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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 61-1

 Chapter 61-1: I See

Qisi smiled at Luo Sheng and said, "Third Miss, shall we depart?"

However, Luo Sheng remained rooted to her spot and replied, "I don't need Fourth Brother's company; having Fifth Brother with me is enough."

Yundong glanced at her in surprise, while Qisi appeared somewhat perplexed by her response.

"Wouldn't it be best if both of them accompanied you?" Pingli asked gently.

Luo Sheng glanced at Qisi and said nonchalantly, "Oh, I don't like Fourth Brother's company." She was only going to visit the prison, and Pingli's insistence on having Qisi watch over her had left her feeling quite displeased. Since she felt displeased, she saw no reason not to decline – after all, she was Miss Luo.

Qisi's face contorted briefly, almost revealing the anger simmering within him.

Luo Sheng smiled faintly. If he has the guts to vent his anger, go ahead; if not, he should hold it back.

Qisi managed to maintain his composure and replied tactfully, "Very well, let Fifth Brother accompany Third Miss. I won't be a bother."

Luo Sheng nodded with a smile, "If Fourth Brother had always been this considerate, you wouldn't be a bother."

Qisi: "..." really want to strangle this girl.

"Fifth Brother, let's go." Seeing that Yundong was still dumbfounded, Luo Sheng urged him.

"Uh, okay." Yundong nodded with mixed emotions.

Seeing that Luo Sheng was about to leave, Sheng Sanlang hurriedly asked, "Biaomei, what about me?" Among all the siblings in the Luo Mansion, he only knew Biaomei. Yet, she left him behind earlier when she invited Divine Doctor, and now she was leaving him again, which is too sad.

Pingli looked at Sheng Sanlang with an odd expression. Why did this silly boy give off such a strong aura of a neglected housewife? Pondering this, Pingli shot another glance in Yundong's direction. New favorite? Old favorite? Since Third Miss had lost one male companion, was she now considering one of the two to fill the void?

Luo Sheng offered a comforting smile to Sheng Sanlang, saying, "Biaoge, please take care of Father for me while I'm away. I'll cook something for you when I have the time."

Sheng Sanlang's eyes instantly sparkled with excitement, and he nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at grains, "Biaomei, you don't need to worry about Gufu; I'll take excellent care of him!"

Everyone around was left speechless. Were people from the South this easily satisfied?

Hongdou, with her hands on her hips, couldn't help but sneer. What do these people know? Just wait until they taste Miss's cooking—pah! Why should they get to savor the dishes Miss prepared? It was barely enough for their people.

Accompanied by Yundong, Luo Sheng left the Luo Mansion. As they walked, Yundong couldn't help but speculate about the thoughts of his Godfather's beloved daughter. He found himself somehow fixating on the male companions. He didn't want to dwell on this. Still, it was hard not to, especially after Third Miss had expressed her dislike for Fourth Brother's company yet ordered him to accompany her. In the past, Third Miss had always spoken to him with her chin held high.

"What's on Fifth Brother's mind?" Luo Sheng suddenly turned her head, her chin slightly raised, and looked at him.

Yundong's gaze fell on her delicate white chin, and he felt relieved. "I was thinking that Godfather was able to wake up thanks to Third Miss inviting Divine Doctor."

Luo Sheng pursed her lips and asked, "So, Fifth Brother, can you tell me the real reason why Si Nan assassinated Father?"

Yundong stopped abruptly, taken aback. "What does Third Miss mean by this?"

Luo Sheng continued walking as if nothing unusual had happened, remarking, "It's a simple question, why such a strong reaction?"

Yundong quickened his pace to catch up with her, setting aside his previous thoughts. He even considered reaching out to grab the young girl's shoulder at one point because she was walking so fast. Of course, he didn't dare to do so.

"Third Miss, why do you ask such a question?" he inquired instead.

Luo Sheng tilted her head, a smile playing on her lips. "Because Pingli is clearly trying to coax me." Even though she had just returned, she could already sense the tension between Yundong and Pingli. Yundong was quite different from Qisi, who seemed to follow Pingli willingly.

She was unsure which one, whether Pingli or Yundong, harbored malicious intentions. Alternatively, the assassination attempt on her journey back to the Capital might have had no connection to them at all. But now, she could exploit the discord between the two to extract the information she sought.


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