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THOJ Chapter 7-1

 Chapter 7.1: Apricot Blossoms

Luo Sheng stood in the dark, mostly hidden by the shadows of flowers and trees, listening to the approaching voices.

It is Sheng Da Lang and the other three cousins. Luo Sheng also smelled a faint smell of alcohol. She had scared the four of them before, and because they were too scared to eat at home, they seemed to eat outside.

Sheng San Lang staggered towards where Luo Sheng stood with the support of his brothers. Sheng Er Lang's tone was filled with disappointment[1] as he said, "San di[2], why are you grieving over the death of a woman who didn't even like you?"

Sheng San Lang raised his head slightly, his eyes appearing red under the moonlight. "I'm not grieving, Er ge[3] don't talk nonsense." "Nonsense?" Sheng Er Lang tapped Sheng San Lang's shoulder with his folding fan and mocked, "Then why are you drunk like this? Using alcohol to drown your sorrows."

"Er Lang, please don't scold San Lang again; he's already upset," Sheng Da Lang interjected. Sheng Er Lang sneered, unable to contain his frustration, "I just don't understand. Miss Qian committed suicide because she couldn't marry Su Yao, so why is San Lang the one grieving for her?"

Committed suicide? Luo Sheng's eyes flickered slightly. Her eyes are like pool of water, reflecting the shimmering shades of the surrounding flowers, branches, and trees. Sheng San Lang's cheeks reddened, whether from drinking too much or embarrassed, as he said aggressively, "Who's grieving? The wine tonight has a profound taste. Is it wrong for me to have a few more sips?"

Sheng Si Lang tugged Sheng San Lang's sleeve and urged, "Third brother, stop talking——" Sheng San Lang's large fan-like hand rubbed the top of his young brother's head: "Go away, you're just a kid. You have no right to lecture me." While it was acceptable for his elder brothers to lecture him, who was this younger brother to nag at him?

Sheng Si Lang blushed and stammered anxiously: "No, biaojie, biaojie is there!" The other three stopped together and had complicated feelings when they saw Luo Sheng in front of them. Luo Sheng calmly greeted the four of them by slightly nodding her head and walking forward with Hongdou without looking back. In the evening, the wind was strong and blew away fallen petals, resembling the four people's desolate mood.

Sheng San Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked, "Did she hear what we said?" "It's hard to say whether she heard our words, but San di, you were so loud just now," Sheng Er Lang chuckled. "She must have heard you."

Sheng San Lang: "..."

Luo Sheng returned to her room, freshened up, and changed into a snow-white dress before leaning on the couch. Hongdou pulled a small stool and sat beside Luo Sheng, perplexed. "Miss, why did you claim to have a sleepwalking illness?"

Gazing at the shadows cast by the trees on the green screen window, Luo Sheng calmly replied, "To make the enemy feel at ease and lure the snake out of its hole." The little maid shook her head in confusion. "This maid doesn't quite understand." Luo Sheng looked at the maid's puzzled expression, and a rare smile graced her face. "You don't need to understand. Just follow my instructions."

She likes this simple-minded little maid. As she doesn't have Miss Luo's memories, she is grateful that Miss Luo had only been in Sheng Mansion for a short while. This way, she didn't have to worry about exposing herself in front of these people. Miss Luo's personal maid would pose a problem for her if she is too intelligent. After all, it's better not to kill innocent individuals to silence them.

"Summon the two little maids guarding outside," Luo Sheng instructed. Hongdou responded affirmatively and went out briefly to bring the two maids in.

The two maids were around thirteen or fourteen years old and were typically only assigned to perform minor chores. They are not permitted to enter the inner room unless they have duties to do. "Greetings, Miss" The two little maids bowed cautiously, intimidated by Luo Sheng's usual demeanor.

Luo Sheng nodded slightly and instructed Hong Dou, "Take four taels of silver and give them two taels each." Having witnessed her Miss's lavish spending, Hongdou readily retrieved the silver and tossed it into the two maids' arms. The two little maids were so shocked they fell to their knees and asked in unison: "Mi, Miss, what would you like us to do?"

Could it be that Miss Luo lacks manpower and wants them to abduct a certain family's young master? Although money is enticing, they still can't do this kind of thing. Luo Sheng explained calmly, "Tomorrow, you two will go out to—"

[1] The idiom used here is 恨鐵不成鋼 (hèn tiě bù chéng gāng)

1. lit. disappointed that iron does not turn into steel (idiom)

2. fig. frustrated with sb who has failed to meet one's expectations

[2] Third younger brother

[3] Second older brother

TN: Sheng Da Gongzi etc is changed to Sheng Da Lang. Lang has similar meaning to gongzi. I've also updated the family tree.  


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