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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 43-2

Chapter 43-2: A Suspicion 

Sheng Sanlang was stunned. He had been conflicted about whether to bury or leave the assailants unburied. He never expected his Biaomei to be so straightforward in her decision.

Hongdou rubbed her waist and spat, "Bury them? Not a chance! Miss, would you like me to check if they have any valuables on them?" The kick from the evil bastard still hurts now. These villains deserved to be stripped of their possessions and discarded outside.

Sheng Sanlang couldn't help but try to dissuade her, "Let's not do that. It's not appropriate to undress the dead—"

"Indeed, we should take a look," Luo Sheng said suddenly, getting up and walking over to one of the corpses. She leaned over and lifted the clothes, causing Sheng Sanlang's expression to twist awkwardly. He dryly suggested, "Biaomei, if you need money, I have—"

Hongdou pouted, interrupting him, "My Miss doesn't like to take something without earning it."

Looking at Luo Sheng, who was focused on examining the corpse, Sheng Sanlang's lips twitched. It's better if Biaomei did like taking things without effort!

Luo Sheng dug something out, held it in her hand, and examined it carefully. Hongdou, who had found some valuables and put them in her purse, asked curiously, "Miss, what is that?"

"It's an axe pendant made of mahogany," Luo Sheng replied, her gaze fixed on the item that was no more than three inches[1] long, lost in thought.

Sheng Sanlang glanced at it and said, "It's nothing unusual. There isn't even a word on this mahogany axe."

"It's indeed nothing unusual." Luo Sheng moved on to another corpse and searched carefully once again.

Sheng Sanlang: "..."

Not long after, Luo Sheng dug out another mahogany pendant from the arms of the second corpse, also in the shape of an axe. The two mahogany axes had the same appearance, with only slight differences in their patterns.

Wearing peace talismans was a popular trend at the time. As these two mahogany axes didn't bear any inscriptions or markings, most people would see them as ordinary peace talismans. However, Luo Sheng couldn't help but find it suspicious to discover the same pendant on both attackers.

Luo Sheng carefully put away the two mahogany axes.

Seeing his Biaomei and her maid finish rummaging through the corpses, Sheng Sanlang breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart grew heavy again. "Biaomei, you said those assailants came after you. Will there be more of them coming soon?"

Outside, thunder roared, and the downpour washed away almost all traces.

Luo Sheng withdrew her gaze and replied, "Based on my estimation, it won't be that fast. These two assailants had exceptional skills, and it shouldn't have been a problem for them to carry out the task of harming me. It will take some time for the one who ordered them to confirm that the two have failed."

Sheng Sanlang's tense heart temporarily relaxed. "So, we are safe for the time being," he said with a hint of relief.

"The pursuers will still come sooner or later." Luo Sheng said calmly.

Uncertain whether to be reassured or on guard, Sheng Sanlang could only pat his chest and make a vow, "Biaomei, don't worry. If those bad people want to hurt you, they'll have to step on my dead body first!"

Luo Sheng momentarily fell silent and said: "In the next town, let's hire a team of escorts. We'll carefully plan the time and distance to avoid spending the night outside the town in the future." She couldn't guarantee whether this plan would ensure absolute safety. Still, at the moment, she couldn't afford to let the morale of those who followed her break down first.

Sheng Sanlang blinked, feeling a bit embarrassed, "Biaomei is right." It's he who had been foolish. After all, Biaomei had enough money to buy the entire escort bureau, so there was no need for the bad people to step on his dead body.

The rain finally stopped, and due to the absence of three guards, Sheng Sanlang had to take on the role of a coachman. They reached the next town just before dark, looking battered and exhausted. The innkeeper was not surprised by their appearance. It was natural to be in such a state after traveling on a rainy, treacherous road.

The innkeeper warmly welcomed them, offering, "Please come inside, dear guests. We have prepared hot water."

Oh, the young lady being supported by her maid looks so delicate. She should take good rest quickly, lest she falls ill.

[1] The inch measurement in this story follows the older Chinese system, not the modern one. 1 inch 1-3 cm


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