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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 56

 Chapter 56: Turned Away

Luo Sheng lifted her chin slightly, gave a soft hum, and gracefully entered Divine Doctor's residence with a poised and indifferent air.

At this juncture, Luo Ying and her two sisters remained in disbelief. "Did she really do it?" Luo Yue whispered, her gaze fixed on Luo Sheng's back.

Luo Qing's eyes were slightly red, and she nodded vigorously: "Yes, Third Sister did it."

As the esteemed Luo Family's young Misses, the three sisters were accustomed to a life of nobility and honor. Never could they have imagined that a day would come when they'd face embarrassment at the hands of a lowly gatekeeper boy in public. Yet, Luo Sheng, the very person they saw as troublesome and haughty, came to their rescue, sparing them from that humiliation.

At this moment, a tide of emotions surged within Luo Qing.

Luo Sheng glanced back, arching her eyebrow as she asked, "Why are you all still standing there?"

The three sisters hastened their steps, gathering their skirts as they caught up. Not the slightest hint of displeasure showed on their faces in response to Luo Sheng's remark. Instead, they even offered warm smiles to her frosty expression.

At this time, Luo Sheng did not mind the sisters' emotional shifts. As she stepped through the courtyard gate, her gaze swept across her surroundings—a pathway adorned with cobblestones led to the house's entrance. A majestic pagoda tree with luxuriant branches and leaves stretched its canopy over most of the courtyard. The corners of the walls were graced with splendid golden-and-silver honeysuckle blossoms.

Luo Sheng lowered her eyes and waited patiently. If everything goes well, she would soon meet Divine Doctor Li—the old man who once made a fuss about taking her as his disciple due to her cooking skills, only to be resolutely turned down by her.

Luo Sheng couldn't even guess how old Divine Doctor Li was. When she last saw him over a decade prior, he had been an old man with silver hair, yet still robust and full of vigor. She wondered how much he might have changed over the years.

The gatekeeper boy began ushering individuals with queue numbers into the house. The fortunate possessor of the number 1 plate ascended the stone stairs following the gatekeeper's lead while those left waiting in the courtyard grew increasingly anxious. Divine Doctor attended to a maximum of three patients per day. If Divine Doctor agreed to treat someone with an early queue number, their chance of getting treatment grew slimmer.

The first person walked out not long after entering, and his countenance said it all – the outcome hadn't been favorable. The man didn't say much and not bothering to stay to watch the excitement. Quietly, he headed for the courtyard gate.

Everyone knew getting help from the Divine Doctor was tough. If not for the desperation of having a loved one with an ailment other doctors couldn't treat, who would come here while holding onto a sliver of hope? As they watched the disheartened man, some celebrated his misfortune, while others felt for him.

Soon, these people couldn't keep sympathizing. With each person guided in and out by the gatekeeper boy, they all began to experience the same feelings.

This cycle continued until the man holding number fifteen emerged. His expression differed entirely from those who came before him.

"Thank you very much!" The man expressed his gratitude to the gatekeeper repeatedly.

The gatekeeper boy smiled and responded politely: "It was because the item you brought caught Divine Doctor's attention, so I dare not receive your gratitude."

The man stuffed a purse into the gatekeeper boy's hand and walked eagerly toward the courtyard gate.

Those who had been turned away by the Divine Doctor but were still hesitant to leave, as well as those still waiting for their turn, clustered around the man, urgently asking, "Did Divine Doctor agree?" The man nodded triumphantly, "Yes! Divine Doctor inquired about my father's illness and promised to visit within two days."

"Congratulations," everyone chimed in, but only Heaven knows how sincere they were.

For those who went in after that man, luck wasn't on their side, including Zhu Hanshuang, who sought treatment for her mother.

"Miss Luo, you can go in now." Despite harboring some resentment towards Luo Sheng, the gatekeeper boy didn't dare to make things difficult for her anymore. He had experienced firsthand the shrewdness of Luo Sheng and didn't want to provoke her.

Luo Sheng was satisfied with his attitude and nodded slightly.

Noticing that Luo Ying and the other two wanted to accompany Luo Sheng, the gatekeeper boy hurriedly intervened, "Miss Luo should enter alone. Divine Doctor doesn't like it when it gets too crowded."

Luo Ying and the other two couldn't help but glance at Luo Sheng, unsure of their next move.

"In that case, you all can wait for me in the courtyard." Luo Sheng said.

"Third Sister, do you... feel confident about the outcome?" Luo Ying inquired softly.

Luo Sheng's lips curved slightly, "I can't provide a definite answer, Eldest Sister. There are no absolutes in this world."

Luo Ying blushed, embarrassed. "I misspoke."

As the elder sister, it was her responsibility to care for her younger siblings during times of crisis. Yet, in this situation, it was the Third Sister they were relying on. Asking such a question would only add to Third Sister's burden.

"I'll give it my all, though," Luo Sheng assured and stepped forward, passing by Zhu Hanshuang, who stood at the foot of the stone stairs.

A contemptuous snort broke the silence. "Some people just won't accept reality until they face the harsh reality. Divine Doctor had made it clear—even if the Luo Family were to present precious treasures, he wouldn't treat Commander Luo. It would be wise for someone not to disgrace oneself."

Luo Sheng paid no attention to her, raising her voice slightly as she said, "Hongdou."

"Here I am, Miss!" Hongdou replied crisply.

"Look after the three Misses. If anyone dares to mistreat or bully them, don't hold back—just beat that person." After delivering her instruction, Luo Sheng ascended the stone stairs.

Hongdou shot a provocative look at Zhu Hanshuang.

Zhu Hanshuang tightly clenched her fists, a surge of anger overwhelming her. Luo Sheng, that wretched girl, was utterly disregarding Duke An Family!

In the past, such behavior might have been acceptable. However, with Commander Luo's life hanging by a thread, how could Luo Sheng have the audacity to allow her maid to provoke her? While she could argue with Luo Sheng, she could only turn a blind eye to Luo Sheng's maid's insolence.

She still had dignity to uphold. She couldn't afford to engage in a brawl with a mere maid publicly. Imagining the spectacle of the dignified Second Miss of Duke An Family fighting with a maid —no, maybe it was a one-sided beating from the maid—sent shivers down Zhu Hanshuang's spine.

Seeing Luo Sheng go in, those who failed to seek medical treatment did not leave. Curiosity and watching the excitement are always the nature of most people.

"Miss Luo, you may now present the item you've brought to Divine Doctor," the gatekeeper boy reminded, seemingly with the hope of watching Luo Sheng embarrass herself.

What did it matter if she could outsmart him, a lowly gatekeeper? The moment Divine Doctor discovered that she was the Luo Family's member, he would undoubtedly dismiss her.

Luo Sheng appeared oblivious to the gatekeeper's reminder. She was engrossed by the embroidered screen portraying "Divine Farmer Tasting Herbs,"[1] aware that the old man was hidden behind it.

"Someone from the Luo Family?" A voice, both familiar and unfamiliar, sounded from behind the screen.

Luo Sheng spoke loudly, suppressing her excitement, "I am Commander Luo's daughter. Today, I've come to request medical treatment for my father."

Immediately, the impatient voice of Divine Doctor Li echoed from behind the screen, "Send her away, Fuling. Bring in the next person."

"Miss Luo, Divine Doctor wants you to leave," the gatekeeper boy smiled, gesturing for Luo Sheng to depart.

Luo Sheng remained unfazed by the ruthless rejection, devoid of anger or frustration. "Divine Doctor hasn't seen what I brought," she responded calmly.

The voice on the other side grew even more impatient, snapping, "I don't need to see it. Just leave!"

"Miss Luo, it might be best for you to leave immediately. If everyone were as stubborn as you, Divine Doctor would hardly have time for anything else," the gatekeeper smiled as he suggested. His smile was far from courteous; it dripped with sarcasm.

Luo Sheng gazed at the screen, a faint crease appearing on her brow. In her memory, Divine Doctor Li was not such an unsympathetic person. But then realization struck her: in the past, she was Princess Qingyang, whereas now she was simply Miss Luo.

After a brief silence, Luo Sheng spoke again, "The Yangyuan Pill[2] in my hand was given to me by the Divine Doctor himself. So why does Divine Doctor act like he doesn't know me?"

[1] 神農嘗百草 (shén nóng cháng bǎi cǎo) is a Chinese myth about Shennong, the Divine Farmer, who experimented by tasting hundreds of herbs and plants to understand their medicinal properties. This legendary figure's efforts laid the groundwork for traditional Chinese medicine, showcasing his dedication to advancing knowledge and promoting human well-being. Shennong's exploration of plants symbolizes his role as a wise and benevolent pioneer in herbal medicine, leaving a lasting impact on Chinese culture and traditional medicine practices. (provided by chatgpt, CMIIW)

[2]Yangyuan pill was used to nourish Luo Chen’s body (Chapter 16-2)

T/N: Hey there, as you might have noticed in the previous chapter, I've switched some Chinese terms to English to make the reading experience smoother.  But, I'll be keeping a few Chinese terms intact. It's mainly because either they don't really have a perfect English match or translating them would kinda mess with the whole vibe of the story (at least from my point of view). So yeah, enjoy the read!


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