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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 30-2

Chapter 30-2: Foolish Princess "We are just going to stroll around." Luo Sheng replied. They strolled from the street to the end of the alley, exploring different parts of Nanyang City. After traversing half the city, they came across a scene where a group of beggars was beating an old, gray-haired beggar. "If you don't let go, I'll beat you to death, you old bastard!" one of the beggars threatened while the old beggar held something tightly in his arms and closed his eyes, enduring the blows and kicks. "Hongdou, send those beggars away." Luo Sheng instructed. Hongdou rolled up her sleeves, ready to intervene, but Luo Sheng stopped her. "Don't worry, Miss. I can handle five small beggars like them with my fists." Luo Sheng shook her head: "I want you to send them away with a few copper coins. Remember, don't use fists to solve problems money can solve." "I understand, Miss," Hongdou nodded. Once the

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 30-1

Chapter 30-1: Foolish Princess In late spring, Nanyang City was bathed in the warm breeze, and the abundance of blooming flowers added a touch of beauty to the somewhat mundane city. Luo Sheng walked through the bustling crowd, calm and silent. Beside her, Sheng Sanlang occasionally glanced at her with doubt in his eyes. He sensed that something about Luo Biaomei was different, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Being unfamiliar with dealing with girls, Sheng Sanlang was at a loss on how to improve the situation. In his confusion, his eyes caught sight of a peddler selling candied haws. The enticing bunches of candied haws on straw sticks glistened brightly under the sun. Without hesitation, Sheng Sanlang strode over and bought two sticks of candied haws, offering one to Luo Sheng. She stopped and looked at him, finding a bright smile on the young man's face. "Biaomei, eat these candied haws. They have a delightful sweet and sour taste," he said. Luo

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 29-2

 Chapter 29-2: Returned Home Luo Sheng walked forward silently, every step weighing heavily on her heart. Nanyang City is where the Zhennan Wang Palace is located. It was always lively, bustling, and full of vigor in her memory. But what she saw before her was different. Despite the evident presence of people, there was an indescribable sense of oppression in the air. The entire city seemed burdened with heaviness. This was not the Nanyang City she remembered. Abruptly, Luo Sheng halted, fixating her gaze on a particular spot. Sheng Sanlang followed her line of sight, which led to a grand mansion. Its gates were locked, and two stone lions stood silently in front, their dusty appearance conveying the dilapidation of the estate. Luo Sheng stared blankly at the paved path in front of the mansion's gate, which was stained with a dark red hue. As a passerby walked past her, she impulsively grabbed the person's sleeve. Startled by Luo Sheng's sudden action, the young man was

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 29-1

 Chapter 29-1: Returned Home How could she possibly be in a good mood? As she drew closer to home, a mix of fear, restlessness, anxiety, and a glimmer of hope overwhelmed her, leaving no room for any semblance of happiness. Sheng Sanlang was taken aback, his smile turning dry as he said, "Biaomei, you certainly have a way with jokes." However, his smile faded when he saw the depth of sadness in her eyes. Luo Biaomei looked... as if she was really unhappy. But why? Shouldn't she be delighted to be returning to the Capital? "Then... why are you in a bad mood?" Luo Sheng couldn't find an answer, so she evaded his question by glancing into the distance ahead. "I want to spend a few days in Nanyang City," she finally spoke. Nanyang City? Sheng Sanlang furrowed his brow. Although Nanyang City was their next planned stop for rest, it didn't seem necessary to stay there for several days. "Aren't you in a hurry to get back to the Capi

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 28-2

 Chapter 28-2: Her Moods Luo Sheng proceeded to give a salute to Sheng Dalang and the others: "I've also troubled several biaoge." Sheng Dalang returned the salute, saying, "I wish Biaomei a smooth journey." Sheng Erlang coughed lightly and suggested, "How about I accompany Biaomei? Sanlang is still young, after all—" Sheng Sanlang almost punched him and glared, "No, we agreed that I would be the one to accompany Biaomei!" Sheng Dataitai and Sheng Ertaitai were taken aback. Today, Sheng Laotaitai, Dalang, and their other sons seemed a bit off. Could they be under some kind of spell? Luo Sheng glanced at Sheng Jiayu and then at Luo Chen, who stood there quietly. The thirteen-year-old boy resembled a young bamboo—tall, upright, and full of vitality, with the stubbornness typical of his age. Luo Chen had made up his mind to ignore Luo Sheng, even though he was present to see her off. Luo Sheng approached him and said softly, "Reme

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 28-1

 Chapter 28-1: Her Moods Luo Biaomei prepared these dishes? As the four Sheng brothers left Luo Chen's courtyard, the refreshing night breeze embraced them, and doubts filled their minds. Sheng Silang grumbled: "Erge, did you intentionally exclude me from drawing lots because you already knew that Luo Biaojie's cooking is delicious?" "Stop talking nonsense!" Sheng Erlang lightly slapped Sheng Silang. He then rubbed his chin and smiled at Sheng Sanlang, who became wary. "What's with that smile?" Sheng Sanlang asked cautiously. Sheng Erlang draped his arm around Sheng Sanlang's shoulder and smiled, "Sandi, I think we might have acted too hastily by relying on drawing lots to decide something as significant as accompanying Luo Biaomei to the Capital. How about we give it another shot?" Sheng Sanlang rolled his eyes: "Don't even think about it." Luo Biaomei's stir-fried fish is incredibly delicious. Let alone

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 27-2

Chapter 27-2: Gathering Upon hearing Luo Chen's request, Luo Sheng didn't hesitate to agree. She would leave Jinsha the next day, so fulfilling her brother's small request seemed fitting. After pondering for a while, Luo Sheng decided on the dishes she would prepare and instructed Hongdou to gather the necessary ingredients. As the sun set, the Sheng brothers received Luo Chen's invitation to join him for a meal and drinks. The four brothers arrived together at Luo Chen's residence, where Luo Chen himself greeted them. Sheng Erlang smiled and asked, "Why such hospitality, Biaodi? What made you think of treating us to dinner?" Luo Chen gestured for them to enter and replied with a faint smile, "Tomorrow, my sister will be embarking on a long journey, and I will rely on San Biaoge to take care of her along the way. Today, I invited Biaoge here to share a drink and chat as a token of my gratitude." Sheng Erlang subtly suppressed his smile an

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 27-1

Chapter 27-1: Gathering "Forged?" Hongdou stroked her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "Then this maid is relieved." Miss forging a letter was not a big deal as long as no shameless little hoof competed with her for Miss' favor. Luo Sheng's lips twitched slightly. When she was still Princess Qingyang, she had four outstanding and capable personal maids. Still, none of them were as unique as Hongdou. However, Hongdou's unique personality suited her current situation. Yet, as these thoughts crossed her mind, Luo Sheng again fell into silence. On that desolate night, Luo Sheng knew her four maids were likely no longer alive. She also pondered over the fate of her beloved relatives. These were the reasons why she felt a desperate urge to leave Jinsha County. Returning to the Capital served as her best chance to uncover the truth and discover what was happening. Given these circumstances, Luo Sheng had no hesitation in forging a letter from Commander

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 26-2

 Chapter 26-2: A Letter Sheng Laotaitai hesitated briefly, reached out to take the letter, and opened it. As she read its contents, she fell into silence. The letter, written by Commander Luo, conveyed that since his daughter had become well-behaved and sensible, it was time for her to return. He also expressed his gratitude to the Sheng family. After a long pause, Sheng Laotaitai let out a sigh. "In that case, you should go back," she finally said. After all, she was only Luo Sheng's Waizumu, and such a significant decision had to be based on her father's wishes. Luo Sheng stood up and respectfully bowed to Sheng Laotaitai. "Thank you, Waizumu, for granting my wish," she said politely. Sheng Laotaitai's lips quivered. Deep down, she had no desire to grant her request. Apart from anything else, what would become of her beloved braised pork once Luo Sheng left? The thought weighed heavily on the old lady's heart. After gathering herself for a fe

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 26-1

 Chapter 26-1: A Letter Return to the Capital? Luo Chen furrowed his brow and retorted, "I don't like jokes." It was amusing to Luo Sheng how a thirteen-year-old boy could frown and say he didn't like jokes. "Why are you laughing?" Luo Chen noticed the hint of amusement in Luo Sheng's eyes and felt slightly irritated. "I'm not joking. I'm merely informing you," Luo Sheng replied. The boy's deep, obsidian-like eyes locked onto Luo Sheng's, sensing the gravity of the situation. His frown deepened. "Don't act so willfully. Father sent you here to avoid troubles. You can't just go back whenever you please." Father was afraid that Luo Sheng would continue to cause trouble with her group of servants when she arrived at Sheng Mansion. That's why he only allowed Hongdou to accompany her here, demonstrating Father's determination to keep Luo Sheng in Jinsha County. "It's an exaggeration to say

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 25-2

 Chapter 25-2: Intention to Leave "Miss, please tell me," Wang Dafu responded, his nerves growing more palpable as he sensed the gravity of Luo Sheng's words. He had assumed that a young lady of Miss Luo's stature would not pay much attention to these details. However, her words made him realize she was not easy to fool. "The prescription for the pills you prepared today, you should forget it," Luo Sheng stated, catching Wang Dafu off guard. His thoughts immediately turned to the Qianjin Pill. "And what about the previous pill—" Luo Sheng smiled knowingly. "I simply acknowledged that Wang Dafu is a compassionate doctor, and I won't dwell on the matter of you using effective medicine to treat others." During the Tuihan Pill's and Yangyuan Pill's development, Divine Doctor Li lamented the high cost of medicinal ingredients required for the Tuihan Pill, which prevented many ordinary people from benefiting from this pill. Ha