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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 57-2

 Chapter 57-2: Divine Doctor's Visit

Divine Doctor Li was a person who could be quite unreasonable and a bit lofty at times. Luo Sheng was confident that he wouldn't provide an answer that went against his conscience. This assurance was the very reason she felt sure about seeking Divine Doctor's help as Miss Luo.

Divine Doctor Li remained silent for around 5 minutes, then gave a slight nod. "This old man is indeed interested." What interested him was who made this Yangyuan Pill, and this interest can be regarded as an item.

Luo Sheng smiled. Just as she expected, Divine Doctor Li hadn't changed. If he were interested, he would admit it straightforwardly. He will not deliberately deny it because she is Commander Luo's daughter.

"Then... would you be willing to examine my father?"

Divine Doctor Li held his breath, and his gaze affixed to the girl who posed the question. At no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, she possessed an uncommon tranquility in her eyes for her age. Strangely, this evoked the memory of another young girl.

Divine Doctor Li sighed inwardly and reluctantly nodded. He was, after all, a principled Divine Doctor.

"Now, can you tell this old man how you came by this Yangyuan Pill?" Divine Doctor Li inquired.

"Absolutely." Luo Sheng nodded briskly. "A few days back, while I was in the South, I sought medical attention due to feeling unwell. The doctor I consulted gave me this Yangyuan Pill, claiming it would help to nourish my health..."

"What is this doctor's name?" Divine Doctor Li probed.

"The locals refer to him as Divine Doctor Li, but I don't know his actual name." Luo Sheng responded.

Divine Doctor Li's expression darkened. "Where did you encounter this Divine Doctor Li?"

"In Nanyang City." Luo Sheng replied, enunciating each word.

Divine Doctor Li's expression underwent a sudden change, and he burst out, "Preposterous!"

Luo Sheng blinked, a hint of grievance in her eyes. "Why would Divine Doctor say that?"

Fueled by the idea that someone dared to impersonate him, Divine Doctor Li's anger surged, and he snapped furiously, "This old man resides in the Capital. How could there exist another Divine Doctor Li?"

"Then—the Divine Doctor Li I met is an impostor?" Luo Sheng questioned.

"Absolutely, he's a fraud!" Divine Doctor Li retorted in irritation, and his doubts deepened. A doctor capable of concocting Yangyuan Pill and assuming his identity in Nanyang City—what was happening here?

Luo Sheng looked grateful, "Fortunately, I met you today. Otherwise, I might have continued believing you were the same as the 'Divine Doctor' I met in Nanyang City."

Unlike Divine Doctor Li, who disdained lying, she was different—thicker-skinned, perhaps.

Divine Doctor Li looked at Luo Sheng, momentarily speechless. He was annoyed by people from Luo Mansion, but now he heard this young girl say that she was glad to meet him today.

He always felt this young girl was getting an advantage and putting on a façade of innocence. Yet, he couldn't pinpoint any concrete evidence. Divine Doctor Li engaged in a deep contemplation.

Luo Sheng smiled slightly: "There's no one else waiting in line behind me. Since Divine Doctor is interested in what I've brought, and my father's condition cannot be delayed, would you be willing to follow me to Luo Mansion now?"

With a stern expression, Divine Doctor Li nodded. He was the one who had set the rules, so even if he was reluctant, he still had to do it.

Luo Sheng offered a respectful bow to Divine Doctor Li. "Thank you very much."

Divine Doctor Li gazed at the girl, her elation not escaping his notice. He abruptly asked, "Are you that confident that this old man could cure your father?"

Luo Sheng stood upright and replied calmly: "I cannot be absolutely certain that you will be able to cure my father, but if there exists a single person in this world capable of such a feat, that person would undeniably be you."

Divine Doctor Li's previously stern expression relaxed slightly upon hearing the latter part of Luo Sheng's reply. He stroked his beard and snorted coldly. "Ignorant child! It goes without saying this old man can cure your father!"

Luo Sheng's lip twitched; she was speechless for a moment. Regardless of his age, the old man remained competitive.

"Why are you just standing there like a statue?" Divine Doctor Li grabbed his medicine box and marched toward the door.


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