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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 20-2

 Chapter 20-2: Mouth-Watering

After exchanging greetings with Sheng Laotaitai, Luo Sheng glanced at Luo Chen several times before asking, "Have you had breakfast?" Luo Chen turned away and replied casually, "I just took my medicine."

Luo Sheng smiled gently and said, "Perfect timing then. I made a bowl of porridge for you." The corner of Luo Chen's mouth twitched as he responded coldly, "I don't want to eat it." He ate that bowl of porridge yesterday not for Luo Sheng's sake but merely out of curiosity. "Didn't you eat the porridge that Hongdou delivered last night?" Luo Sheng asked. "It was so terrible."

Sensing the tense atmosphere, Sheng Laotaitai cleared her throat and asked, "Sheng'er can still cook porridge?" "Yes." Luo Sheng answered shortly and asked casually, "Has Waizumu had breakfast?" Sheng Laotaitai choked for a while. This question is difficult to answer.

Of course, she had indeed already eaten breakfast, but considering that her granddaughter had chosen not to cause trouble and instead stayed at home to cook porridge, shouldn't she be encouraged? After quickly weighing the pros and cons, Sheng Laotaitai smiled and said, "I haven't had breakfast yet."

Luo Sheng glanced at Luo Chen, who wore a sullen expression, and her lips curved into a slight smile. "If Waizumu doesn't mind, would you like to try it?" Hearing this, Luo Chen's lips twitch. Sheng Laotaitai was about to bite the bullet and agree, but the outraged young boy said, "How can I let Waizumu eat something I don't want to eat?"

"Bring it to me," Luo Chen demanded as if he was making a sacrifice for his waizumu. Sheng Laotaitai was deeply moved, secretly acknowledging her grandson's filial nature and realizing that her years of cherishing him had not been in vain.

Luo Sheng nodded at Hongdou, who swiftly retrieved a bowl of porridge from the food container and handed it to Fusong.

The cold-colored celadon bowl held a serving of white porridge topped with a layer of glistening porridge oil. Diced-sized pieces of meat were scattered throughout, accompanied by shredded bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, pine nuts, and other ingredients that intertwined into a mouth-watering aroma.

As Fusong gazed at this bowl of meat porridge, his eyes widened in astonishment. It was completely different from what he had seen the day before!

Luo Chen lightly cleared his throat, bringing Fusong back to attention. Fusong promptly served the porridge in front of Luo Chen. As Luo Chen took a sip, his brows furrowed, and his expression froze.

Sheng Laotaitai, despite her old age, had excellent teeth and a passion for eating. With years of culinary experience, she could easily recognize the hidden extraordinariness beneath the seemingly ordinary bowl of meat porridge. Observing Luo Chen's reaction, she couldn't help but ask, "How is it?"

Having endured a terrible bowl of porridge the previous night and followed by a morning dose of medicine, Luo Chen's taste buds were now treated to the soft and delicate rice infused with the tantalizing aroma of meat. Unable to contain his satisfaction, he let out a long sigh.

It tasted incredibly delicious!

"Can barely be eaten." After Luo Chen finished his statement, he gently ate the porridge. Still, no matter how gentle he was, he couldn't stop taking one mouthful after another. The small celadon bowl soon bottomed out. There is no more? Luo Chen was left embarrassed, staring at the now empty bowl. Had he been possessed? How did he unknowingly devour it all?

Sheng Laotaitai glanced at the scraped-clean porridge bowl, and for the first time, she had doubts about her grandson's intentions. It seemed that it wasn't out of filial piety that he had prevented her from eating the porridge earlier; it was simply because he found it delicious and didn't want to share it with her...

"It seems that little brother still quite likes it. Then I will have Hongdou bring you another bowl of porridge at noon," Luo Sheng said, rising from her seat without mocking Luo Chen for finishing the porridge. She understood the young boy often said things he didn't mean, and there was no need to dwell on it and embarrass him.

"No need. Fusong will get my lunch from the kitchen." Luo Chen replied.

A cough interrupted the conversation, and Sheng Laotaitai smiled as she said, "Then let Sheng'er instruct Hongdou to deliver a bowl of porridge to Funing Hall at noon. Cough cough, my teeth aren't as good as I grow older, and porridge is perfect as it requires less effort to eat than other foods."

Luo Chen: "..."

How did he suddenly remember that Waizumu loves to eat pork tendons?


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