang Palace. On the fateful day of the Zhennan Wang Palace incident, which coincided with Princess Qingyang's wedding, this son brought his family members to partake in the festivities. However, his eldest son remained at home due to a fever. Tragically, the entire family perished on that day... The eldest son who was left behind was Si Nan. In that tragedy, he lost his parents, siblings, grandparents, two uncles, and their families. And so, he harbored a deep grudge against Godfather."

Luo Sheng clenched her fists tightly, struggling to control her emotions, and asked, "If everything is clear, why haven't you eliminated him to avenge Father?"

Only then did Yundong finally feel a sense of familiarity with Luo Sheng, and his heart eased slightly. "While Zhennan Wang Palace was wiped out, there were some who managed to escape. The reason for keeping him alive is to ascertain if he has maintained any contact with the surviving remnants of Zhennan Wang Palace over the years. Recently, Kaiyang Wang left the Capital because the Emperor ordered him to investigate this matter..."

"I see." Luo Sheng replied, emphasizing each word.


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