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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 20-1

 Chapter 20-1: Mouth-watering

Hongdou's multiple visits today startled Fusong: "Hongdou dajie[1], why are you here again?" Hongdou flicked Fusong's forehead unceremoniously: "Either call me Hongdou or Jiejie. If you dare call me Hongdou dajie again, I'll throw you out!"

Fusong cowered, and his eyes filled with fear. "Hongdou jiejie, why are you here?" "Is young master awake?" Hongdou asked. "He just woke up," Fusong replied nervously, glancing at the food container in Hongdou's hand.

"Here, my Miss has prepared a divine porridge for young master. Please hurry and let him eat it while it's hot," Hongdou instructed. Intimidated by Hongdou's power, Fusong bit the bullet and brought the porridge inside.

"What is this?" The unusual aroma caught Luo Chen's attention. Although his fever had just subsided and his lips were chapped, Luo Chen remained in good spirits. Fusong replied: "Hongdou brought it here. She said this is the divine porridge cooked by Miss herself and asked you to eat it while it is hot."

"Throw it away." Luo Chen said with a cold expression. Upon hearing his command, Fusong swiftly picked up the tray and walked out. He had already suspected that the young master wouldn't eat it. The porridge cooked by Miss was bound to taste terrible.

Seeing that his attendant didn't even try to persuade him to eat it, Luo Chen's face darkened, and he called out, "Wait a minute." Fusong looked at Luo Chen doubtfully.

"Why is it called divine porridge?" Luo Chen inquired. "This servant also don't know, that's how Hongdou called it," replied Fusong. Luo Chen glanced at the celadon bowl in Fusong's hand and spoke nonchalantly, "Bring it to me. I'll have a look."

Fu Song also thought that it was right to examine a porridge with such a strange name. "Look, young master," Fusong said. He lifted the bowl lid cautiously, and a sharp, pungent, sour scent instantly reached Luo Chen's nostrils.

Subconsciously wrinkling his brow, Luo Chen focused his gaze on the bowl of white porridge, finding it to be as anticipated. Now he believed that Luo Sheng had indeed prepared it herself. After all, no ordinary cook in their residence could create something that smells this bad.

Noticing Luo Chen's displeased expression, Fusong quickly intervened, saying, "Young master, I'll take out the porridge." Seeing Fusong carry the tray out, Luo Chen stopped him again and said sternly: "Bring it here. I want to taste it."

Fusong became distressed upon hearing this and hastily responded," Hongdou has already left, so there's no one to report that you didn't eat the porridge. Miss won't come here and cause any trouble. Young master, don't be so hard on yourself like this."

Luo Chen arched an eyebrow, his expression growing even darker. "I'll taste how awful it is," Luo Chen took a bite, scowled in disgust, took another taste, and cursed once more. Fusong kindly reminded: "Young master, if you continue tasting it, you will end up finishing the porridge——"

"Get out." Luo Chen snapped, his anger flaring from the embarrassment. He had never encountered such a dreadful porridge before. Was it not natural for him to be curious? Having recovered from his fever and sweating throughout the night, Luo Chen slept soundly. When he opened his eyes again, it was dawn.

One by one, Sheng Laotaitai and others came to visit Luo Chen. Sheng Laotaitai gently touched Luo Chen's forehead, her expression filled with relief. "It's good to see that the fever has subsided. We have Wang Dafu to thank for that this time."

Seeking to mend the relationship between the siblings, Sheng Laotaitai continued, "Chen'er, your sister was also deeply worried when you were sick. It is your sister who helped you take the fever-reducing pill made by Wang Dafu."

Sheng Dataitai decided not to disclose to Sheng Laotaitai about Luo Sheng's venture to the streets to buy medicine. After all, Sheng Jiayu's act of stalking Luo Sheng was also an embarrassing incident.

In Sheng Laotaitai's heart, at this moment, she held Wang Dafu in high regard, considering him to be a half-divine doctor. Of course, only half, as only Li Fanghai[2], is worthy of the full title of divine doctor. That person is akin to a living god, bringing life to the dead and flesh to the bones.

As Luo Chen listened to Sheng Laotaitai's words, he couldn't help but ponder the dreadful taste of the divine porridge he had encountered the previous night. Had Luo Sheng truly changed her ways? Just as he contemplated this, Luo Sheng entered the room accompanied by Hongdou.

[1] "Dajie" in this context can be considered as an honorary term, akin to how one would address a gang leader with"dage".

[2] The name of the Divine Doctor mentioned in Chapter 16, different person from Li Dafu.


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