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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 58-1

 Chapter 58-1: Debt Settlement

To those waiting in the courtyard, it felt like quite a while since Luo Sheng had entered. Miss Luo wouldn't beat up Divine Doctor, would she? This suspicion was shared by everyone present. As for the possibility that what Miss Luo brought might have captivated Divine Doctor's interest and thus extended her visit, it was dismissed outright.

The anxiety of Luo Ying and her sisters grew more pronounced.

Luo Yue stared at the closed door as she clenched her teeth. "Eldest Sister, Second Sister, I'll go in and check on Third Sister!" They couldn't just wait and do nothing. In case Luo Sheng beats up Divine Doctor, at least they could relay the situation to their foster brothers.

Recalling how Luo Sheng had adamantly declined their foster brothers' offers to accompany them when they were when they left home, Luo Yue now deeply regretted adhering to Luo Sheng's decision. This time, neither Luo Ying nor Luo Qing stopped Luo Yue; they tacitly acquiesced to her decision. Summoning her courage, Luo Yue took a step forward, only to abruptly halt.

A silver-haired elderly man stepped out of the house, followed by Luo Sheng.

The crowd stirred with excitement: "Divine Doctor has come out!"

Divine Doctor Li had grown accustomed to such scenes. He walked towards the courtyard gate expressionlessly while the young girl at his side wore an equally expressionless face.

Confused glances were exchanged among the onlookers. What's happening here?

Luo Sheng felt no obligation to offer explanations to strangers. As she passed by Luo Ying and her other two sisters, she said, "Let's head home."

"Head home?" Luo Yue repeated these two words in a daze.

Hongdou couldn't resist rolling her eyes: "Fourth Miss, are you dense? My Miss is telling you to return home. Can't you see that even Divine Doctor himself is following my Miss?"

The crowd gasped. What did it mean? Could it be that Miss Luo has succeeded in persuading Divine Doctor?

Luo Yue grabbed Luo Sheng's arm urgently. "Third Sister, did Divine Doctor agree to treat Father?"

Luo Sheng glanced at Divine Doctor Li, who appeared rather displeased, and said calmly, "Divine Doctor agreed, but if we waste any more time, he might change his mind."

"Let's head back home!" Luo Yue's eyes were red with excitement.

Luo Ying and Luo Qing were equally unable to contain their excitement. The short strides they took toward the courtyard gate felt as if they were treading on air. The fact that Third Sister had succeeded in persuading Divine Doctor Li to treat Father felt almost surreal.

Observing that all the Luo sisters were following Divine Doctor Li out through the courtyard gate, Zhu Hanshuang, as if waking up from a dream, gathered her skirt and hastily pursued them.

"Divine Doctor, please stop!" she called out.

Divine Doctor Li, who was exiting the courtyard, paused momentarily, casting a glance at the girl in blue who was hastening after him.

Zhu Hanshuang bowed to Divine Doctor Li: "Is Divine Doctor going out for a visit?"

"What's the matter, little girl?"

Zhu Hanshuang took a deep breath before inquiring, "To which mansion does Divine Doctor intend to go?"

Despite Divine Doctor Li leaving with Luo Sheng, she still struggled to believe that Luo Sheng had managed to invite him.

"Visit this little girl's mansion." Divine Doctor Li pointed at Luo Sheng.

Zhu Hanshuang's eyes widened abruptly. "You—you said you wouldn't treat Commander Luo..."

Divine Doctor Li became impatient and said, "Miss Luo presented something that interests me."

This little girl had also entered earlier; if he recalled correctly, she should be from the Duke An Family. How naive of her to believe he would willingly visit Luo Mansion! He had sat firmly behind the screen, yet the little girl surnamed Luo had managed to lure him out with Yangyuan Pill as bait. He could only reluctantly agree to treat her father.

Did he can't see that it's bait? Well, initially, when he first heard about the Yangyuan Pill, he hadn't given it much thought. Then, by the time he realized it was bait, it was too late. That's why he felt resentful, but this little girl ignorantly ran over to remind him!

In an instant, Divine Doctor Li's impression of Zhu Hanshuang turned sour. With a disdainful snort, he flicked his sleeve and strode away.

Zhu Hanshuang opened her mouth, seething with frustration, but didn't dare to vent. All she could do was bite her lip and watch as Divine Doctor Li headed toward a carriage parked not too far away.

Those in the tea shed watching the excitement found it difficult to believe that Miss Luo had actually succeeded in inviting Divine Doctor until they saw him board the Luo Family's carriage and depart with their own eyes.


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