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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 57-1

 Chapter 57-1: Divine Doctor's Visit

The echo of footsteps resonated as an elderly man emerged from behind the screen, causing Luo Sheng's eyelashes to quiver.

In comparison to a decade ago, Divine Doctor Li had scarcely changed. His hair remained silver without a hint of other colors, and his eyes shone with more vitality than those of young people. Time seems to have forgotten this old man, leaving his unaltered appearance to evoke a sense of familiarity in Luo Sheng.

However, the same couldn't be said for Divine Doctor Li. He stared at the unfamiliar young girl before him with a grim expression and addressed her sternly, "Where's the Yangyuan Pill?"

Luo Sheng handed him a small box. Upon opening it and seeing the pills inside, Divine Doctor Li's eyes shrank. He brought the box close to his nose, took a sniff, and his expression soured. "Where did you get this pill?" he asked.

Luo Sheng blinked. Her bright eyes showed surprise. "You're not Divine Doctor!" she exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Divine Doctor Li retorted with a sullen expression.

Luo Sheng continued as if she hadn't noticed that Divine Doctor was on the verge of rage; she murmured to herself, "The Yangyuan Pill was given to me by Divine Doctor, but you're not Divine Doctor..."

It dawned on Divine Doctor Li that this young girl was insinuating someone was impersonating him.

Divine Doctor Li wasn't someone who had a virtuous nature. Quite the opposite, his temper was exceedingly short-fused. He slammed the small box containing the Yangyuan Pill onto the table and roared, "Make it clear—which scoundrel gave you this Yangyuan Pill?!"

The people who lingered in the courtyard to watch the excitement caught snippets of the furious roar and exchanged glances. Did Divine Doctor get angry? Sure enough, the rumors held some truth. Commander Luo must have somehow offended Divine Doctor Li, resulting in the latter's refusal to treat him.

Luo Ying and her other two sisters, waiting in the courtyard, had their expressions changed slightly. Luo Yue nibbled her lip, her anxiety evident as she voiced her concern, "Eldest Sister, Second Sister, did Divine Doctor lose his temper with Third Sister?"

Luo Qing's brow furrowed, "Seems that way."

Luo Ying sighed, "It's not Third Sister's fault. As we had anticipated before, we won't be able to secure Divine Doctor's assistance. Fourth Sister, especially you, refrain from complaining to Third Sister when she comes out."

"I know. But both of you aren't concerned? What if Third Sister beats Divine Doctor?" Luo Yue asked.

Luo Ying and Luo Qing exchanged uneasy glances. Why did Fourth Sister have to remind them of that possibility now?!

In contrast to the three sisters whose hearts were already pounding in their throats, Luo Sheng, who faced Divine Doctor's anger head-on, remained notably composed.

"So, the person who gave me this Yangyuan Pill was an impostor pretending to be Divine Doctor?"

If not for the fact that the one standing before him was a seemingly delicate and fragile young girl, Divine Doctor Li might have thrown a punch at her, his frustration visible as he huffed, "Obviously!"

Luo Sheng simply responded with an understated "Oh," conveying her understanding.

Divine Doctor Li stroked his chest. Was this young girl intentionally trying to infuriate him? What did she mean by that nonchalant "oh"? Shouldn't she be shocked to learn that someone was impersonating him?

Luo Sheng pointed to the pill. "Is this pill fake, too?"

Divine Doctor Li immediately fell silent. The person might have been an imposter, but the pill was undeniably genuine!

And that was precisely why he lost his temper. The Yangyuan Pill was a pill he had specially formulated for Zhennan Wangfei. It had never been disclosed to the public, so how could there possibly be others capable of making it?

"The pill is authentic," Divine Doctor Li said truthfully, suppressing his irritation. As a doctor, he found no reason to lie, particularly in this matter.

A smile broke across Luo Sheng's face. "Well then, that's a relief."

Divine Doctor Li stared at Luo Sheng with a scorching gaze, "Little girl, could you tell me where you got this Yangyuan Pill?"

Luo Sheng pursed her lips. Rather than answering his question directly, she countered, "Then, are you interested in the item I've brought?"


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