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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 63-1

Chapter 63-1: A Favor

Luo Sheng remained silent and did not answer Si Nan's question.

Si Nan's facade of fearlessness finally cracked, and he asked in a trembling voice, "How did you know my childhood name?"

Stepping closer, Luo Sheng stood, nearly touching Si Nan's body. She lowered her voice to a whisper, so gentle it felt like a breeze, "A-Li, do you believe in resurrection?"

Si Nan's gaze intensified as he focused on Luo Sheng.

"I am Princess Qingyang," Luo Sheng declared deliberately, "so I know that your childhood name is A-Li."

While she had kept her identity concealed when facing Xiuyue and hadn't revealed it even to Divine Doctor Li, the situation with Si Nan, imprisoned and teetering on the brink of life and death, left her with no alternative but to unveil the truth. With no room for an easy way out, all she could do was speak the truth and take a gamble on whether he would believe her or not.

"Do you expect me to buy into such a preposterous tale?" Si Nan's eyes were dark, but the flickering light revealed his inner turmoil.

Luo Sheng smiled wryly, "I also think it's absurd, but it happens to be the truth. My time here is limited, and I'm afraid I won't have another opportunity to revisit you. There's something I need to ask of you."

She had recently brought Divine Doctor to tend to Commander Luo. While it might have seemed somewhat impulsive to visit the man who had harmed her father, it was only natural.

But after all, Si Nan was a criminal, and it would be difficult for her to come here again. Regardless of Commander Luo's affection for his daughter, he couldn't permit her to treat Jinlin Guards Prison as an extension of Luo Mansion's backyard.

"Go ahead, ask your question," Si Nan replied. Unconsciously, his contemptuous demeanor towards Luo Sheng had subtly faded away. He still couldn't entirely believe her, let alone fully accept her words, but deep within, he held onto a glimmer of hope. If she were indeed the Princess, wouldn't that mean there was a chance for Zhennan Wang Palace to be avenged?

"Is Bao'er... still alive?" Luo Sheng asked, almost using all her energy to ask this question.

The name "Bao'er" caused Si Nan to waver even more. He looked at Luo Sheng for a long time before finally shaking his head.

As Si Nan shook his head, Luo Sheng's heart plummeted to the extent that she could hardly hear the other party's words.

"The little prince died. He fell to death on the street outside the Palace," Si Nan revealed.

Luo Sheng closed her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Si Nan fixed his gaze on the tears clinging to the girl's eyelashes and found himself increasingly inclined to believe that she truly was the Princess, especially if her sole purpose for coming here was to inquire about this.

"You... don't cry." Si Nan began, unsure how to address Luo Sheng and ultimately settling on "you."

Luo Sheng opened her eyes, and they were filled with indescribable pain.

Si Nan was all too familiar with such agony. It was the emotion that had consumed him most since the fall of Zhennan Wang Palace. After that fateful day, his life had known no joy, only pain and bitterness.

"Is there anything else you wish to ask?" Si Nan asked, his heart tightening with apprehension. If she were to ask if he had been in touch with any survivors of the Zhennan Wang Palace, as previous interrogators had done, then he could only assume that everything this woman had spoken was a meticulously fabricated deception.

In truth, it didn't matter whether it was a lie crafted to deceive him. He had no knowledge of who might have escaped the Palace. He was merely a young boy when the tragedy happened. Nonetheless, if she lied, it would be a profound disappointment. More than anyone else, he hoped the person before him would truly be the resurrected Princess, coming to claim the lives of those who had harmed the Palace.

Luo Sheng shook her head. "No, there's nothing more." She had no further questions. If her younger brother had indeed perished during that time, what else could she inquire about? Even if she could ascertain who had survived, what purpose would it serve? Should she drag them into the abyss of revenge?

Si Nan's eyes gradually brightened as he studied Luo Sheng for a long time. The girl before him appeared to merge with the image of the noble yet gentle Princess from his memories.

"I'm sorry, I can't rescue you." Luo Sheng said, a tinge of bitterness lacing her words. 

Even with her status as Miss Luo, there were still limitations on what she could achieve. And as Princess Qingyang, there were even stricter boundaries on her actions, preventing her from acting on her whims.


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