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To Hold One's Joy Chapter 58-2

 Chapter 58-2: Debt Settlement The crowd immediately burst into a fervent discussion. "That doesn't add up. Divine Doctor clearly said before that no matter what Luo Family presented, he wouldn't diagnose or treat Commander Luo." "Guess it means that whatever Miss Luo brought is exceptional, and Divine Doctor couldn't resist it." "What could Miss Luo have brought? If we uncover Divine Doctor's preferences, we might not need to worry about seeking his assistance in the future." "Who knows? Unless you ask Miss Luo." "Ask Miss Luo? No way." Nobody wanted to risk offending her. "Hmm—just occurred to me, Miss Luo is unfathomable." "What do you mean?" "Did you forget? Earlier, Miss Luo asked Kaiyang Wang for his queue number plate, and he handed it over without hesitation." One person coughed lightly and lowered his voice, commenting, "This might not be about being unfathoma

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 58-1

 Chapter 58-1: Debt Settlement To those waiting in the courtyard, it felt like quite a while since Luo Sheng had entered. Miss Luo wouldn't beat up Divine Doctor, would she? This suspicion was shared by everyone present. As for the possibility that what Miss Luo brought might have captivated Divine Doctor's interest and thus extended her visit, it was dismissed outright. The anxiety of Luo Ying and her sisters grew more pronounced. Luo Yue stared at the closed door as she clenched her teeth. "Eldest Sister, Second Sister, I'll go in and check on Third Sister!" They couldn't just wait and do nothing. In case Luo Sheng beats up Divine Doctor, at least they could relay the situation to their foster brothers. Recalling how Luo Sheng had adamantly declined their foster brothers' offers to accompany them when they were when they left home, Luo Yue now deeply regretted adhering to Luo Sheng's decision. This time, neither Luo Ying nor Luo Qing stopped Lu

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 57-2

 Chapter 57-2: Divine Doctor's Visit Divine Doctor Li was a person who could be quite unreasonable and a bit lofty at times. Luo Sheng was confident that he wouldn't provide an answer that went against his conscience. This assurance was the very reason she felt sure about seeking Divine Doctor's help as Miss Luo. Divine Doctor Li remained silent for around 5 minutes, then gave a slight nod. "This old man is indeed interested." What interested him was who made this Yangyuan Pill, and this interest can be regarded as an item. Luo Sheng smiled. Just as she expected, Divine Doctor Li hadn't changed. If he were interested, he would admit it straightforwardly. He will not deliberately deny it because she is Commander Luo's daughter. "Then... would you be willing to examine my father?" Divine Doctor Li held his breath, and his gaze affixed to the girl who posed the question. At no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, she possessed an uncommon

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 57-1

 Chapter 57-1: Divine Doctor's Visit The echo of footsteps resonated as an elderly man emerged from behind the screen, causing Luo Sheng's eyelashes to quiver. In comparison to a decade ago, Divine Doctor Li had scarcely changed. His hair remained silver without a hint of other colors, and his eyes shone with more vitality than those of young people. Time seems to have forgotten this old man, leaving his unaltered appearance to evoke a sense of familiarity in Luo Sheng. However, the same couldn't be said for Divine Doctor Li. He stared at the unfamiliar young girl before him with a grim expression and addressed her sternly, "Where's the Yangyuan Pill?" Luo Sheng handed him a small box. Upon opening it and seeing the pills inside, Divine Doctor Li's eyes shrank. He brought the box close to his nose, took a sniff, and his expression soured. "Where did you get this pill?" he asked. Luo Sheng blinked. Her bright eyes showed surprise. "Yo

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 56

 Chapter 56: Turned Away Luo Sheng lifted her chin slightly, gave a soft hum, and gracefully entered Divine Doctor's residence with a poised and indifferent air. At this juncture, Luo Ying and her two sisters remained in disbelief. "Did she really do it?" Luo Yue whispered, her gaze fixed on Luo Sheng's back. Luo Qing's eyes were slightly red, and she nodded vigorously: "Yes, Third Sister did it." As the esteemed Luo Family's young Misses, the three sisters were accustomed to a life of nobility and honor. Never could they have imagined that a day would come when they'd face embarrassment at the hands of a lowly gatekeeper boy in public. Yet, Luo Sheng, the very person they saw as troublesome and haughty, came to their rescue, sparing them from that humiliation. At this moment, a tide of emotions surged within Luo Qing. Luo Sheng glanced back, arching her eyebrow as she asked, "Why are you all still standing there?" The three

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 55-2

  Chapter 55-2: Please Come In The gatekeeper boy's expression changed, and he faltered immediately. At the time, he had merely handed out the number plate to Kaiyang Wang; how could he have paid attention to the number on the plate? After all, the claim that the number was meant solely for the recipient was a pretext he used to deter the Luo Family, not an actual rule. "You can't recall the number on Kaiyang Wang's plate; what about Miss Zhu's?" asked Luo Sheng. "It's—" the gatekeeper stammered, his anxiety evident as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Zhu Hanshuang glanced briefly at her number plate and said, "It's number 18." The gatekeeper boy heaved a sigh of relief, "Yes, it's number 18!" "You clearly have no idea—" Luo Yue couldn't resist interjecting again. This time Luo Sheng didn't have to say anything; Luo Qing stopped Luo Yue and whispered, "Fourth Sister, let's l

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 55-1

 Chapter 55-1: Please Come In The gatekeeper boy stood before Luo Sheng and her sisters with a frigid expression, his hand extended as a barrier, "Ladies, I must request that you stop." Luo Sheng remained calm, void of any hint of anger. "And why is that?" she inquired calmly. The gatekeeper boy motioned toward the number plate in Luo Sheng's hand, a mocking smile curling on his lips, "I noticed something earlier. The number plate in Miss' possession was obtained by someone else." "And?" inquired Luo Sheng. "And thus, Miss is not allowed to enter. The number plate was not obtained from me," the gatekeeper boy resolutely declared. Luo Yue glared at the gatekeeper boy, "You are being a bully!" Her voice was sweet and clear at just fourteen or fifteen years old. Even her scolding failed to intimidate anyone. The gatekeeper boy retorted fearlessly, "I'm but a gatekeeper. Dare not bully Miss. I merely a

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 54-2

 Chapter 54-2: Eager to Help "Is Wangye here seeking medical treatment today?" Luo Sheng asked. Wei Han hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Yes." Luo Sheng asked again: "Is it a matter of great urgency?" "It's not overly urgent." Wei Han responded, prompting a subtle smile from the girl before him. With graceful poise, Luo Sheng bent her knees slightly, "My Father's condition is critical, and time is of the essence. If Wangye's situation isn't pressing, might I request your queue number plate?" Kaiyang Wang must have come here today for medical treatment. Based on their recent interactions, he doesn't seem like someone who idly passes the time. If he hadn't secured a queue number plate, he likely would have left by now. He should be willing to use the number plate to settle his debt. If he was not willing - Luo Sheng frowned slightly. In that case, she wouldn't hesitate to demand the debt paym

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 54-1

 Chapter 54-1: Eager to Help Closer and closer, she came. Approaching each step, the serene girl in plain attire seemed to tread on the edge of Wei Han's heart, causing him to tense up and be highly vigilant. Why did Miss Luo approach him again when he hadn't even uttered a word? Yes, he still owed three thousand five hundred taels of silver. But wasn't she a bit impatient in demanding the debt? Only when the girl stood before him that Wei Han, maintaining his composed demeanor, let go of his final glimmer of hope. It was undeniable—she had come for him! Wei Han could already feel the fervent gazes of the onlookers fixed upon him. It wasn't difficult to envision the intense emotions swirling among the onlookers, nor the degree of his embarrassment when Miss Luo began asking for repayment. While Wei Han wasn't one to care about public opinion, even for someone like him, being asked for debt repayment by a young lady who had publicly teased him was still som

To Hold One's Joy Chapter 53-2

 Chapter 53-2: Settle the Debt Hongdou planted her hands on her hips, a fierce expression on her face: "You gatekeeper, don't get all high and mighty—" A mocking voice interrupted, "I'm not sure who's the haughty one." Luo Ying and her other sisters felt a pang of embarrassment as if they had been slapped in public. "Sister, your maid is truly disgraceful!" Luo Yue stamped her foot in frustration. Luo Sheng said that she was going to invite Divine Doctor Li, and they had all come with her for the sake of their father. However, they hadn't expected Luo Sheng to allow her maid to make a spectacle of herself, achieving nothing. "Simei, don't say that," Luo Ying lightly patted Luo Yue. She, too, felt embarrassed, but even if she had grievances against Luo Sheng, it remained a private matter within the family. In the eyes of outsiders, they were one family; if one suffered, they all suffered, and if one thrived, they all