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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Kaiyang Wang's Greetings Luo Sheng returned to the Luo Mansion and went straight to her room, never stepping outside again. Si Nan had been freed, but it left her feeling burdened. After all, her heart wasn't made of iron. Pingli was furious upon learning that Luo Sheng had killed Si Nan. "Didn't Fifth Brother accompany Third Miss? Why did you allow her to lay her hands on the criminal?" he demanded of Yundong. "Third Miss said that she wanted to speak privately with Si Nan... I'm sorry, Eldest Brother, I didn't anticipate that Third Miss would take such action," Yundong apologized, though his heart harbored no remorse. The man was killed in Jinlin Guards Prison, so the news would remain suppressed unless Pingli chose to disclose it. Pingli might have considered leaking the information if Godfather had not regained consciousness. However, now that Godfather was awake, he didn't think Pingli dared to do so. Pingli obviously also un
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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 63-2

Chapter 63-2: A Favor  Si Nan didn't appear disappointed by Luo Sheng's response; instead, he looked at her with a gentle smile. His smile held no contempt, nor did it carry any allure. It was a smile that couldn't be any purer. "I have a favor to ask," Si Nan said softly, unable to bring himself to address her as "Princess," though he desperately wished she were. "Tell me." Luo Sheng answered. "Kill me." Luo Sheng's hand trembled as she asked, "What did you say?" Si Nan's smile turned even more bitter. "Nearly every torture device in this prison has been used on me, and every moment of my life here is a torment worse than death. If you are willing to help me, then please kill me." Luo Sheng's gaze drifted downward and landed on Si Nan's wrist. Iron shackles tightly bound his wrists, with the bones nearly visible. The colorless clothes on his body were in tatters, and the wounds were fes

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 63-1

Chapter 63-1: A Favor Luo Sheng remained silent and did not answer Si Nan's question. Si Nan's facade of fearlessness finally cracked, and he asked in a trembling voice, "How did you know my childhood name?" Stepping closer, Luo Sheng stood, nearly touching Si Nan's body. She lowered her voice to a whisper, so gentle it felt like a breeze, "A-Li, do you believe in resurrection?" Si Nan's gaze intensified as he focused on Luo Sheng. "I am Princess Qingyang," Luo Sheng declared deliberately, "so I know that your childhood name is A-Li." While she had kept her identity concealed when facing Xiuyue and hadn't revealed it even to Divine Doctor Li, the situation with Si Nan, imprisoned and teetering on the brink of life and death, left her with no alternative but to unveil the truth. With no room for an easy way out, all she could do was speak the truth and take a gamble on whether he would believe her or not. "Do y

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 62-2

Chapter 62-2: A-Li He was the grandson of the second steward of Zhennan Wang Palace, whom her mother had once praised for his striking looks when he was just a young boy. "Unlock the cell. I wish to speak with him," Luo Sheng declared, her cold voice ringing clearly in the dimly lit cell. "This—" the jailer hesitated, glancing at Yundong. "Eldest Brother permitted Third Miss to come here," Yundong said. This facility was under Pingli's jurisdiction, and it would be Pingli's responsibility if anything went wrong. There was no need for him to complicate matters for Third Miss. The jailer silently unlocked the cell door and warned carefully, "Miss, don't get too close to the prisoner." Luo Sheng gave the jailer a brief, dismissive look and bluntly commanded, "Mind your own business. Leave." The jailer hesitated for a moment. Luo Sheng raised an eyebrow. "What's the matter? Are you interested in eavesdropp

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 62-1

 Chapter 62-1: A-Li Luo Sheng thought of Wei Han. If it weren't for the few days they had spent together, during which she had noticed he had a rather hearty appetite, cold, sharp-witted, and dangerous, would have summed up her entire impression of him. It now made sense why the renowned Kaiyang Wang had appeared in the abandoned Zhennan Wang Palace. The Emperor had tasked him to eliminate the remnants of Zhennan Wang Palace. The realization sent a shiver down Luo Sheng's spine. And as she thought of Yundong's earlier remark that there were people that managed to escape from Zhennan Wang Palace, a glimmer of hope flickered within her. Did this mean that, besides Xiuyue and her younger brother, there were others who had escaped Zhennan Wang Palace on that fateful day? Luo Sheng composed herself and asked calmly, "Since Father was in charge of leading the siege on Zhennan Wang Palace, how was it possible for some to slip through and escape?" "Each Palac

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 61-2

 Chapter 61-2: I See "Why did Si Nan assassinate my father?" Luo Sheng repeated her question. Yundong remained silent for a while and then asked, "Why makes you so certain that Eldest Brother is trying to coax you, Third Miss?" Luo Sheng glanced at him, exuding confidence as she responded, "Intuition. Don't you know that women mostly rely on their intuition?" Her claim that Pingli was trying to coax her was nothing more than speculation, but she didn't mind to stretch the truth a bit. Since she was lying, she naturally had to appear confident in her words. Yundong smiled, "Intuition is not evidence and is often inaccurate." Upon his arrival in the Capital, Si Nan's interrogation had been ongoing for some time, and he had acquired some information. However, these details were hardly suitable for a young girl to hear. "It seems that Fifth Brother is also planning to coax me?" Luo Sheng asked calmly. Yundong replied quickly, &q

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 61-1

 Chapter 61-1: I See Qisi smiled at Luo Sheng and said, "Third Miss, shall we depart?" However, Luo Sheng remained rooted to her spot and replied, "I don't need Fourth Brother's company; having Fifth Brother with me is enough." Yundong glanced at her in surprise, while Qisi appeared somewhat perplexed by her response. "Wouldn't it be best if both of them accompanied you?" Pingli asked gently. Luo Sheng glanced at Qisi and said nonchalantly, "Oh, I don't like Fourth Brother's company." She was only going to visit the prison, and Pingli's insistence on having Qisi watch over her had left her feeling quite displeased. Since she felt displeased, she saw no reason not to decline – after all, she was Miss Luo. Qisi's face contorted briefly, almost revealing the anger simmering within him. Luo Sheng smiled faintly. If he has the guts to vent his anger, go ahead; if not, he should hold it back. Qisi managed to ma