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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Kaiyang Wang's Greetings

Luo Sheng returned to the Luo Mansion and went straight to her room, never stepping outside again. Si Nan had been freed, but it left her feeling burdened. After all, her heart wasn't made of iron.

Pingli was furious upon learning that Luo Sheng had killed Si Nan. "Didn't Fifth Brother accompany Third Miss? Why did you allow her to lay her hands on the criminal?" he demanded of Yundong.

"Third Miss said that she wanted to speak privately with Si Nan... I'm sorry, Eldest Brother, I didn't anticipate that Third Miss would take such action," Yundong apologized, though his heart harbored no remorse.

The man was killed in Jinlin Guards Prison, so the news would remain suppressed unless Pingli chose to disclose it. Pingli might have considered leaking the information if Godfather had not regained consciousness. However, now that Godfather was awake, he didn't think Pingli dared to do so.

Pingli obviously also understood this and managed to suppress his anger before inquiring, "Why did Third Miss kill Si Nan?"

Yundong smiled and replied, "She did it to avenge Godfather, of course."

Pingli suddenly found himself at a loss for words. What might be considered unimaginable for ordinary women seemed entirely plausible when it concerned Third Miss. After all, she was the kind of girl who would bring a man home if she liked him.

After a brief silence, Pingli asked, "Where is Third Miss now?" He had heard about Si Nan's murder as soon as he returned from the Imperial Palace, and he hadn't managed to visit the Jinlin Guards Quarter until now.

"Third Miss has returned to her room, probably because she was in a bad mood after the incident. Eldest Brother, it might be best not to bother her," Yundong kindly reminded.

He had only vaguely sensed that Third Miss was in a low mood. It was unclear whether it was due to fear or some other reason, and he wasn't particularly concerned either way.

"I understand," Pingli replied.

After Yundong left, leaving only Qisi behind, Pingli couldn't contain his frustration. "When I asked you to accompany Fifth Brother, Third Miss made you back down with just one sentence. If you had insisted, this situation wouldn't have occurred."

Qisi smiled bitterly, "Third Miss said something rather unpleasant at the time. I couldn't force myself to follow her even if I wanted to."

Pingli took a few sips of tea to help calm his anger and asked in a puzzled tone, "Was it because you had offended Third Miss or because Fifth Brother is more special to her?"

"How would I know," Qisi replied with a lackluster tone. If it was the former, it meant Third Miss had a bad impression on him; if it was the latter, it meant he was ugly. Neither scenario brought him joy.

Pingli rose from his seat and walked over to the window. The study's window was firmly shut, allowing sunlight to filter through the green screen.

He held the teacup and sighed, "Third Miss, her thoughts grow more unpredictable as she grows older." And it so happens that she has an influence on Godfather that cannot be ignored.

Silence descended upon the study.

Shortly after Pingli returned to the Luo Mansion, a stream of rewards arrived from the Imperial Palace. Commander Luo had awakened, and this was the Emperor's gift to aid in his recovery. At the same time, another team of imperial servants went to Divine Doctor Li's residence with the reward from the Emperor.

The moment Divine Doctor Li stepped out of his residence with Luo Sheng, countless eyes in the capital began paying attention to their movements. Now, it was finally confirmed that Divine Doctor had cured Commander Luo. Even the Emperor had rewarded Commander Luo; how could they not express their congratulations?

For a while, the Luo Mansion was bustling with visitors. From members of the royal family and nobility to low-ranking officials came to visit. Those who could visit in person did so, and those who couldn't send their stewards on their behalf.

Whether you can see Commander Luo is not essential; expressing your congratulations is the most important.

After departing from the Luo Mansion, many visitors made their way directly to Divine Doctor Li's residence. Commander Luo had remained in a coma for nearly a month, and the entire Imperial Medical Office had been helpless. However, when Divine Doctor intervened, Commander Luo made a remarkable recovery. Divine Doctor Li was practically a living deity!

What does it matter if there isn't a seriously ill person in the family? Whether it's just a headache or a fever, receiving treatment from Divine Doctor compared to a quack is an entirely different experience. Divine Doctor might even address the root cause of their headache or fever.

Many people shared this perspective. As a result, not only was the tea shed outside Divine Doctor Li's residence overflowing with visitors, but there was also scarcely any space left in the open area in front of the forest where his residence was located. Nevertheless, the gatekeeper only issued thirty number plates per day; out of those, only three individuals had the opportunity to receive treatment from Divine Doctor. The odds were painfully slim.

Observing the crowds of people gathered in front of Divine Doctor Li's residence, someone lamented, "This is even harder than the Imperial Examination."

The person beside them smiled bitterly and replied, "Of course, it's more challenging than the Imperial Examination. Failing the Imperial Examination might mean you can't become an official, but for some here, but for some here, their lives depend on Divine Doctor's help."

These words resonated with the crowd, and their sentiments were echoed by many. This became even more evident when they discovered that even Kaiyang Wang had been refused by Divine Doctor Li, deepening their understanding of how challenging it was to seek Divine Doctor's help.

People who had come for minor ailments like headaches and fevers quietly departed. At the same time, those with loved ones at home suffering from severe, terminal, or peculiar illnesses anxiously waited. What on earth could capture Divine Doctor's interest?

They all thought of one person: Miss Luo!

If Miss Luo could convince Divine Doctor, who had vowed not to treat Commander Luo, to take action, then whatever she brought with her must be of immense interest to Divine Doctor Li. If they could find out what it was, perhaps they too could secure Divine Doctor's help!

The gatekeeper of the Luo Mansion began to notice an increasing number of visitors, many of whom were familiar faces who had only recently visited the mansion. Realizing these people were here to see Third Miss, the gatekeeper didn't dare to decide without permission. Hastily, he reported the news to Hongdou.

Shortly afterward, Hongdou and Kou'er arrived at the entrance hall.

"Are they all here to visit our Miss?" Hongdou inquired, taking the stack of greeting cards from the gatekeeper. She casually flipped through them, her lips curling in disdain.

"Miss doesn't like Marquis Changchun Madam, but she has the nerve to send a greeting. Who is this? Wife of the Deputy Commander of the Northern City Military Command? Goodness gracious, even a seventh-rank petty officer's wife wishes thinks she can meet Miss!" Hongdou quickly went through the cards, pausing when she reached a greeting card adorned with a dark gold pattern.

"This is... from Kaiyang Wang Palace?"

After a brief moment of consideration, Hongdou discreetly took the card, tucking it into her sleeve. She tossed the other greeting cards back into the gatekeeper's hands and impatiently instructed, "Inform those persons that our Miss is unavailable to meet them."

Miss has been resting in her room for the past two days. Miss said she was tired from the journey. Even she couldn't spend more time with Miss. And yet, these people still wish to see Miss? They must be dreaming!

The gatekeeper held the greeting card and said yes.

Kou'er hastily intervened, stopping the gatekeeper. "It's not appropriate to speak that way. Lao Wang, just convey that Miss has been looking after Commander and has no spare time. Also, clarify that it's inconvenient for a young lady to meet with outsiders, so we hope for their understanding."

"Understood," the gatekeeper replied with a sigh of relief before promptly retreating.

On their way back, Hongdou pursed her lips and remarked, "What's the point of saying it's inconvenient for a young lady to see outsiders? Miss even has male companions. Uttering such words will only make people think our family is hypocritical."

Kou'er maintained a serious expression as she responded, "Accompanying you here was the right choice. Miss having male companions doesn't bother outsiders, but your words could offend everyone. Hongdou, being too straightforward like this won't do ah……"

Hongdou listened to Kouer's rambles all the way back to Luo Sheng's courtyard, touched the greeting card from Kaiyang Wang Palace on her sleeve, and knocked on Luo Sheng's door.

"Come in," a calm voice from the room responded.

Hongdou and Kou'er pushed open the door and saw Luo Sheng sitting against a pillow with a book in her hand.

TN: Hey, apologies for not dropping new chapters last week as I'd promised. Things got busier than I expected. I'm aiming to make it up with a new chapter this Saturday and hopefully get back to the regular release schedule next week. Thanks!


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