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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 63-2

Chapter 63-2: A Favor 

Si Nan didn't appear disappointed by Luo Sheng's response; instead, he looked at her with a gentle smile. His smile held no contempt, nor did it carry any allure. It was a smile that couldn't be any purer.

"I have a favor to ask," Si Nan said softly, unable to bring himself to address her as "Princess," though he desperately wished she were.

"Tell me." Luo Sheng answered.

"Kill me."

Luo Sheng's hand trembled as she asked, "What did you say?"

Si Nan's smile turned even more bitter. "Nearly every torture device in this prison has been used on me, and every moment of my life here is a torment worse than death. If you are willing to help me, then please kill me."

Luo Sheng's gaze drifted downward and landed on Si Nan's wrist. Iron shackles tightly bound his wrists, with the bones nearly visible. The colorless clothes on his body were in tatters, and the wounds were festering hideously. She was so close to him that she could smell the faint, rotten stench.

Si Nan was right; enduring life in this state was indeed worse than death with each passing moment. There was no way the Jinlin Guards would release him. In the end, whether or not they obtained the information they sought, Si Nan would meet the same grim fate.

"Help me break free from this torment, will you?" Si Nan asked softly, his delicate and elegant eyes filled with hope.

Luo Sheng stayed silent momentarily and nodded gently: "Alright," she said softly. This was perhaps the only thing she could do for him.

"Thank you," Si Nan replied, his gaze fixated on Luo Sheng as if etching her image firmly into his memory. Slowly, he closed his eyes.

Luo Sheng reached into her sleeves, took out a dagger, bit her lip, and thrust it into Si Nan's heart. Now that she had agreed to help him, any hesitation would only prolong his torment.

Si Nan's eyes opened in pain, blood spilling from his lips.

"Princess—" His voice quivered as his head drooped.

Luo Sheng took two steps back, her fingertips trembling slightly.

Yundong heard the commotion and rushed in, only to be met with the shocking sight. "Third Miss!"

Luo Sheng turned to face him, her expression vacant.

Yundong strode over and checked Si Nan's breathing, his face contorting in shock. "Did you...kill him?"

Luo Sheng reached out, clutching Yundong's sleeve as she whispered, "He said Father deserved to die, and I was so enraged..."

Yundong was at a loss for words.

The jailer who had followed Yundong inside was utterly bewildered. "Fifth Master, what should we do?"

Yundong came back to his senses and shot the jailer a cold stare. "The prisoner died after being tortured; that's what happened, remember?" Yundong reiterated firmly to the jailer.

The fact that Godather's beloved daughter killed the man left the entire Jinlin Guards with no choice but to assist in covering it up. It's just that Pingli would have to bear a heavy loss, as would he.

He looked at the hand, as pale as jade, tugging at his sleeve and sighed. "Third Miss, I will escort you back home."

Just by looking at this delicate and fragile-looking hand, one could never imagine that its owner was capable of such a precise and ruthless killing. The dagger had found Si Nan's heart with deadly accuracy, and it appeared he had met his end with minimal resistance. He was terrified of Third Miss.

"Yeah," Luo Sheng replied, releasing Yundong's sleeves and nodding obediently.

She followed Yundong slowly out of the cell, never once looking back. Though she wished to wipe away the blood from Si Nan's mouth and tidy up his tattered clothes, she couldn't.

A-Li, in your next life, remember to be an ordinary person, someone who has nothing to do with power and wealth, and live a happy life with your family.

TN: I'm hitting the road for a trip, so next week's chapters will drop on Thursday and Saturday. Stay tuned!


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