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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 44-1

 Chapter 44-1: Reliable Guard

With hot water for bathing and delicious hot food to eat, the accommodations at the inn felt like heaven compared to the hardships they endured in the ruined temple. After a restful night's sleep, Luo Sheng felt rejuvenated as she stepped out of her room. Sheng Sanlang was already waiting outside, though he seemed weary with dark shadows under his eyes.

"Biaoge, you didn't sleep well?" Luo Sheng asked.

Sheng Sanlang quickly denied: "How could I not sleep well? I slept soundly last night." He hadn't expected his Biaomei to look so energetic. It made him appear incapable of handling any problem at all.

Quietly glancing at the girl's fair and ruddy face, Sheng Sanlang sighed in admiration. After all, Biaomei is someone who could remove Kaiyang Wang's belt without even flinching. She can keep her composure better than him when things go awry.

Luo Sheng was indeed calmer than Sheng Sanlang. Even after experiencing resurrection from death and facing the annihilation of her family, she managed to keep herself composed. Compared to what she had endured, the events at the ruined temple yesterday seemed insignificant.

"Biaoge, where do you plan to have breakfast?" Concerned about the shock Sheng Sanlang had experienced the previous day, Luo Sheng felt a need to do something to compensate the young man who had been innocently dragged into the ordeal.

"Let's just have breakfast in the inn's hall. Once we finish, we can head to the escort bureau to hire some guards and continue our journey while it's still early. That way, we can reach the next town before dark," Sheng Sanlang suggested.

Luo Sheng nodded, agreeing, "Then let's eat here in the inn."

As they entered the hall, they noticed that many people were already seated, enjoying their meals. The tantalizing scents of scallion pancakes sprinkled with sesame seeds, golden fried glutinous rice balls, noodle soup with red oil, and the clear and white yangchun noodles filled the air, lifting the spirits of the weary and pale-looking Sheng Sanlang.

"Biaomei, let's sit by the window," Sheng Sanlang said.

With only five people left in their group, they disregarded any sense of hierarchy[1] and chose to sit together at a table by the window. Soon, a variety of food was served.

Luo Sheng ordered a bowl of yangchun noodles and ate slowly. The noodles had only a pinch of scallions added, and the soup seemed perfunctory, lacking in flavor and taste.

Sheng Sanlang also ordered the same noodles and couldn't help but frown as he tried them with his chopsticks. This noodle is rather unpalatable.

Observing Luo Sheng quietly, he noticed that even though she was eating slowly, she had already consumed more than half of the bowl. Curious, he asked, "What do you think of this noodle, Biaomei?"

Luo Sheng dabbed the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief and replied concisely: "It doesn't taste good."

Sheng Sanlang fell silent and continued eating. As long the problem wasn't with his own sense of taste, then it’s fine. Sheng Sanlang decided to eat the noodles despite their unpleasant taste. He couldn't afford to be picky, especially when Biaomei, a girl, was not complaining and eating the noodles without a fuss.

"When we arrive at my home, I'll prepare noodles for Biaoge," Luo Sheng said softly, observing the young man burying his head in the unappetizing noodles. She felt a sense of responsibility to comfort Sheng Sanlang with delicious food, as he had suffered an undeserved disaster due to the assassination attempt aimed at her.

Lifting his face from the bowl, Sheng Sanlang's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Really?" he asked eagerly. "Of course, I won't lie to Biaoge," Luo Sheng reassured him.

With the beggar pork knuckles he had eaten before as a guarantee, Sheng Sanlang had no doubts about this promise and said happily, "Then I don't want yangchun noodles. I want a dish with meat, preferably pork belly!"

Luo Sheng pondered momentarily and smiled, saying, " Then I'll make the saozi[2] noodles with fatty pork belly."

"Slurp——" Sheng Sanlang swallowed down a mouthful of tasteless yangchun noodles, trying to ignore their lack of flavor.

Suddenly, a young man's voice echoed in the hall, "I want two bowls of yangchun noodles and eight scallion pancakes."

The voice sounded strangely familiar, leaving a deep impression on him. He turned to look, and his eyes widened in surprise. No wonder the voice sounded familiar— it belonged to Kaiyang Wang's guard, who wanted to buy a beggar pork knuckle from him!

[1] the servants cannot sit at the same table with their masters

[2] Saozi: minced meat


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