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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 59

THOJ Chapter 59: Waking Up

Shortly after, a young man bearing an uncanny resemblance to Shiyan departed from Kaiyang Wang Palace, clutching a silver note. He swiftly mounted his horse and made his way directly to Luo Mansion.

The Luo Mansion was bustling at the moment. Divine Doctor Li had entered Commander Luo's room, dismissed everyone, including Luo Sheng, and had been inside for some time. A line of concubines stood on the veranda while a row of sons stood in the courtyard, all appearing anxious.

"Why hasn't Divine Doctor come out yet?" A woman in a lilac-colored dress craned her neck to peer inside, but all she could see were the carvings on the door panel.

Another concubine furrowed her brow and reassured, "Given Master's serious condition, it's expected that Divine Doctor won't come out quickly. Sixth Sister, don't worry."

Sixth Concubine glanced to her left and right, then lowered her voice and asked, "Third Sister, do you think Divine Doctor might harm Master with a needle?"

"What do you mean?" Third Concubine was taken aback.

With a worried expression, Sixth Concubine wrung her handkerchief, saying, "Consider this: Divine Doctor initially had no intention of treating Master, but he yielded to Miss's coercion and came to attend to Master. Now that no one is watching him, what if—"

"Sixth Sister, don't speak nonsense!" Eldest Concubine, who had stood behind Sixth Concubine at some point, sternly reprimanded her upon hearing her increasingly outrageous words.

Sixth Concubine wrung her handkerchief anxiously. "Eldest Sister, I'm just worried."

"If you're worried, you might as well ask Third Miss." Eldest Concubine replied.

Sixth Concubine was so terrified that she didn't even dare to wring her handkerchief again and immediately fell silent. Even with all her guts, she wouldn't dare to ask Third Miss. Miss had punished her to kneel over an abacus when she was just eight years old.

In contrast to the prevailing anxiety among those gathered, Luo Sheng remained notably composed. She sat quietly under a tree in the courtyard, sipping her tea.

"Biaomei, don't worry. Divine Doctor's miraculous hands will surely heal Gufu[1]," Sheng Sanlang reassured Luo Sheng.

Luo Sheng nodded slightly: "I'm not worried." She had done all she could; now, it was a matter of fate. After all, Divine Doctor Li wasn't an actual deity. If the Palace of the Underworld insisted on claiming Commander Luo, there would be no way to prevent it.

Of course, if Divine Doctor Li were to come out and declare that Commander Luo was beyond cure, she would seize the opportunity while sending Divine Doctor Li off to leave this mansion lest she be caught up in an unpredictable fate if this pillar of the family, Commander Luo, were to fall.

Luo Sheng glanced at the people in the courtyard without revealing any emotions. It didn't matter if people thought of her as indifferent or ruthless. If Commander Luo couldn't be saved, she couldn't shoulder the fate of these people. At most, she could look for an opportunity to help Luo Chen, who was far away in Jinsha County.

The thought of that young boy with a tough facade but a soft heart softened Luo Sheng's heart.

All the masters of Luo Mansion had gathered in Commander Luo's courtyard. When the gatekeeper heard that Shiyi came from Kaiyang Wang Palace, he was momentarily stunned before finally inviting Shiyi. He then quickly relayed the news.

"A person from from Kaiyang Wang Palace?" Hongdou rushed over with doubts after receiving the news.

"Wangye ordered me to deliver this," Shiyi politely handed a small wooden box to Hongdou.

Hongdou reached out to accept the wooden box and opened it. She couldn't help but express her surprise, saying, "Didn't my Miss say the debt was settled?"

Shiyi, not fully comprehending Hongdou's statement, responded simply, "My Master instructed me to deliver it. Please accept it."

"I'll accept it. Although my Miss is not short of money, she doesn't mind having more," Hongdou remarked with a smirk. Seeing that Shiyi maintained a serious expression, she couldn't resist rolling her eyes. "Your Master doesn't feel distressed. Why should you be?"

Shiyi was startled. Wasn't this maid a bit too casual with him?

Shiyi had always been a man of few words. Even though he felt Miss Luo's maid was odd, he chose not to dwell on it. He clasped his fists and said, "Farewell."

Hongdou was even more puzzled and mumbled, "The emperor is not worried, but his eunuchs are.[2] It's not your money, so why the long face?"

Shiyi's brows twitched, wanting to tell the young maid that the idiom, the emperor is not worried, but his eunuchs are, was not used this way. But he ultimately chose to stay silent. He cupped his hands and turned to make his way to the door.

"This glutton is a bit strange—" Hongdou mused to herself.

Shiyi abruptly halted in his tracks and turned around, his expression blank. "I'm sorry, but I don't know you, and the 'glutton' you're talking about must be my Third Brother."

He could tolerate anything else but wouldn't bear the reputation of "glutton" for his elder brother. Being called a glutton by a young maid, Third Brother was really something. Was it because the food in the Palace didn't taste good, or perhaps the salary was too meager to dine at restaurants?

It was only after Shiyi had departed that Hongdou came back to her senses. "Third Brother?" she muttered with a pout. Men are truly something. It's only been a short while, and he's already denying that he had previously licked a big bowl of noodles clean enough to use as a mirror.

Back in the courtyard, Hongdou hurried over to Luo Sheng's side and whispered, "Miss, Kaiyang Wang sent you some silver."

Luo Sheng raised her eyebrows. Could it be that her request for the number plate had frightened him into paying the previously waived debt? He really was quite cautious.

"Put it away," Luo Sheng instructed calmly.

Pingli glanced at Luo Sheng, deep in thought. He thought he heard the words "Kaiyang Wang," but he wasn't entirely sure.

The room's door was abruptly pushed open at that moment, and Divine Doctor Li emerged.

The concubines on the veranda surged forward instantly, their questions pouring out urgently: "Divine Doctor, how is Master?"

Encircled by a group of women, Divine Doctor Li's expression instantly darkened.

A slight cough echoed through the air, and the concubines retreated hastily to their original positions with terrified expressions, their movements astonishingly swift.

Approaching, Luo Sheng inquired, "Divine Doctor, how is my father?" All in all, Divine Doctor Li had been inside for about two hours.

"He will be able to wake up in an hour." Divine Divine Doctor Li said lightly.

"Really?" Several voices chimed in at once.

Divine Doctor Li didn't bother to pay them any attention and walked toward the courtyard gate with a stern face.

Pingli respectfully cupped his fists at Divine Doctor Li. "Divine Doctor, please stay."

"Why are you asking me to stay?" Divine Doctor Li questioned impatiently.

"Godfather is gravely injured. Could Divine Doctor please wait until he awakens before departing?" Pingli implored.

Divine Doctor Li furrowed his brow. "Do you doubt what this old man said?"

Pingli hurriedly clarified, "I wouldn't dare to doubt Divine Doctor. It's just that Godfather's condition is quite dire, and he will require careful attention upon awakening—"

Divine Doctor Li interrupted him impatiently, "Any doctor can handle the rest."

Speaking of this, Divine Doctor Li glanced at everyone and finally fixed his eyes on Luo Sheng and warned, "This is a one-time exception. From now on, no one from Luo Mansion will come to this old man's door."

Luo Sheng showed no displeasure on her face and respectfully saluted Divine Doctor Li. "Divine Doctor, take care."

Divine Doctor Li snorted coldly and left without looking back.

"This old man really—" Hongdou began to comment.

"Hongdou, don't be rude," Luo Sheng reprimanded Hongdou, then entered the room.

In the blink of an eye, the room was filled with people anxiously waiting for Commander Luo to regain consciousness. Time passed, and finally, the middle-aged man lying on the bed began to open his eyes.

"You're awake," Luo Sheng was the first to speak.

Following her, Luo Ying and the others chimed in, "Father."

"Godfather, how do you feel?" Pingli and the rest inquired, looking concerned.

All the concubines: "Sob sob… Master is finally awake."

Commander Luo looked around, his mind still foggy from being in a coma for a long time. Finally, his eyes settled on the young and handsome Sheng Sanlang.

[1] Gufu: Paternal aunt’s husband.

[2] The bystanders being more anxious or concerned about a situation than the person directly involved, who may not be as worried.

T/N: Hey there, I want to apologize for the delay in posting Saturday's chapter. Also, I've got some not-so-great news. With school starting up, it's getting tough for me to keep the pace of posting three chapters a week. So, starting next week, I'll be scaling it down to two chapters a week. Thanks so much for your understanding!


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